Hitri in drzni X

Hitri in drzni X 2023


V številnih misijah in proti nemogočim pričakovanjem so Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) in njegova družina preigrali in pregnali vsakega sovražnika na svoji poti. Zdaj se soočajo z najhujšim nasprotnikom, kar so jih kadarkoli srečali: grozljivo grožnjo, ki prihaja iz senc preteklosti, ki jo napaja krvno maščevanje in je odločena, da bo za vedno razbila družino in uničila vse in vsakogar, kar Dom ljubi.


Dune: Peščeni planet

Dune: Peščeni planet 2021


Zgodba spremlja Paula Atreidesa iz hiše Atreides, sijajnega in nadarjenega mladeniča, rojenega za velike stvari, ki mora odpotovati na najnevarnejši planet v vesolju, da bi zagotovil prihodnost svoji družini in narodu. Znajde se sredi boja za ekskluzivno oskrbo najbolj dragocenega vira, ki obstaja, najdražjim elementom galaksije, ki se nahaja samo na Arrakisu in ki lahko odklene največji potencial človeštva, v katerem bodo preživeli samo tisti, ki zmorejo premagati svoj strah.


Ledeno kraljestvo

Ledeno kraljestvo 2013


Ustvarjalci zabavne animacije Zlatolaska so pripravili nepozabno zimsko pustolovsko zgodbo o kraljičnah Ani in Elsi. Slednja premore čarovno moč ustvarjanja snežnih metežev, toda ko se njena magija nekega dne ponesreči, celotno kraljestvo ogrne v večni sneg in led. Dvolični grof, ki se želi polastiti prestola, ljudi naščuva proti kraljični, zato se njena sestra skupaj z izkušenim hribolazcem, zabavnim jelenom in čudaškim snežakom poda na neverjetno reševalno akcijo, polno nepričakovanih nevarnosti in kaotične snežne zabave.


Odred odpisanih: Nova misija

Odred odpisanih: Nova misija 2021


Dobrodošli v pekel, oziroma v Belle Reve, zapor z najvišjo smrtnostjo. Tukaj so zaprti največji super zlobneži, ki bi naredili prav vse, da bi prišli ven. Današnja naloga je torej: Zberi skupino prestopnikov, opremi jih z vsem možnim orožjem in jih vrzi (dobesedno) na samoten otok Corto Maltese, poln sovražnikov.


Zora Planeta opic

Zora Planeta opic 2014


Rastoči populaciji gensko naprednih opic, ki jih vodi Cezar, grozi tolpa ljudi, ki so pred desetimi leti preživeli epidemijo smrtonosnega virusa. Dosežejo nestabilno premirje, ki pa ne traja dolgo, saj se nasprotni strani znajdeta na robu vojne, ki bo odločila, katera vrsta bo prevladala planetu Zemlja.


Hitri in drzni 8

Hitri in drzni 8 2017


Medtem ko Dom in Letty uživata na zasluženem poročnem potovanju na Kubi, tudi ostali zaživijo običajno življenje daleč stran od nevarnih preizkušenj in adrenalinskih podvigov, ki so v preteklosti spremljale njihov vsakdan. A Dom po srečanju s skrivnostno Cipher nima druge izbire, kot da se zaplete v nevaren svet kriminala in tako izda tiste, ki so mu najbližje. Družina se znajde pred največjo preizkušnjo do sedaj, ki jo mora za povrhu razrešiti še brez svojega vodje.



Vročina 1995


Bančni ropar in obseden policaj se drug z drugim igrata kot mačka z mišjo. Robert De Niro igra zločinca, ki je prisegel, da ne bo šel več nikoli v zapor, Al Pacino pa policaja, ki je prisegel, da bo zločinca zaprl.


Ptice roparice (in fantastična osamosvojitev Harley Quinn)

Ptice roparice (in fantastična osamosvojitev Harley Quinn) 2020


Dame, pripravite se, saj prihaja slavna, neponovljiva in nepredvidljiva Harley Quinn Tokrat brez Jokerja Zgodba se odvija okoli skupine superjunakinj in negativk DC vesolja glavna zvezda pa je Margot Robbie kot slavna Harley Quinn katero smo že videli v filmu Odred odpisanih (Suicide Squad). Po razhodu z Jokerjem Harley Quinn združi junakinje Black Canary Huntress in Renee Montoyo da bi skupaj rešile mlado dekle pred zlobnim vladarjem kriminala.


Skrivnost številke 7

Skrivnost številke 7 2017


Distopični znanstvenofantastični film Maxa Botkina in Kerry Williamson v režiji Tommyja Wirkola, v katerem imajo glavne vloge Noomi Rapace, Glenn Close in Willem Dafoe. V ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti je vlada zaradi preštevilčnega prebivalstva in lakote omejila družino na samo enega otroka. Sedem identičnih sester, ki so dobile imena po sedmih dnevih v tednu, živi skrito skrito življenje in vsak dan se lahko v zunanji svet vključi le ena od njih pod isto identiteto. Toda nekega dne se sestra, ki sme ven ob ponedeljkih, ne vrne, druge sestre pa gredo raziskat njeno izginotje.


Osmi potnik 4: Ponovno vstajenje

Osmi potnik 4: Ponovno vstajenje 1997


Dvesto let po smrti častnice Ripley jo skupina znanstvenikov klonira, da bi ustvarila popolno orožje. Toda nova Ripleyjeva je polna presenečenj ... kot so tudi novi nezemljani. Ripleyjeva in druščina tihotapcev morajo stvorom preprečiti prihod na Zemljo.


Jack Reacher

Jack Reacher 2012


Nekdanji vojaški policist Jack se odloči uveljavljati zakone na lastno pest, toda ob nepojasnjenem množičnem zločinu ga oblasti znova zaprosijo za pomoč. Med raziskovanjem Jack naleti na srhljivo spletko, njegovo predano iskanje resnice pa ga znova pripelje v navzkrižje z zakoni. Čeprav mu policija sledi na vsakem koraku, je odločen razkrinkati zločine ruske mafijske organizacije in kriminalce zlepa ali zgrda soočiti z roko pravice.



Gospodje 2020


Scenarist in režiser Guy Ritchie nam v začetku leta 2020 prinaša prefinjeno in sofisticirano akcijsko komedijo Gospodje, ki sledi ameriškemu izseljencu Mickeyu Pearsonu (Matthew McConaughey), ki je v Londonu ustvaril visoko donosen imperij marihuane. Ko se po okolici razširi beseda, da Mickey želi za vedno izplačati celoten posel, mnogi hitro sprožijo spletke, sheme, podkupovanja in izisljevanja v upanju, da bi del posla ukradli izpod njegovih rok. Ta skoraj legendarna ekipa vsebuje imena, kot so Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong in Eddie Marsan.



Iskan 2008


Zgodba govori o povsem običajnem mladeniču Wesleyju, ki živi monotono in dolgočasno življenje, dokler nekega dne ne spozna fatalne lepotice Fox. Od nje izve, da je bil njegov oče izurjen morilec, sedaj pa naj bi prevzel njegovo mesto v skrivnostni organizaciji elitnih agentov.



Pogodbenik 2022


Potem ko so ga proti njegovi volji odpustili iz ameriških specialnih sil, se James Harper odloči, da bo preživljal svojo družino kot pogodbenik pri zasebni paravojaški organizaciji skupaj s svojim najboljšim prijateljem in pod poveljstvom kolega veterana. V tujini na tajni misiji se mora Harper izogniti tistim, ki ga poskušajo ubiti, medtem ko se vrača domov.


The Penguin

The Penguin 2024


With the city in peril following the seawall's collapse, Oswald "Oz" Cobb seeks to fill the power vacuum left by the death of Carmine Falcone and finally give his mother Francis the life he's always promised. But first, Oz must confront his enemies and his own demoralizing reputation as "the Penguin."


Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten

Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten 1992


Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten is a long-running German television soap opera, first broadcast on RTL in 1992. The programme concerns the lives of a fictional neighborhood in Germany's capital city Berlin. Over the years the soap opera tends to have an overhaul of young people in their late teens and early twenties; targeting a young viewership.


High Kick: Revenge of the Short Legged

High Kick: Revenge of the Short Legged 2011


Ahn Nae Sang and Yoon Yoo Sun are middle aged husband and wife. When his business goes bankrupt, this couple moves in to her brother's house and the conflict starts.


Story of a Mermaid

Story of a Mermaid 2002


《인어 아가씨》는 MBC에서 2002년 6월 24일부터 2003년 6월 27일까지 246부작으로 방영되었던 드라마이다.


The Penthouse

The Penthouse 2020


A woman puts everything on the line to achieve her goal of being able to move into a luxury penthouse in the Gangnam District. In the process, she gradually finds herself turning into a monster.


Lighter and Princess

Lighter and Princess 2022


As soon as Zhu Yun started college life, the world was completely turned upside down by the intrusion of "bad boy" Li Xun. He was regarded by Zhu Yun as a rich, ignorant and incompetent son, but his real identity was actually a special admissions student who was admitted by the school, and a rare programming genius. After several confrontations, the two have some appreciation for each other. The senior Fang Zhijing made things difficult for Zhu Yun many times, Li Xun took action to protect Zhu Yun, and invited her to join the preparation team he set up to win a major programming competition on behalf of the school.



Revenge 2011


When Emily Thorne moves to the Hamptons, everyone wonders about the new girl, but she knows everything about them, including what they did to her family. Years ago, they took everything from her. Now, one by one, she's going to make them pay.



Oz 1997


The daily lives of prisoners in Emerald City, an experimental unit of the Oswald Maximum Security Prison where ingroups - Muslims, Latinos, Italians, Aryans - stick close to their mutual friends and terrorize their mutual enemies.



Rome 2005


A down-to-earth account of the lives of both illustrious and ordinary Romans set in the last days of the Roman Republic.


Everybody Say Kungdari

Everybody Say Kungdari 2019


Kungtari is a small village at the border between North and South Koreas. Those that are exhausted, worn out or hurt people come here to find hope. Lee Bo Mi was enjoying her life as a New Yorker until she was deported due to her criminal history. She is forced to settle down in Kungtari when she moves back to Korea. Han Soo Ho is a legend in the New York financial market, but is now retired and making eco-friendly compost in Kungtari. Various stories of people’s lives unravel as they gather in Kungtari, including Bo Mi, who was adopted at a young age and has a secret behind her birth, and Soo Ho, who was once a top notch man in the financial industry, but settled down in Kungtari to save his daughter.


Second chance

Second chance 2005


El cuerpo del Deseo also known as Second Chance is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by Telemundo and Film in Florida. This limited-run series is about a man who comes back from the dead and discovers dark secrets about his beautiful widow. The first version of El cuerpo del Deseo was En Cuerpo Ajeno produced by RTI Colombia in 1992.This telenovela was aired in 25 countries around the world.


Brazil Avenue

Brazil Avenue 2012


Brazil Avenue is a dynamic, lifelike, and modern telenovela that reveals how unrelenting ambition and inflicted cruelty can change a young girl’s destiny and lead her to seek revenge.


Band of Sisters

Band of Sisters 2017


Kang Ha-Ri, with her bright personality, works part-time at a stationary store and a nail shop. Min Deul-Re was a popular actress, but she isn't so popular these days. Kim Eun-Hyang worked as a secretary prior to the birth of her daughter, but she now focuses on raising her daughter. These three women lose their most loved ones around the same time. Even though they are not related, they rely on each other to get through the tough times.


Mashin Sentai Kiramager

Mashin Sentai Kiramager 2020


A princess from the Land of Jewels comes to Earth with the Kirama Stones to find individuals with strong "shining spirits" known as Kiramental to become the Kiramagers and fight the threat of the Yodon, an imperial army of darkness.


Fatal Promise

Fatal Promise 2020


A fierce revenge melodrama about a girl who is pushed to the edge of a cliff while fighting the unjust and a man who breaks his promise with her and starts a family of his own, reuniting 7 years later.


The Promise

The Promise 2016


Na-Yeon is a bright woman. She supports her boyfriend Tae-Joon, who is from a poor background, and has even given up entering a university. But Tae-Joon dumps her for his success and goes with Se-Jin, who is a granddaughter of Baekdoo Company president. Do-Hee is Na-Yeon’s twin sister. She is arrogant and tough. Do-Hee works as a reporter at a weekly magazine. After Na-Yeon’s death, Do-Hee decides to take revenge. She takes on the identity of her sister Na-Yeon. Do-Hee then meets Hwi-Kyung, who is successor of Baekdoo Company.



Snapped 2004


The fascinating cases of every day, seemingly average moms, wives and girlfriends accused of murder. Did they really do it? And if so, why?


The Rising of the Shield Hero

The Rising of the Shield Hero 2019


Iwatani Naofumi, a run-of-the-mill otaku, finds a book in the library that summons him to another world. He is tasked with joining the sword, spear, and bow as one of the Four Cardinal Heroes and fighting the Waves of Catastrophe as the Shield Hero. Excited by the prospect of a grand adventure, Naofumi sets off with his party. However, merely a few days later, he is betrayed and loses all his money, dignity, and respect. Unable to trust anyone anymore, he employs a slave named Raphtalia and takes on the Waves and the world. But will he really find a way to overturn this desperate situation?


Game of Hunting

Game of Hunting 2017


Headhunter Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know the meaning of defeat. There is no limit to how much he is willing to do to succeed in the hunting ground that is the world of business. He is also incredibly close to his girlfriend, Luo Yi Ren, and truly cares for his best friend from college, Bai Li Qin. Along with the guidance of his mentor Lin Bai, Zheng Qiu Dong tries to rise to the top and goes to war with other headhunters and businessmen. These include the shady and relentless Yuan Kun and the very capable and very dangerous Chen Xiu Feng. It’s a battle of quick wits, and Zheng Qiu Dong slips up. He loses it all. Now out of both time and luck, Zheng Qiu Dong is in prison and at the end of his rope. But if there’s one thing Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know, it’s how to give up. With the help of his prison comrade Liu Liang Ti, the once successful Zheng Qiu Dong has to get it all back. But as the former headhunter soon learns, this hunt quickly becomes a game of death.


El amor no tiene receta

El amor no tiene receta 2024


Paz Roble, a kind, hard-working and honest woman from whom her husband, Fermín, takes her newborn daughter. Fermín has a large debt with some lenders and to pay it he decides to sell his daughter to Mauro Nicoliti. This plagiarism is orchestrated by Geneva, Mauro's adoptive sister. She lost her first-born daughter in childbirth and does everything to replace her dead daughter and keep her husband's fortune. On the other hand, Esteban Villa de Cortés loses his wife and becomes a widower with his three children. Elvira Moncada, Esteban's mother-in-law, holds him responsible for the death of her daughter. After a series of unexpected events, Esteban and Paz meet in the neighborhood where she lives with her family. The chemistry and great understanding that exists between them makes it inevitable that they will fall in love.