Gelebt wird später

Gelebt wird später 1987


Christian knows what is important in life. At the age of 19, he knows how to be successful. He feels superior to his best friend, a dreamy music student, but also to his lazy brother. Then he meets Maria, who lives in a shack and makes no secret of her chaotic lifestyle.


Wie im Traum

Wie im Traum 1978


Anna and Ulrike are very different siblings. Anna is almost grown up, has a large circle of friends and gets on well with everything in life. Ulrike, a few years younger, is quite the opposite. She lives in a world of pipe dreams, can't fit in anywhere well and Anna is the victim of her countless fantasy fairy tales.


Things Life Offers

Things Life Offers 1983


Ernst, 17, tells his American pen-friend about his worries. He is to leave school soon and will have to decide what he to do, a difficult task. An unfortunate incident is not inoppurtune.