Zigzag Animation
The Sleepy Revolution 2009
In the eighteenth century the mystical midnight hour disappeared and the modern night was born. We now aim to keep sleep at an efficient minimum, but experiments show that we quickly return to the old sleep pattern if given the opportunity. So what is the 'natural' way to sleep?
Astons Stone 2007
The little puppy Aston finds a lonely a cold stone in the forrest a decides to bring it home a care for it. Based on the childrens bokk with the same name.
Astons presenter 2012
Radicalized 2006
An animated interview with a woman on sick leave.
Apricots 1996
"Apricots" (Aprikoser) is an animated children film about a boy that spends the day at the seaside with his uncle. During the adventurous games he learns the power of nature.