Angus MacInnes Star Wars: Episódio IV - Uma Nova Esperança Outland - Atmosfera Zero Minha Vida na Outra Vida Will There Really Be a Morning? Atlantic City O vôo da fúria A Testemunha Cerveja Maluca Dália Negra Rollerball - Os Gladiadores do Futuro The Wreck on the Highway Bedroom Eyes Os Comandos de Navarone The Sender Loose Ends If You Could See What I Hear Cougar Dirty Tricks Nothing Personal Capitão Phillips De Olhos Bem Fechados Half Moon Street Spies, Inc. Rhythm & Blues Enigma Elstree 1976 First Run: The Evolution Of Silent Running's Screenplay Spasms Sleepers Fórmula 51 Superman II Hellraiser II - Renascido das Trevas Rogue One: Uma História de Star Wars Camisa de Força Hellboy Honor Bound Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault A Lei de Dredd Amen. Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut High Plains Invaders I Am the Architect 84 Charing Cross Road Inimigos da Liberdade The Krays Das Rattennest Uprooted - The Olympic Tribe Between the Lines Space Island One Lovejoy Vikings Howards' Way The Ruth Rendell Mysteries Roughnecks The New Statesman Espaço: 1999 The Play on One