Tom Richmond Killing Zoe A Casa dos 1000 Cadáveres Capítulo 27 - O Assassinato de John Lennon Straight to Hell Nick and Norah Playlist Infinita Um Amor e uma 45 All About Evil Toque de Recolher My Art All That I Am Palindromes Homage Curious: The Velvet Underground in Europe Prey for Rock & Roll A Birder's Guide to Everything O Detective Cantor Roadside Prophets Should've Been Romeo Hardbodies Hardbodies 2 Little Boxes Monstro Mr. Stitch Fuga para Odessa Phone First Love, Last Rites Amor Maior que a Vida Eric Clapton: Sessions for Robert J Hardball - O Jogo da Vida The Thought Leader A Era Perfeita do Rock'n'roll Nightmare on the 13th Floor I'm with Lucy I'm Gonna Git You Sucka Inland Empire Running Hot Chopping Mall Mother Night Um Tira à Beira da Neurose Scene Missing Filhos da Máfia The Château Questão de Sensibilidade The Chocolate War Slums of Beverly Hills Stand Alone Amityville 4 - O Diabo Em Fuga Stand and Deliver Chelsea Walls Hard Rock Zombies O Ex-Namorado da Minha Mulher Pastime Ryuichi Sakamoto: async at the Park Avenue Armory Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda The Knife: Shaking the Habitual The Show Live at Terminal 5 A Midnight Clear Night Shift Quit