Stephen McKeon A Cauda do Tigre My Name Is Emily Upsss! Lá Se Foi a Arca... Norm - O Herói do Ártico Separation Anxiety Menú degustació Three Wise Women Savage Apocalypse Clown Falling for a Dancer Random Passage Carnivale The Boy from Mercury Absolvição Nuclear Onde Nasce o Amor The Old Curiosity Shop Footprints in the Snow Sweety Barrett Evil Dead Rise - O Despertar Further Beyond A Peregrinação A Secret Affair Hattie Pela Rainha Summer Gift of the Magi The American Niko e o Pequeno Traquinas The Nation Holds Its Breath The Hole in the Ground Chrono-Perambulator Blind Flight Niko Na Terra do Pai Natal Rose Plays Julie The Cellar Vicious Circle The Damned Borstal Boy