Richard LaSalle The Amazing Captain Nemo Cave-In! The Time Travelers The Quick Gun The Memory of Eva Ryker 40 karabinów Piranha Adventures of the Queen Why Must I Die Tank Battalion City Beneath the Sea City Beneath the Sea Hands of a Stranger Vice Squad Women Obrońcy Arizony Zasadzka w zatoce The Broken Land The Big Night Hands of a Stranger Alicja już tu nie mieszka Deadly Duo The Flight That Disappeared Adam and Six Eves A Yank in Viet-Nam The Thirsty Dead Flood! Fire! When the Clock Strikes Don't Worry, We'll Think of a Title War Party Boy Who Caught a Crook Trzy oblicza terroru Brenda Starr, Reporter The Sex Serum of Dr. Blake Speed Crazy Diary of a Madman Runaway Girl Powrót na Planetę Małp Daughters of Satan Convict Stage Convict Stage Doctor Death: Seeker of Souls Superbeast Wild Gypsies Hanging by a Thread Incident in an Alley Secret of Deep Harbor Saintly Sinners Strzelby Apaczów The Clown and the Kid The Night the Bridge Fell Down The Swiss Family Robinson