Indiana Jones e a Grande Cruzada

Indiana Jones e a Grande Cruzada 1989


Quando o seu pai, o professor Henry Jones, é raptado por nazis, o arqueólogo Indiana Jones embarca na perigosa missão de tentar encontrar o lendário Santo Graal, o cálice que Jesus teria usado na Última Ceia.


Secrets of the Lost Ark

Secrets of the Lost Ark 2021


For centuries, explorers have searched for the Bible’s most sacred religious artefacts. One of the most mysterious of these objects is the famed Ark of the Covenant. The gold-plated wooden chest – one of the most instrumental symbols of faith and God's presence – was believed to house the two tablets bearing the Ten Commandments. The Ark’s exact whereabouts has long puzzled scholars. Where did it go? And why has it remained such a mystery?