Greg Mottola Celebridades This Is Comedy Hollywood Ending Super Baldas Adventureland Adventureland Paul The Daytrippers The Daytrippers Apagar Histórico Confess, Fletch Vizinhos Espiões Confess, Fletch Swingin' in the Painter's Room Swingin' in the Painter's Room Swingin' in the Painter's Room The Big Wide World of Carl Laemke The Hatbox The Hatbox The Hatbox Confess, Fletch Scott Pilgrim Contra o Mundo Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared Undeclared