Kevin Michael Murphy Agentes Secundários April in August A Garota Que Inventou o Beijo Stretch Marks Below the Line Before You Memories of a Breakup Hooknasty Bevoldi Bevoldi Todos os Santos de Newark Suburbicon Staging Anna Staging Anna Staging Anna Staging Anna Staging Anna West Side Story April in August April in August April in August April in August A Complete Unknown Jogo do Dinheiro Decisão de Risco O Babá(ca) O Fantástico Homem-Aranha 2: O Poder de Electro O Irlandês Os 7 de Chicago Joker Echo Valley Honey Don't! Beyond the Rush Below the Line Below the Line Below the Line Before You Before You Before You Before You Memories of a Breakup Memories of a Breakup Memories of a Breakup Memories of a Breakup Modern Voyeur Modern Voyeur Modern Voyeur Modern Voyeur East Side 35 East Side 35 East Side 35 East Side 35 East Side 35 Bevoldi Bevoldi Two Degrees Two Degrees Two Degrees Two Degrees Danger! Moss Ranger Danger! Moss Ranger Danger! Moss Ranger Danger! Moss Ranger Danger! Moss Ranger Prick Prick 99¢ Dreams Blue Bloods Sob Suspeita Sinfonia Insana Almost Family Gotham Gotham Gotham Gotham Gotham Gotham