Bill Roberts Fantasia Classicos de Encantar: Mickey e o Pé de Feijão Reason and Emotion Bugs in Love Society Dog Show Donald and Pluto Brave Little Tailor Old King Cole King Neptune The Robber Kitten The Cold-blooded Penguin Mickey's Parrot Clock Cleaners Babes in the Woods Father Noah's Ark Mickey's Mellerdrammer Gulliver Mickey The Dognapper Mickey Plays Papa The Grasshopper and the Ants O Super Lobo Mau Lake Titicaca Os Três Lobinhos Pluto's Judgement Day Who Killed Cock Robin? Mickey's Polo Team Alpine Climbers Mother Pluto Branca de Neve e Os Sete Anões A Caixinha de Surpresas Dumbo Pinóquio Olá, Amigos Batalha de Gigantes The Amazon Awakens The ABC of Hand Tools Mickey's Family Album Bambi A World Is Born The Flying Gauchito Man Is His Own Worst Enemy