
Кирара 2020


Имаи Кирара скоро станет Асай Кирарой, ведь сегодня она выходит замуж за своего парня, с которым она встречалась целых восемь лет. Но случилось страшное. По пути на церемонию бракосочетания Кирара попадает а автокатастрофу и погибает. Молодая невеста становится приведением и чудесным образом переносится на восемь лет назад, в квартиру к своему будущему жениху Компею, который ещё ни о чём не подозревает и встречается с её подругой. Так всё и начинается.


Хвост Феи: Плач дракона

Хвост Феи: Плач дракона 2017


Заш Каин крадет Плач дракона и бежит в маленькое островное государство — Стеллу. Опасаясь, что могущественный артефакт оказался не в тех руках, Фиоре отправляет за посохом Хвост феи, однако миссия оказывается куда страшнее и опаснее, ведь в самом сердце Стеллы сокрыта ужасная тайна.


Истории ран. Часть 3: Холодная кровь

Истории ран. Часть 3: Холодная кровь 2017


Заключительная часть из серии полнометражных фильмов «Истории ран». После боев с тремя специалистами (Dramaturgie, Episode, Guillotinecutter) Арараги получил все части тела Киссшот и готов их ей вернуть, чтобы снова стать человеком. Но остается много вопросов: как Киссшот сделает его человеком? Как трое специалистов победили Киссшот на пике ее силы? Зачем на самом деле приехал Мэмэ Осино? И как в итоге продолжатся отношения Арараги и Ханэкавы?


Истории ран. Часть 1: Железная кровь

Истории ран. Часть 1: Железная кровь 2016


25 марта, в последний день учебного года Арараги Коеми, как и большинство других абсолютно нормальных студентов, с нетерпением ждал начала беззаботных весенних каникул, когда его одноклассница, Ханекава Цубаса, рассказала ему, что по слухам в городе появился вампир. А уже вечером на безлюдной станции подземки Коеми обнаруживает израненную женщину, которая полностью соответствует описанию Ханекавы: удивительно красивая блондинка с ледяным взглядом. Эта судьбоносная встреча означала для нашего героя только одно, что его каникулы будут какими угодно, но только не беззаботными, ведь парень столкнулся с самой могущественной из всех чудовищ. Легендарный вампир, живущая уже сотни лет, Кисс-шот Ацерола-орион Харт-андер-блейд, выдернет Коеми из его привычного мира и окунет его в мир духов, призраков и проклятий.


Хвост Феи: Жрица Феникса

Хвост Феи: Жрица Феникса 2012


Согласно легендам, в Деревне Огня, которая расположена в горах Фиоре, хранится реликвия, известная как Камень Феникса. Говорят, что теперь камень охраняет загадочная женщина по имени Эклер, которая бродит с ним по земле и не помнит, почему он был оставлен ей на хранение. Члены гильдии волшебников «Хвост Феи» предлагают Эклер помочь раскрыть тайну реликвии, но в разгар путешествия неизвестные нападают на хранительницу и забирают камень. Эклер и «Хвост Феи» отправляются на поиски пропажи, ведь Камень Феникса обладает мощной магической силой, что может привести к катастрофе, а мир окажется на грани гибели.


Истории ран. Часть 2: Горячая кровь

Истории ран. Часть 2: Горячая кровь 2016


25 марта, в последний день учебного года Арараги Коеми, как и большинство других абсолютно нормальных студентов, с нетерпением ждал начала беззаботных весенних каникул, когда его одноклассница, Ханекава Цубаса, рассказала ему, что по слухам в городе появился вампир. А уже вечером на безлюдной станции подземки Коеми обнаруживает израненную женщину, которая полностью соответствует описанию Ханекавы: удивительно красивая блондинка с ледяным взглядом. Эта судьбоносная встреча означала для нашего героя только одно, что его каникулы будут какими угодно, но только не беззаботными, ведь парень столкнулся с самой могущественной из всех чудовищ. Легендарный вампир, живущая уже сотни лет, Кисс-шот Ацерола-орион Харт-андер-блейд, выдернет Коеми из его привычного мира и окунет его в мир духов, призраков и проклятий.


Остров насекомых-гигантов

Остров насекомых-гигантов 2020


После крушения самолета во время школьной поездки Орибэ Митсуми и ее одноклассники попали на, казалось бы, необитаемый остров. Митсуми нашла выживших и использовала свои навыки ориентирования на местности, чтобы им помочь. Она ждет, что их спасут в течение трех дней, которые можно и перетерпеть. Однако, она не учла тот факт, что остров населен гигантскими насекомыми-убийцами. Может, единственное, что может помочь выжить ей и ее одноклассникам, это ее знания о бабочках, осах и других насекомых.


Рандеву с Жизнью: Приговор Маюри

Рандеву с Жизнью: Приговор Маюри 2015


Все живут мирной жизнью до поры до времени...пока над городом не появляется невидимая сфера, которую видит лишь Шидо. Это сфера является скоплением всех противоречивых чувств духов, которые запечатал Шидо и одному богу известно, что случится если эта сфера взорвется. Итак, новое свидание начинается.


В классе до утра!

В классе до утра! 2012


История вращается вокруг Юки Кагами, который поступает в академию своей мечты. По ошибке его поселяют в женское общежитие. Теперь ему приходится одеваться, как девушка, и делить комнату с учительницей, которая за ним присматривает. Потому что если парня раскроют, то выгонят из академии.


Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 2021


A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.


High School D×D

High School D×D 2012


High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!


Urusei Yatsura

Urusei Yatsura 2022


Tokyo, Tomobiki Town. Lum, the gorgeous princess of the invading alien race of Oni is smitten with high school student Ataru Moroboshi. A dedicated womanizer, Ataru is unfazed by Lum’s fierce electric shock attacks and continues his daily hunt for pretty girls. With a host of other unique characters, including girl-next-door Shinobu, elegant shrine maiden Sakura, Lum’s best friends Oyuki, Benten, and Ran, Buddhist Monk Cherry, Ten, the little brat, heir to a wealthy family Shutaro Mendo and the masculine beauty Ryunosuke…it's a classic slapstick love comedy where anything goes!


Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple

Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple 2006


Yeah, Kenichi’s a total wimp. He’s always getting picked on and doesn’t have a lot of friends to stick up for him. The guy needs motivation if he hopes to graduate in one piece. Well, Miu’s the perfect motivation. She’s hot, she accepts him, and she just so happens to live at a dojo with six martial arts masters. You could say fate has led Kenichi to their door, or you could say he was just following the hottie. Either way, he’s about to get whipped into serious shape. If he can survive some hard-core training, he might survive another day at school. He might even score with Miu. Yeah, you could call Kenichi a wimp. But let’s go with underdog instead.


Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma 2015


Yukihira Souma's dream is to become a full-time chef in his father's restaurant and surpass his father's culinary skill. But just as Yukihira graduates from middle schools his father, Yukihira Jouichirou, closes down the restaurant to travel and cook around the world. Although downtrodden, Souma's fighting spirit is rekindled by a challenge from Jouichirou which is to survive in an elite culinary school where only 10% of the students graduate. Can Souma survive?


Adam's Sweet Agony

Adam's Sweet Agony 2024


This is the story of a boy, who became the lone Adam among four billion Eves. In a world where a pandemic has rendered all men impotent, high school student Itsuki is the exception who escaped it. In order to protect this secret, he transfers to a very special high school, which turns out to be composed of 90% girls! There, he encounters an upbeat and friendly senior, a sexually frustrated female teacher, a tomboyish school 'prince,' and an heiress from a wealthy family. For Itsuki, who has his pick of any woman in the world, the question remains: which one will he choose?


Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail 2009


Lucy is a 17-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isn't just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the world's most infamous mage guilds: Fairy Tail.


Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!

Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! 2020


Shinichi Sakurai’s one wish is for a little peace and quiet. But Hana Uzaki — his boisterous, well-endowed underclassman — has other plans. All she wants is to hang out and poke fun at him. With the help of her chipper charm and peppy persistence, this might just be the start of a beautiful relationship!


Is This a Zombie?

Is This a Zombie? 2011


Some guys have no luck; he’s got no pulse. That’s life for poor unfortunate, undead Ayumu. First, he was murdered by a serial killer. Total bummer. Then he was resurrected as a zombie by a cute little Necromancer. That seemed pretty cool until she moved into his house, refused to speak, and forced his rotting carcass to do all the cooking. After that, a magical girl in a pretty pink dress used her matching chainsaw to chop his corpse in half. Luckily, the Necromancer’s powers of resurrection trumped those of the chainsaw chick, so instead of dying (again), Ayumu became the world’s first magical girl zombie. There’s also a voluptuous vampire ninja who thinks zombie boy’s a pervert – and a hideous crayfish demon who wants to devour him. Confused? All you gotta know is this: zombies, frilly dresses, demons, and moe chainsaws. Pink. It’s the new dead.


Queen's Blade

Queen's Blade 2009


Every few years, beautiful female warriors from across the land compete in the Queen's Blade Tournament to become the ruler of the land. It's a series that loves violence as much as it hates clothes and complicated plots.


Infinite Stratos

Infinite Stratos 2011


Girls from all over the world gather at IS Academy to learn how to become IS pilots. However, since Ichika can somehow pilot the IS even though he is male, he was forced to attend IS Academy as the only male in this school.


Senran Kagura: Ninja Flash

Senran Kagura: Ninja Flash 2013


The Hanzo Academy is a prestigious prep school with a secret known only to a select few. Behind its walls is a training course for shinobi; trained spies and assassins that centuries ago had served the shoguns for their political and military needs. Today the tradition continues with five young female trainees with diverse personalities: the care-free Asuka, fierce yet perverted Katsuragi, the sweet and innocent Hibari, stoic and protective Yagyuu, and their mature, class representative, Ikaruga.


The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins 2014


The “Seven Deadly Sins”—a group of evil knights who conspired to overthrow the kingdom of Britannia—were said to have been eradicated by the Holy Knights, although some claim that they still live. Ten years later, the Holy Knights have staged a Coup d'état and assassinated the king, becoming the new, tyrannical rulers of the kingdom. Elizabeth, the king's only daughter, sets out on a journey to find the “Seven Deadly Sins,” and to enlist their help in taking back the kingdom.


Maken-Ki! Battling Venus

Maken-Ki! Battling Venus 2011


This romantic comedy is about Takeru Ohyama, a typical perverted teenage boy. His new school doesn't require entrance exams, and it just turned co-ed! Unfortunately, his dreams of a happy high school life are dashed when he finds out the school is much more than it seems. All of the students wield a special item—a Maken—to unleash their magical abilities in duels! Can Takeru find a Maken that works for him? Even while trying to fit in at a new school and dealing with all kinds of girl problems?


Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt 2010


Panty and Stocking are nasty angels who were banished from the pearly gates for being foul-mouthed bad girls! Now they spend their days hunting ghosts in the lecherous abyss between Heaven and Earth. Panty likes sex, Stocking likes sweets, and their afro-sporting main man Garterbelt has a fetish we can't mention.



Overflow 2020


Male college student Kazushi Sudou and his childhood friends, the Shirakawa sisters, end up bathing together.



Sekirei 2008


Struggling yet brilliant, 19-year-old Minato Sahashi has failed his college entrance exams for the second time, resulting in him being regarded as worthless by those around him. However, the course of his seemingly bleak future is altered dramatically when a beautiful, supernatural woman falls from the sky and into his life. That woman, Musubi, is a "Sekirei," an extraterrestrial with extraordinary abilities. Recognizing the potential of the Ashikabi gene within Minato, Musubi kisses him, initiating a bond between the two of them. This drags him into the high-stakes world of the Sekirei, where he and his new partner must compete against others in a battle for survival called the "Sekirei Plan." However, unbeknownst to the contestants, there is far more at risk that what the competition initially entailed. Manga series by Sakurako Gokurakuin.


Please Put Them On, Takamine-san

Please Put Them On, Takamine-san 2025


The student council president, Takane Takamine, is a beauty beyond compare, and she would normally never associate with a friendless nobody like Koushi Shirota. After seeing her undressed, however, he's forced to become her walking “closet” as she changes underwear throughout the day. But Takamine's stripping isn't merely to tease—it's the key to unleashing her time-bending powers.



VanDread 2000


Hibiki Tokai, a male third-class laborer from Taraak, ends up stuck on a battleship after a botched attempt at stealing a robot. When female pirates capture the Taraakian Vanguard, things don't look like they could get any worse.



Chobits 2002


Tokyo is abuzz with persocoms – humanoid computers that are virtually perfect. The socially and technologically inept Hideki is dying to get his hands on one. When he finds Chii abandoned in the trash, she’s cuter than any current model he’s ever seen before. But when he gets her home and turns her on, she has no data and only a single learning program installed. While Hideki puts his whole heart into teaching Chii the ins and outs of humanity, a mystery unfolds as a dark secret within her awakens.