Lynne Ramsay I Am Weekender Chambre 999 Bill Douglas: My Best Friend Cannes Uncut Ratcatcher Ratcatcher O Romance de Morvern Callar O Romance de Morvern Callar Small Deaths Gasman Kill the Day Small Deaths Gasman Kill the Day Precisamos Falar Sobre o Kevin Precisamos Falar Sobre o Kevin Polaris Polaris Swimmer Stone Mattress Swimmer Die, My Love Cinema16: British Short Films Magic Cottage Precisamos Falar Sobre o Kevin Nunca Estiveste Aqui Nunca Estiveste Aqui Nunca Estiveste Aqui Cinema 16: European Short Films (U.S. Edition) Small Deaths Die, My Love Brigitte Stone Mattress The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon