Amor em Jogo

Amor em Jogo 2005


Ben (Jimmy Fallon) é um fã obcecado pelo time de baseball Boston Red Sox. Devido a palestra dada aos alunos da turma para a qual dá aula, Ben conhece Lindsey Meeks (Drew Barrymore), por quem se apaixona de imediato. O relacionamento entre eles segue muito bem, até que Lindsey percebe que sempre fica em segundo plano em relação ao time que Ben tanto adora.


The Boston Red Sox: Essential Games of Fenway Park

The Boston Red Sox: Essential Games of Fenway Park 1967


Since its opening on April 20, 1912, generations upon generations of fans have flocked to this baseball sanctuary to experience the magic of Fenway Park, and the essence of baseball. From its renowned Green Monster, single-level seating, and hand-operated scoreboard, to its neighborhood setting, and timeline of history-making moments, Fenway Park is unique, beloved and bedazzling. Fenway Park speaks Boston. Fenway Park glows with baseball. Essential Games of Fenway Park spans five decades of promise, heart-ache, jubilation, and Boston baseball, and salutes the legends that defined these moments which are etched in Red Sox history. Each game of this treasured set was selected by the Red Sox Nation® itself, and the six remarkable games in this set are nothing short of spectacular.


The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox

The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox 2024


This definitive docuseries chronicles the Red Sox's journey to their first World Series title in 86 years via interviews with star players and personnel.