Palavra-chave Jacobite Rebellion
Kidnapped 1938
Kidnapped 1995
Culloden 1964
O Rebelde Aventureiro 1953
Em 1745, enquanto a Escócia se levanta em rebelião para apoiar o último herdeiro da realeza escocesa caída em desgraça, dois irmãos, de uma pequena família nobre, decidem o que fazer: o mais velho e herdeiro da família, James, apoia os revoltosos, ao passo que Henry, o mais novo, irá manter-se do lado do rei inglês. Vença quem vencer, a família estará protegida. Acontece que, em meio à derrota da revolta patriota, James fica certo de que o seu irmão o traiu e deseja ver morto, revelando aos ingleses onde estava escondido. É o começo de uma grande aventura que irá levá-lo até às Caraíbas, antes do reencontro dos irmãos para o derradeiro acerto de contas.
Chasing the Deer 1994
The Young Jacobites 1960
A History of Britain 2000
Stretching from the Stone Age to the year 2000, Simon Schama's Complete History of Britain does not pretend to be a definitive chronicle of the turbulent events which buffeted and shaped the British Isles. What Schama does do, however, is tell the story in vivid and gripping narrative terms, free of the fustiness of traditional academe, personalising key historical events by examining the major characters at the centre of them. Not all historians would approve of the history depicted here as shaped principally by the actions of great men and women rather than by more abstract developments, but Schama's way of telling it is a good deal more enthralling as a result. Schama successfully gives lie to the idea that the history of Britain has been moderate and temperate, passing down the generations as stately as a galleon, taking on board sensible ideas but steering clear of sillier, revolutionary ones. Nonsense. Schama retells British history the way it was--as bloody, convulsive, precarious, hot-blooded and several times within an inch of haring off onto an entirely different course. Schama seems almost to delight in the goriness of history. Themes returned to repeatedly include the wars between the Scots and the Irish and the Catholic/Protestant conflicts--only the Irish question remains unresolved by the new millennium. As Britain becomes a constitutional monarchy, Schama talks less of Kings and Queens but of poets and idea-makers like Orwell. Still, with his pungent, direct manner and against an evocative visual and aural backdrop, Schama makes history seem as though it happened yesterday, the bloodstains not yet dry.