Take a Hit 2022
Sir Malice and Jamal Phoenix continue their exploration from their previous film, Connection First. Sir Malice is a flogger-virtuose and Jamal’s perfect ass is the best receiver.
Sir Malice and Jamal Phoenix continue their exploration from their previous film, Connection First. Sir Malice is a flogger-virtuose and Jamal’s perfect ass is the best receiver.
Jamal Phoenix lets Sir Malice take the lead as he is bound. Having never been suspended, Jamal's anticipation and slight sense of fear are palpable. You never know how the world will feel when you release control. Every tie, every knot, every wrapping of the rope pushes Jamal deeper into submission. Sir Malice expertly weaves a web that supports and Jamal in a nest of security. As the pressure peaks, Jamal's body starts to lift off the ground. Weight, becomes weightless and pain gives way to pleasure.