The Life of Charles Peace 1905
The story of Charles Peace, one of Britain's most notorious criminals. Peace was an expert in cat burglary. The film reconstructs Peace's real-life leap from a train on his way to trial for the murder of Arthur Dyson.
The story of Charles Peace, one of Britain's most notorious criminals. Peace was an expert in cat burglary. The film reconstructs Peace's real-life leap from a train on his way to trial for the murder of Arthur Dyson.
Three hunters surprise two poachers in the act. The hunters take umbrage and give chase over fences and through fields. The hunters fire away, but the poachers have guns as well, and a fight ensues with casualties for the hunters. Two cops appear and so do dogs as the chase continues. Will the poachers escape, or will they, like the game they were after, be trapped?
James Haggar steals a sheep and is chased by the shepherds and the police.
A lawyer tries to drown a thatcher to prevent his marriage to an heiress.
Boy swimmers upset a bench and throw lovers into a stream.
A mechanic avenges his wronged wife by strangling the guilty officer.
A drunken clubman sees visions and reforms.
A prefect is converted to Christianity and dies in the arena with his lover.