O Segredo de Terabítia

O Segredo de Terabítia 2007


Fartos de serem intimidados na escola e negligenciados em casa, Jess Aarons e Leslie Burke fogem para a floresta onde Leslie abre a mente de Jess para o incrível reino de Terabítia. É uma terra secreta onde reinam entre gigantes, ogres e outras criaturas fantásticas que criam. À medida que a sua imaginação aumenta e a sua amizade se aprofunda, eles descobrem como governar o seu próprio reino, lutar contra as forças das trevas e mudar as suas vidas para sempre.


A Promessa

A Promessa 2001


Jerry Back é um honrado detetive que, no dia da sua reforma, promete a uma mãe angustiada fazer tudo para encontrar o responsável pelo assassinato e violação de uma criança. Assim que o primeiro suspeito é capturado e confessa, Jerry desconfia que talvez não seja o verdadeiro culpado e decide investigar por conta própria. Entre o desejo de continuar a trabalhar e a responsabilidade da última tarefa honrada, Jerry vai comprometer o resto dos seus dias para cumprir a sua palavra.


Não Te Preocupes, Não Irá Longe a Pé

Não Te Preocupes, Não Irá Longe a Pé 2018


Quando o desleixado John Callahan (Joaquin Phoenix) quase perde a vida num acidente de automóvel, a última coisa que ele pretende fazer é deixar de beber. Mas quando relutantemente entra num tratamento – com o encorajamento da namorada (Rooney Mara) e um carismático padrinho (Jonah Hill) – Callahan descobre que tem jeito para desajeitados e irreverentes cartoons e estes seus desenhos para um jornal começam a dar-lhe destaque internacional e um novo propósito na vida. Baseado numa história verídica, este drama comovente, perspicaz e muitas vezes divertido sobre o poder curativo da arte é adaptado da autobiografia de Callahan e realizado por Gus Van Sant (duas vezes nomeado para o Óscar de Melhor Realização – “O Bom Rebelde” e “Milk”). O filme conta ainda com Jack Black, Carrie Brownstein, Beth Ditto e Kim Gordon nos principais papéis.



Zoom 2015



Estúdio Ghibli, Reino dos Sonhos e da Loucura

Estúdio Ghibli, Reino dos Sonhos e da Loucura 2013


Situado num dos subúrbios de Tóquio, o Estúdio Ghibli parece um modesto edifício de escritórios. Mas por detrás das suas portas trabalham diariamente alguns dos maiores talentos criativos do cinema de animação japonês. São as mentes por detrás de filmes como A Viagem de Chihiro, O Meu Amigo Totoro, A Princesa Mononoke e Ponyo: Uma Amizade que Veio do Mar. Este documentário leva-nos ao interior do estúdio, seguindo de perto o trabalho do produtor Toshio Suzuki e dos mestres Hayao Miyazaki e Isao Takahata. Durante as filmagens, Hayao Miyazaki trabalha no seu filme Vidas ao Vento e Isao Takahata em O Conto da Princesa Kaguya.



Pictionary 2022


Based on the Mattel's party game, two teams of three players will compete against each other, trying to guess the correct word or phrase represented by the drawings of their fellow teammates.


The Emergence of First Love

The Emergence of First Love 2019


Hua Xixi is a manhua-loving girl with a quirky imagination and an interest in drawing. Huo Ziang is a gifted soccer player who missed out on his dreams because of an injury. The two had an immediate dislike for each other when they first met, but their relationship blossomed through the process of chasing their dreams. In encouraging Huo Ziang, Hua Xixi also helped patch up the misunderstandings between Huo Ziang and his friend Sun Xiujie. Getting caught in a love triangle, the three fall into a dilemma of friendship and love



Louie 2006


Have you ever dreamed of exploring an island or travelling to the moon? Do you yearn to race cars or talk to a friendly bear? No problem! Everything is possible with Louie! With his help and Yoko’s, you’ll learn how to draw while having fun!


Cartoon Hell

Cartoon Hell 2018


Drawfee's Caldwell Tanner and Nathan Yaffe must spend eternity in Hell unless they make killer cartoons from viewers' suggestions.


16bit Sensation: Another Layer

16bit Sensation: Another Layer 2023


Konoha Akisato is an illustrator that loves beautiful girls and bishojo games. Her dream is to become a super-popular illustrator, so she is working hard at a bishojo game production company, but reality isn't that kind... With the golden age of social network games in full force, Konoha's company isn't doing well, and she works as a sub illustrator, spending her days painting the backs of random background characters. One day, the owner of a game shop gives her a classic bishojo game. With all her excitement over the golden age of bishojo games, she opens the package to "Dokyusei," and is enveloped by a bright light. Konoha then realizes that she just traveled back in time! She ends up in the year 1992! It's the dawn of the bishojo game era! Konoha ends up working at a company called Alcohol Soft. Will she be able to think about, draw, and create all the beautiful girls she’s ever wanted?! A story about a girl and her overwhelming love for beautiful girls—"Now, let's begin!"



Drawtectives 2019


The show where we solve a mystery with even dumber drawings!



MARS 2016


The story revolves around Kira and Rei, two high school students. Kira is an extremely introverted artist, and Rei is an outgoing playboy with a frightening violent side. The two start a friendship and eventually a romance after Rei sees a drawing that Kira drew on the back of a map she gave him. However, both Kira and Rei are hiding troubled pasts, and through their relationship they confront their past demons. Masao, a student at Kira and Rei's school, has a connection to Rei's violent past. He enters Kira and Rei's lives to try to force Rei to return to the person he used to be.


IRODUKU: The World in Colors

IRODUKU: The World in Colors 2018


Set in the city of Nagasaki, the story takes place in a world where a miniscule amount of magic remains in everyday life. Hitomi Tsukishiro is a 17-year-old descendant of a witch family who grew up with stale emotions, as she lost her sense of color at a very young age. Feeling sorry for her granddaughter's future, Kohaku, a great witch, sends Hitomi to past, the year 2018. Through exchanges with her 17-year-old grandmother and her club members, the story follows Hitomi's growth as a person.


Sketchbook ~full color's~

Sketchbook ~full color's~ 2007


No matter where she goes, Sora takes her sketchbook along. The world is full of mysterious and beautiful things, after all, and Sora doesn't want to miss a single one. The best way she knows to capture each moment is by drawing and sketching, watching and learning.


The Cosmos of Artists

The Cosmos of Artists 2022


Led by five celebrity curators, 60 up-and-coming painters from different genres compete in six rounds, in a bid for the opportunity of having a solo exhibition at a top-tier art center.



Sketchbook 2022


An intimate instructional documentary series, that takes us onto the desks and into the lives of talented artists and animators. Each episode focuses on a single artist teaching us how to draw a single iconic character from a Walt Disney Animation Studios film.



JoNaLu 2010


JoNaLu is a German animated television series for young children. The main characters are a male mouse called Jojo, a female mouse called Naya and a ladybug called Ludwig.


Comic Bros

Comic Bros 2023


Korean webtoon writers Lee Mal-nyeon and Ju Ho-min play a picture quiz with street citizens.


Penny Crayon

Penny Crayon 1989


Artful Penny could indeed draw anything she wanted with her magic crayon and it would spring into life. A fantastically useful toy to have. Only her best friend friend Dennis knew her secret so the two had acres of fun winding up adults, nosey-parkers, bullies, bad guys, teachers and ne'er-do-wells with her creations, or solving problems for folk, or sketching their way out of tricky situations. Penny would scribble away, her arm becoming a blurr as she worked and then - hey presto! - her line drawing would leap off the drawing surface as a fully-formed 3D object.



Doodles 1970


Doodles is a multiplatform, interactive, animated comedy series that takes real people's drawing and turns them into hilarious animated micro movies featuring a cast of coloured-in characters surrounded by insanity.