Ideja o tebi

Ideja o tebi 2024


Solène (Anne Hathaway), 40-letna mati samohranilka, se nepričakovano zaplete v romanco s 24-letnim Hayesom Campbellom (Nicholas Galitzine), pevcem skupine August Moon, najbolj vroče fantovske skupine na svetu. Ko mora Solène spremljati svojo najstniško hčerko na glasbenem festivalu Coachella, potem ko njen bivši v zadnjem trenutku odpove, se po naključju sreča s Hayesom in med njima takoj preskoči nesporna iskrica. Ko se med njima začne viharna romanca, se kmalu zgodi, da Hayesov status superzvezdnika postavi njuno razmerje pred neizogibne izzive, Solène pa kmalu ugotovi, da je življenje v soju žarometov morda več, kot si je obetala.


Priklicano zlo 2

Priklicano zlo 2 2016


Iskalca duhov Ed in Lorraine Warren se odpravita v London, kjer skušata pomagati samski mami in njenim otrokom. Najstarejšo hčerko občasno obsede zlohotni duh, toda Lorraine kmalu začuti, da ni ogrožena le družina, temveč si temačne sile želijo Edove smrti.


The Forge

The Forge 2024


19-letni Isaiah Wright živi le za košarko in videoigre. Leto po končani srednji šoli je še brez službe, brez načrtov in brez ideje, kako postati moški. Ker je v sporu z materjo samohranilko Cynthio, dobi ultimat - ali se bo poboljšal ali pa odselil. Zato se pod pritiskom prijateljev in mame zaposli v Moore Fitness, ne da bi vedel, kako bo lastnik osebno vplival na njegovo življenje. Z maminimi prošnjami in nepričakovanim vodstvom novega mentorja se je prisiljen soočiti s svojo preteklostjo, se odreči svoji sebičnosti in odkriti, kako ima nekdo tam zgoraj morda večji namen za njegovo življenje.


Pa ne že spet ti!

Pa ne že spet ti! 2014


Režiser zabavnih komedij Poročiva se, Klik - za popolno življenje in Oskrbnik predstavlja romantično zgodbo z neobetavnim začetkom, ko se slepi zmenek med samskima staršema Jimom in Lauren konča s serijo zabavnih katastrof. Kljub temu muhasta usoda poskrbi, da se njuni poti znova prekrižata, ko se skupaj z otroci znajdeta na afriškem safariju. Čudaški domačini, divje živali, muhasti otroci in druge nadloge, sanjsko popotovanje spremenijo v živo nočno moro, toda Jim in Lauren počasi spoznavata, da se lahko tudi največja nasprotja nenavadno privlačijo.


Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Forrest Gump je preprost možakar, ki se mu v življenju dogajajo osupljive stvari. Kljub temu, da ima nekoliko nižjo inteligenco, ostaja večni optimist. Na neverjetni življenjski poti, ki se razteza čez trideset in več let, Forrest postane športna zvezda ter s tekmovanjem v namiznem tenisu pomaga pri boljšanju odnosov med komunistično Kitajsko in ZDA. Bori se v Vietnamu, kjer reši življenje številnim vojakom. Spozna predsednika Kennedyja in Nixona. Preteče Ameriko, nenazadnje pa najde tudi ljubezen svojega življenja.



Piksli 2015


Nezemljani vzamejo posnetke videoiger kot vojno napoved in napadejo Zemljo z liki iz teh istih iger. Ameriški predsednik mora poklicati stare prijatelje in strokovnjake za videoigre, da bi rešili svet, preden ga uničijo vesoljski piksli.


Karate Kid

Karate Kid 1984


Takoj po selitvi iz New Jerseyja v Kalifornijo postane najstnik Daniel trn v peti skupini sošolcev, ki pod mentorstvom vietnamskega veterana Johna Kreesa trenirajo izrazito nasilne borilne veščine. V enem od pretepov, v katerih Daniel vedno potegne kratko, mu na pomoč priskoči šolski hišnik japonskega rodu, gospod Miyagi, ki po Danielovem prepričevanju privoli, da bo svojega varovanca naučil karate. V nadaljevanju se Daniel bojuje z Johnnyjem, svojim sovražnikom in vodjem šolske tolpe, ki hodi z dekletom, v katerega je Daniel zaljubljen…



E.T. 1982



Šesti čut

Šesti čut 1999


Zgodba v stilu srhljivega psihološkega trilerja pripoveduje o osemletnem dečku z imenom Cole Sears, ki ga preganja temačna skrivnost: obiskujejo ga duhovi umrlih. Cole je izredno občutljiv in krhek deček, razpet med grozo, ki jo doživlja ob vsakem obisku, in med strahom pred nerazumevanjem, ki bi ga dobil v odgovor, če bi svojo skrivnost komu zaupal. Končno se zaupa svojemu psihiatru, dr. Malcolmu Croweu. Njuna skupna pot do razumevanja neznanega in nadnaravnega ju vodi do spoznanja, ki ga ne eden ne drugi nista pričakovala in kar lahko razumeta in obvladata le s skupnimi močmi.


Skrivnost hiše Pajkovski

Skrivnost hiše Pajkovski 2008


Uporniški najstnik Jure se z družino preseli v odročno vilo, toda njegovo jezo in razočaranje prežene odkritje skrivnostne knjige. V njej tičijo fantastični opisi čarobnega sveta in bitij, ki prebivajo povsod okrog nas, a se spretno izogibajo našemu pogledu. Na žalost si knjige in oblasti želi tudi zlobni grdobec Mulgrat, zato mora Jure s pomočjo brata in sestre odkriti način, kako bi knjigo uničili. Odgovori pa se skrivajo na skrajnem robu domišljije, kjer resničnost postane fantazija.


Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia! 2008


V muzikalu, ki slavi mame, hčere in očete, izgubljene in nove ljubezni, se boste od srca nasmejali oskarjevki Meryl Streep, Piercu Brosnanu in Colinu Firthu. Ob hitih švedske zasedbe Abba pa vas bodo zasrbele pete in grla!Oskarjevka Meryl Streep v filmski priredbi istoimenskega uspešnega broadwayjskega muzikala igra močno, neodvisno žensko, ki ima v lasti hotel na idiličnem grškem otoku in se pripravlja na hčerino poroko. Toda ta nanjo ni povabila le njenih starih prijateljev, temveč tudi tri moške iz mamine preteklosti; prepričana je, da je eden od njih njen oče. Mamma Mia! slavi mame in hčere, stare prijatelje in nove družine. Ob hitih švedske zasedbe Abba pa vas bodo zasrbele pete in grla. Igrajo še Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Christine Baranski, Julie Walters in Amanda Seyfried.


Stranger Things

Stranger Things 2016


When a young boy vanishes, a small town uncovers a mystery involving secret experiments, terrifying supernatural forces, and one strange little girl.


Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls 2000


Set in the charming town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, the series follows the captivating lives of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, a mother/daughter pair who have a relationship most people only dream of.


High Potential

High Potential 2024


Morgan is a single mom with an exceptional mind, whose unconventional knack for solving crimes leads to an unusual and unstoppable partnership with a by-the-book seasoned detective.


The Equalizer

The Equalizer 2021


Robyn McCall, an enigmatic former CIA operative with a mysterious background, uses her extensive skills to help those with nowhere else to turn.


HIP - High Intellectual Potential

HIP - High Intellectual Potential 2021


Morgane is 38-years old, has three children, two exes and an IQ of 160; her destiny as a cleaner is turned upside-down when her extraordinary abilities are spotted by the police who offer her a job as a consultant.


Be My Dream Family

Be My Dream Family 2021


The story of the series revolves around two families Geumgane and Hangane from different cultural backgrounds. They meet when their parents remarry in the twilight of life, and they become one family. The series follows the conflict, understanding and harmony of the extended family, showing meaning of a true family.



Weeds 2005


After the unexpected death of her husband, a suburban mom resorts to selling weed to support her family.


Judging Amy

Judging Amy 1999


Judging Amy is an American television drama that was telecast from September 19, 1999, through May 3, 2005, on CBS-TV. This TV series starred Amy Brenneman and Tyne Daly. Its main character is a judge who serves in a family court, and in addition to the family-related cases that she adjudicates, many episodes of the show focus on her own experiences as a divorced mother, and on the experiences of her mother, a social worker who works in the field of child welfare. This series was based on the life experiences of Brenneman's mother.


Bates Motel

Bates Motel 2013


A "contemporary prequel" to the 1960 film Psycho, depicting the life of Norman Bates and his mother Norma prior to the events portrayed in Hitchcock's film, albeit in a different fictional town and in a modern setting. The series begins after the death of Norma's husband, when she purchases a motel located in a coastal Oregon town so she and Norman can start a new life.



Younger 2015


Liza Miller, a suddenly single stay-at-home mother, tries to get back into the working world, only to find it’s nearly impossible to start at the bottom at 40-year old. When a chance encounter convinces her she looks younger than she is, Liza tries to pass herself off as 26 and lands a job as an assistant at Empirical Press. Now she just has to make sure no one finds out the secret only she and her best friend Maggie share.


Bravo, My Life

Bravo, My Life 2022


Even though Seo Dong Hee comes from a poor family background, she has a bright and positive personality. She dreams of becoming a designer and slowly works her way to achieve her dream. She decides to become the mother of her nephew and raise him by herself. She also gets involved with Kang Cha Yeol. Kang Cha Yeol’s father runs a big company. His father wants him to work for his company, but Kang Cha Yeol doesn't want to. He wants to go back to the U.S., but he realizes he can't do anything without his father's financial support. His father tells Kang Cha Yeol to work for 1 year at his company.


Bob Hearts Abishola

Bob Hearts Abishola 2019


A love story about a middle-aged compression sock businessman from Detroit who unexpectedly falls for his cardiac nurse, a Nigerian immigrant, while recovering from a heart attack and sets his sights on winning her over.



Reba 2001


After her dentist husband of 20 years leaves her for his dental hygienist, Reba Hart's seemingly perfect world is turned upside down.​


Raven's Home

Raven's Home 2017


Best friends Raven and Chelsea, now both divorced mothers, are raising their children in a house together. Their house is turned upside down when they realize one of Raven's children inherited the same psychic abilities as their mother.


The Lucy Show

The Lucy Show 1962


The Lucy Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1962–68. It was Lucille Ball's follow-up to I Love Lucy. A significant change in cast and premise for the 1965–66 season divides the program into two distinct eras; aside from Ball, only Gale Gordon, who joined the program for its second season, remained. For the first three seasons, Vivian Vance was the co-star. The earliest scripts were entitled The Lucille Ball Show, but when this title was declined, producers thought of calling the show This Is Lucy or The New Adventures of Lucy, before deciding on the title The Lucy Show. Ball won consecutive Emmy Awards as Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for the series' final two seasons, 1966–67 and 1967–68.



Alice 1976


Alice is an American sitcom television series that ran from August 31, 1976 to March 19, 1985 on CBS. The series is based on the 1974 film Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. The show stars Linda Lavin in the title role, a widow who moves with her young son to start her life over again, and finds a job working at a roadside diner on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona. Most of the episodes revolve around events at Mel's Diner.


When the Camellia Blooms

When the Camellia Blooms 2019


Dong-baek is a single mother. When a potential new love enters her life, she finds ways to defy the social stigmas surrounding her.


Mom Has an Affair

Mom Has an Affair 2020


Desperate times call for desperate measures and for one mom, that means bagging a rich man to make her kids happy. Pil Jeong is a single, divorced mom of two who swore that she’ll never get married again. Her children, on the other hand, have other plans in store. They beg her to find and marry a rich man as a means of securing their family’s future and a hilarious family expansion project ensues.


Mrs. Cop

Mrs. Cop 2015


After long and grueling hours immersed in brutal crime investigations, lead detective Choi Young Jin must face the particular horrors of singlehandedly raising her daughter Ha Eun. Any way you look at it, Young Jin's got her work cut out for her, but it's only a matter of time before her professional and personal worlds collide in new and disastrous ways.