O Expatriado

O Expatriado 2012


Ben Logan, ex-agente da CIA, muda-se para a Bélgica juntamente com Amy, a sua filha adolescente. Tudo parece correr bem até ao dia em que, chegado ao escritório da empresa onde trabalha, o encontra completamente vazio. É então que percebe que está a ser perseguido pela própria agência que, após ter eliminado todos os indícios da sua existência passada, o tenciona matar. Perante a evidência de que está diante de uma conspiração que vai muito além da sua compreensão, Logan vai ter de lutar contra o desconhecido para poder salvar Amy e a si próprio.


Center of the Universe

Center of the Universe 2004


Center of the Universe is a television series on CBS, which ran from October 27, 2004, until January 19, 2005. The sitcom was canceled after just 10 episodes aired. It was set in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma. John Goodman starred as John Barnett, a good-natured and successful operator of a security company. The series involved the dependency of his entire family on John for everything -- money, jobs, housing, and personal guidance in every decision. Tagline: "The world doesn't revolve around John...but his family does." A total of 15 episodes were produced.


Blue Moon

Blue Moon 2016


Justine Laurier, an ex-Canadian soldier, just inherited her father's shares of Blue Moon, a security company that carries out sensitive operations for the Canadian government. While Justine discovers what Blue Moon is all about, she receives troubling information regarding the death of her father. Alone, she must find the truth in a universe of lies.