Tom Brown Judge Priest Abbott i Costello Szeregowcy Wracają do Domu Maytime Anne of Green Gables Fireman Save My Child The Lady Lies Slippy McGee Three-Cornered Moon Hell's Highway W starym Chicago The Payoff Laughter in Hell Central Airport The Famous Ferguson Case The Notorious Mr. Monks Merrily We Live Destination Unknown Navy Blue and Gold The Duke of West Point Screen Snapshots Series 21 No. 1 The Wrongdoers Black Sheep Niagara Falls Duke of Chicago Mary Jane's Pa Sweepstake Annie I'd Give My Life Operation Haylift These Glamour Girls Sierżant York Goodbye Broadway Jim Hanvey, Detective The Witching Hour The Man Who Cried Wolf Youth on Parade Two Alone There's One Born Every Minute This Side of Heaven The Adventures of Smilin' Jack I Killed Wild Bill Hickok Sandy Is a Lady Hello, Sucker Freckles That Man's Here Again Three Sons o' Guns Her Husband Lies The Quiet Gun And Sudden Death Swing That Cheer Oh, Johnny, How You Can Love! Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me! Margie Tom Brown of Culver The Choppers Hello, Annapolis Naked Gun Big Town Czar Manhunt in Space Fast Companions The Storm Ringside Annapolis Farewell Let's Get Tough Sleepytime Gal Ex-Champ Cutter's Trail Rose Bowl Gentle Julia December Bride Mr. Lucky Dragnet Gunsmoke Perry Mason Lassie Mister Roberts Sea Hunt Have Gun, Will Travel Cimarron Strip The High Chaparral Peter Gunn West Point This Is Your Life Schlitz Playhouse of Stars The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre Pete and Gladys The Adventures of Jim Bowie Lock-Up Sugarfoot The Whistler Public Defender Cavalcade of America Official Detective Code 3 The O. Henry Playhouse Hey, Jeannie! Gunsmoke World of Giants