Как вода для шоколада

Как вода для шоколада 1992


Тита и Педро любят друг друга. Но мать Титы не дает согласия на их брак: по давней семейной традиции младшая дочь должна заботиться о матери до самой ее смерти. Чтобы быть рядом с любимой, Педро… решает жениться на ее сестре! Живя под одной крышей, влюбленные лишены даже возможности выражать свои истинные чувства друг к другу. И Тита начинает выражать одолевающие ее эмоции при помощи экзотических блюд, подаваемых к семейному столу. Кто знает, к чему может привести эта скрытая любовь?


Ромео и Джульетта

Ромео и Джульетта 2013


Верона. Эпоха Раннего Возрождения. Юноша и девушка из враждующих семей влюбляются друг в друга. Рок не дает им быть вместе. Лишь смерть на пике запретной страсти помогает Ромео и Джульетте спасти свою любовь.


Арн: Рыцарь-тамплиер

Арн: Рыцарь-тамплиер 2007


Арн, сын высокопоставленного шведского дворянина, заканчивает свое монастырское обучение и, в наказание за свою запретную любовь, отправляется в Священные Земли в качестве рыцаря-тамплиера. Там ему суждено принять участие в битве при Хатине и других событиях, связанных с тяжёлыми временами Иерусалимского королевства…


Фабиан – полет в пропасть

Фабиан – полет в пропасть 2021


Берлин 1931 года: бордели служат художественными ателье, нацисты бесчинствуют на улицах, жизнь кипит. Днём германист Якоб Фабиан сочиняет рекламные тексты, а ночью вместе со своим другом Штефаном Лабуде курсирует по самым причудливым заведениям города. Штефан — спец в вопросах коммунизма и секса, Фабиан же этих тем избегает, ожидая торжества морали, хоть и сам в это толком не верит. Усомниться в своём ироническом фатализме его заставляет лишь Корнелия, которая становится последним лучиком надежды в его рушащейся жизни.


Любовная страсть

Любовная страсть 1981


1862 год. Молодой и привлекательный Джорджо Баккетти, капитан кавалерии, влюблён в красивую замужнюю женщину Клару. Но его переводят в другой гарнизон, где больная, внешне безобразная девушка по имени Фоска, кузина коменданта, начинает испытывать одержимую страсть к Джорджо, от которой невозможно избавиться, если только не полюбить в ответ это чудовище с ангельской душой.


Река Титаш

Река Титаш 1973


В рыбацкой деревушке на берегу реки живет девочка Басанти. Она готовится к ритуалу Maghmandal, означающий окончание зимы и переход её в зрелый возраст. Два друга Кишор и Субол проявляют привязанность к Басанти. Через несколько лет, вместе с дядей они отправляются на рыбалку и желая продать поскорее товар оказываются в другой деревне. Там, на празднике Кишор спасает Раджар — дочь местного старосты деревни и по воле обстоятельств становится её спутником жизни. Но союз оказывается недолговечным. По дороге назад, бандиты крадут молодую жену. Кишора ждет безумие. Но найдется ли Раджар? Как сложится судьба остальных героев? Что же будет с Басанти и Суболом? Что будет с жителями деревни? Что будет с рекой?


Сквозь реальности

Сквозь реальности 2020


Талантливый фотограф Джейми знакомится с гениальным учёным-физиком Айзеком, который работает над изучением параллельных миров и возможности путешествия между ними. Пара планирует совместный отдых на Азорских островах, когда Айзек внезапно исчезает и вскоре его труп находят на берегу реки. Это подстёгивает детскую травму Джейми, из-за которой она панически боится воды, однако найдя его дневник, девушка понимает, что разгадка таинственного исчезновения может таиться на островах и решает отправиться туда в одиночку.


Ashes of Love

Ashes of Love 2018


Jin Mi is the daughter of a flower deity who is fed a pill that prevents her from feeling or expressing romantic love. She gets tangled in a love triangle with Heavenly Prince Xu Feng and the ambitious Night Deity Run Yu.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


Left-Handed Wife

Left-Handed Wife 2019


Lee Soo-Ho and Oh San-Ha are deeply in love. They have their wedding and go on a honeymoon. During their honeymoon, Lee Soo-Ho has an accident and loses his memory. Meanwhile, Oh San-Ha does not know what happened to her husband and tries to find him. A conspiracy lurks beneath.


All Out of Love

All Out of Love 2018


Can you fight through your emotions when you know something is wrong? Jiang Sheng and Liang Sheng are half-siblings who grew up through a difficult childhood with only each other to rely on. When their feelings for each other turn into more than just brother and sister, they both try to suppress their feelings because they know that it’s wrong. Years later, Liang Sheng gets into a car accident and disappears without a trace. With the help of Cheng Tian You, Jiang Sheng looks for Liang Sheng without any luck. Tian You falls in love with Jiang Sheng, and the two get married. But when Liang Sheng reappears, what difficult choices will Jiang Sheng have to make?


Moonshine and Valentine

Moonshine and Valentine 2018


Guan Pipi's quiet life is interrupted by the mysterious Helan Jingting, a blind man in the daylight with perfect night vision, a vegetarian, and an expert in ancient jade. As they grow closer, they realize their lives are intertwined by fate and an ancient curse. Jingting is determined to change their destined path, but the question remains: can they escape the fate that binds them?


Love Under the Moon

Love Under the Moon 2019


A struggling student, desperate to find a way to make enough money to cover the cost of attending university in Shanghai, Xiang Yuan was willing to do whatever it took to make her dreams come true. When the Ye family offered to pay for all of her university expenses, Xiang Yuan accepted their offer without hesitation. Little did she know that in so doing, she would alter the course of her life forever. Smart, dedicated, and determined to make a better life for herself, Xiang Yuan excelled in school, so much so that by the time she enters the workplace, she’s well on her way to becoming financially independent. Nearly free of the debt she owed the Ye family, Xiang Yuan found herself falling for the family’s eldest son, Ye Qian Ze. Little did she know that the family’s second son, Ye Yun had already fallen in love with her. Caught up in an unexpected and messy love triangle, Xiang Yuan must find a way to overcome the obstacles of life and love, while holding onto the one thing that has always driven her forward... Her dreams.


W: Two Worlds Apart

W: Two Worlds Apart 2016


After being pulled into the webtoon world created by her father, a surgical resident gets entangled in a murder mystery involving the story's hero.


Love in the Moonlight

Love in the Moonlight 2016


A young Joseon woman who's lived her whole life as a man ends up as a eunuch in the royal palace, where she begins to bond with the crown prince.


Storm Eye

Storm Eye 2021


A story about a team of agents is told from the perspective of An Jing and Ma Shang. Showing no fear in their mission to uphold justice, these officers work hard to protect national interests.


Never Gone

Never Gone 2018


The romance between failing student Su Yunjin and high school genius Cheng Zheng is broken apart due to clashing personalities and a huge difference in social status. Coincidentally, they meet again in the workforce and get entangled in each other’s lives again.


Battle of Changsha

Battle of Changsha 2014


In 1938 October, the Japanese captured Wuhan Changsha, on the verge of death or destruction. City tea Xiang Hu family, under the support of grandson Xue Junshan, leave no stone unturned for Hu Jia's pet a pair of twins Xiangxiang and Xiaoman arrangement retreat. Xue Junshan first Xiangxiang introduced to studying abroad to return to defend Gu Qingming Changsha, but forceful nature of Xiangxiang and arrogant Gu Qingming met and potential with the fire, Xue Junshan had to elect people. In Xue efforts Xiangxiang finally got engaged, the engagement day, Chiang Kai Shek blaster fire Changsha, due to improper command, Changsha Fire lead to great disaster, the bustling old town were destroyed, many dreams a chance to run the people were burnt alive, including my fiance a. Is in such a scorched earth, around the heroes and heroines gathered in Changsha, and Hunan people's together hard to block the enemy's heel, Hu family also in this catastrophe interpretation of the scenes story of joys and sorrows.


Bound At First Sight

Bound At First Sight 2023


Pei Yanyan and Gao Song fell in love in high school but broke up before they graduated college. As time passes the two are brought back together through their careers, 7 years later. Gao Song is now a university teacher and cybersecurity expert while Yanyan is a media reporter. Gao Song begins to realize he is still in love with Yanyan, and decides to break up with his girlfriend in an attempt to pursue Yanyan again. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, they both harbor resentment and love. Yanyan turns a blind eye until Gao Song encounters a life staking crisis. Only, then, Yanyan begins to admit her true emotions.


My Sunshine

My Sunshine 2015


Years after two college sweethearts went their separate ways, Mosheng and Yichen rekindle their romance despite a barrage of challenges to their love.


Le Coup de Foudre

Le Coup de Foudre 2019


Story about a pair of lovers from high school that span across their union, separation, misunderstanding and eventual reunion.


Memories of Love

Memories of Love 2018


A young couple finds their love rekindled after being separated for ten years. Lu Fei, a seemingly perfect Prince Charming unexpectedly encounters the stubborn and rebellious young lady Xin Chen. Despite their clashing personalities, they find themselves drawn to one another and eventually fall in love. However, they later separate, and it is not until ten years later, when Lu Fei lets go of his newly burgeoning company overseas and returns to search for Xin Chen, that they rediscover the meaning of their love.



Crush 2021


The series is based on the romance novel of the same name, which is originally named Qin He Yi Kan (衾何以堪) by Mu Fu Sheng. The series revolves around the love story between Su Nianqin and Sang Wuyan, who go through difficulties and finally grab their happiness.


Where the Lost Ones Go

Where the Lost Ones Go 2017


Ye Zi, a Chinese art student, and Xiang Zeyi, an oil painting major, whose first love is shattered when Zeyi leaves without explanation. Years later, now a successful manga illustrator, Ye Zi is confronted by Zeyi’s return and his confession, forcing her to choose whether to reignite their love or move on.



Guardian 2018


A lifetime-transcending friendship between Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei is formed when they are tasked with upholding peace between deities and mortals in a world beyond scientific understanding,


Part for Ever

Part for Ever 2024


Ling Xiao has laid low for many years in order to finally gain control and become the powerful new city lord. In order to take revenge, he forces the old city lord's daughter, Su Wan Er, to be his forbidden wife. Even though the two have grudges and feuds, they are deeply entangled in love and hate amidst the crises and protections. In the end, where will the future of the two go?