Robert Strange Gangs of the Waterfront Manpower The Walking Dead High Sierra Dead Men Walk The Saint Strikes Back The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle Paper Bullets Special Agent The Murder of Dr. Harrigan The Leathernecks Have Landed Angels Wash Their Faces The Far Frontier Crime, Inc. The Mad Monster Frisco Kid The Misleading Lady Beware Of Ladies Stolen Holiday John Meade's Woman Sky Giant The Spellbinder These Thirty Years I Stand Accused All That Money Can Buy Spendthrift Racket Busters The Phantom of 42nd Street Beloved Enemy The Great Man Votes They Made Me a Criminal Castle on the Hudson In Name Only Missing Evidence King of the Royal Mounted Arizona Cyclone Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet The Cheat Perils of Nyoka Robin Hood of the Pecos Desert Bandit Silver Trails South of Santa Fe Wild Bill Hickok Rides Invisible Ghost Gambling on the High Seas Mr. District Attorney Roaming Lady Adventures of Captain Marvel Mr. Lucky Marked Woman The Smiling Lieutenant You May Be Next! A Tree Grows in Brooklyn The Flag of Humanity Flamingo Road Trapped by Television I Found Stella Parish You Can't Get Away with Murder Japan's Killer Quake