Jack Lemmon Pół żartem, pół serio Garsoniera Gregory Peck: His Own Man Strona tytułowa Chiński Syndrom Debonair Dancers Na skróty Good Neighbor Sam JFK Hamlet Szczęście Harry'ego Czarna magia na Manhattanie Magic Time: A Tribute to Jack Lemmon Magic Time: The Art of Jack Lemmon Inside 'The Apartment' Słodka Irma Gracz The China Syndrome: Creating a Controversy The China Syndrome: A Fusion of Talent It Should Happen to You Za miastem Tato Dziwna para Dwaj Zgryźliwi Tetrycy Wielki wyścig Port lotniczy 1977 Dwunastu gniewnych ludzi Dni wina i róż Zbrodnia nie ukarana Glengarry Glen Ross Dziwna para II Jak zamordować własną żonę Tuesdays with Morrie It Happened to Jane Najlepszy kumpel Maccheroni Operation Mad Ball My Sister Eileen Zaginiony Jeszcze bardziej zgryźliwi tetrycy Under the Yum-Yum Tree Okręt głupców Mister Roberts Save the Tiger The Grass Harp Kowboj Morska przygoda Obywatele Prezydenci The Notorious Landlady Phffft Więzień Drugiej Alei The Life and Legend of Jane Goodall That's Life! Pepe The April Fools Fire Down Below For Richer, for Poorer You Can't Run Away from It On Cukor Inherit the Wind Mass Appeal Hollywood: The Gift of Laughter Happy Birthday, Bob: 50 Stars Salute Your 50 Years with NBC The Long Way Home Portrait d'un homme 'à 60% parfait': Billy Wilder Tribute Alex & the Gypsy The Gentleman Tramp Luv The War Between Men and Women Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend Long Day's Journey Into Night The Legacy of 'Some Like It Hot' The Making of 'Some Like It Hot' The Entertainer Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's Uta Hagen's Acting Class The New March of Dimes Presents: The Scene Stealers A Weekend in the Country Three for the Show Klaus Kinski - Ich bin kein Schauspieler The American Film Institute Presents: TV or Not TV? Sly Always at The Carlyle Nos Bastidores de Hollywood Starz Inside: Ladies or Gentlemen Fred MacMurray: The Guy Next Door Kotch A Life in the Theatre Christmas in Hollywood Puppies for Sale James Cagney: Top of the World Kraft Salutes the George Burns 90th Birthday Special The Lady Takes a Sailor The Earth Day Special Rita Hayworth: Dancing Into the Dream Billy Wilder: The Human Comedy Nazywał się Bagger Vance Harold Lloyd: The Third Genius La polizia ha le mani legate Forever Hollywood Jack Lemmon: America's Everyman And the Oscar Goes To... Once Too Often The One, the Only... Groucho Earth and the American Dream Avanti! Wednesday Nobody's Perfect - The Making of Some Like It Hot Luck, Trust & Ketchup: Robert Altman in Carver Country Shirley Maclaine: Kicking Up Her Heels Walter Matthau: Diamond in the Rough All-Star Party for Burt Reynolds Inside the Dream Factory Musical Comedy Tonight II S Wonderful, 'S Marvelous, 'S Gershwin Beyond JFK: The Question of Conspiracy Johnny Mercer: The Dream's on Me Private Screenings: Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau Jacques Cousteau: The First 75 Years Night of 100 Stars Jack Benny's Bag John G. Avildsen: King of the Underdogs Altman on His Own Terms Kotch Avanti! A Weekend in the Country The War Between Men and Women Warrior: The Life of Leonard Peltier Save the Tiger Simpsonowie Inside the Actors Studio Un film et son époque Studio One Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In Lux Video Theatre The Philco Television Playhouse The Dinah Shore Chevy Show Suspense Robert Montgomery Presents Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theatre The American Film Institute Salute to ... The Steve Allen Show The Hollywood Greats Oscary The Kennedy Center Honors Heaven for Betsy Alcoa Theatre The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson The Mike Douglas Show The Ed Sullivan Show The Murder of Mary Phagan Flick Flack V.I.P. Schaukel Studio One Scene by Scene Great Performances Tony Awards Tony Awards Les Rendez-vous du dimanche Tonight Starring Jack Paar The Dick Cavett Show What's My Line? What's My Line? Parkinson The Max Headroom Show