Америчка превара

Америчка превара 2013


Радња филма смештена је у заводљиво време, време које је потресао један од највећих скандала у америчкој нацији. Америчка превара говори о „човеку од поверења“, Ирвингу Росенфелду, који је заједно са својим лукавим партнером Британцем и љубавницом присиљен да ради за бившег ФБИ агента, Ричија ДиМасоа. ДиМасо их уводи у свет богатих брокера и мафијаша, свет страшан и суров, колико и очаравајући. У замршеним односима, Ирвинова непредвидива жена могла би да буде особа која ће повући конце и све срушити. Америчка превара је филм који је дефиниција свог жанра, базиран на сировим емоцијама и улозима на живот и смрт.


Седам психопата

Седам психопата 2012


Урнебесна комедија о сценаристи у успону који се ненадано упетља у свет криминалног миљеа Лос Анђелеса. Све започне тако што његови уврнути пријатељи киднапују једног пса, Ши Цуа у власништву познатог гангстера.


Слагалица страве 10

Слагалица страве 10 2023


Између догађаја „Слагалица страве“ и „Слагалица страве 2“, болесни и очајан Џон Крамер путује у Мексико на ризичан и експериментални медицински захват у нади да ће добити чудотворни лек за његов рак, само да би открио да је цела операција превара за превару. најрањивији. Наоружан новопронађеном сврхом, злогласни серијски убица враћа се свом послу, окрећући све преваре на свој препознатљиви висцерални начин кроз подмукле, поремећене и генијалне замке.



Телма 2024


93-годишња Телма налази се на раскрсници свог живота – између старије особе и живота старијих особа. Остала је удовица и живи сама, тврдоглаво се држи своје независности, све док се бори са својом добронамерном, али стално забринутом породицом. Када буде жртва телефонске преваре, у којој се неко ко се представи као њен вољени унук оштети за 10.000 долара, њена породица то прихвата као губитак за жаљење. Али не и Телма. Затраживши помоћ свог дугогодишњег пријатеља Бена, њих двоје су кренули у потрагу по Лос Ангелесу како би повратили оно што јој је одузето - и показали њеној породици колико је заиста способна да изађе на крај с животним проблемима...


Мајстор лажи

Мајстор лажи 2017


„Мајстор лажи“ живописно приказује Мадофове гнусне преваре које су почеле 1990-их, 1987, па чак и раније, и наставиле се током финансијске кризе 2008. године, кулминирајући дискредитовањем Мадофа и катапултирањем његове супруге и два сина (Алесандро Нивола и Најтан Дароу) у жижу немилосрдне и сурове јавности, са трагичним последицама.


Девет краљица

Девет краљица 2000


Двојица превараната упознају се при покушају пљачке исте продавнице. Искуснији Маркус упошљава Жуана за свог партнера и они крећу у неколико мањих подухвата у којима тестирају одважност овог другог. Коначно се одлучују на велику акцију- смишљају план како украсти сет скупоцених марака, познатијих као 9 краљица...


The Righteous Gemstones

The Righteous Gemstones 2019


The story of a world-famous televangelist family with a history of deviance, greed and, yes, charitable work, all in the name of Jesus.



McMillion$ 2020


A detailed account of the McDonald's Monopoly game scam during the 1990s as told by the participants in the case, including the prizewinners and the FBI agents who caught the security officer who orchestrated the entire scheme.



Shameless 2004


The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humor - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won't admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbors.


Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story

Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story 2020


Set in 1980's & 90's Bombay, Scam 1992 follows the life of Harshad Mehta - a stockbroker who single-handedly took the stock market to dizzying heights & his catastrophic downfall. Being directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Hansal Mehta, the series is based on journalist Debashis Basu & Sucheta Dalal's book "The Scam".


Only Fools and Horses

Only Fools and Horses 1981


The misadventures of two wheeler dealer brothers Del Boy and Rodney Trotter of 'Trotters Independent Traders PLC' who scrape their living by selling dodgy goods believing that next year they will be millionaires.



Stateless 2020


Four strangers — a flight attendant escaping a suburban cult, an Afghan refugee fleeing persecution, a young Australian father escaping a dead-end job, and a bureaucrat caught up in a national scandal — are stuck in an immigration detention center in the Australian desert. Inspired by true events.



Bottom 1991


Richie Richard (socially awkward, sexually inexperienced) and Eddie Hitler (carefree alcoholic ) are two social outcasts living on the dole. Trapped together in a squalid flat in Hammersmith, London they are perpetually skint, bored and sexually frustrated. They spend their days scheming, bickering, and being nasty and sadistic to each other.





Nao Kanzaki, a student, was blackmailed into joining a "Liar Game" and ended up losing 100 million yen. In order to repay the debt, she enlists the help of Shin'ichi Akiyama, a genius swindler who was only recently released from jail for bankrupting one of Japan's largest scam companies.



Osomatsu-kun 1988


The adventures of con-artist Iyami and his sidekick Chibita as they constantly get foiled by a group of trouble-making sextuplets. The series also focuses on the similarly comical and bizarre members of the town, and the far-out situations they get into.


Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega

Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega 2020


A group of small-town young men run a lucrative phishing operation, until a corrupt politician wants in on their scheme -- and a cop wants to fight it.



Scamanda 2025


Docuseries based on the podcast of the same name. The story of Amanda Riley — a wife, mother, blogger and Christian — whose tragic cancer tale captivates thousands. But Amanda has a secret that she's dying to keep, and after an anonymous tip to an investigative reporter, her own words may prove to be her downfall.


Racket Squad

Racket Squad 1951


Racket Squad is an American TV crime drama series starring Reed Hadley as Captain John Braddock, a fictional detective working for the San Francisco, California Police Department. The show aired in syndication for a season before being picked up by CBS for three seasons. The series was filmed at Hal Roach Studios in Culver City, California, and was sponsored by cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris, hence there was a pack of the sponsor's brand on Braddock's desk at the beginning and end of the episode, as well as occasional scenes of him or other characters "lighting up".


Scam Goddess

Scam Goddess 2025


As a hit podcaster, comedian Laci Mosley knows her way around a scam. Now, she's taking her expertise on the road, uncovering small-town swindles and big-city cons across the U.S.



Bread 1986


Bread is a British television sitcom, written by Carla Lane, produced by the BBC and screened on BBC1 from 1 May 1986 to 3 November 1991. The series focused on the devoutly-Catholic and extended Boswell family of Liverpool, in the district of Dingle, led by its matriarch Nellie through a number of ups and downs as they tried to make their way through life in Thatcher's Britain with no visible means of support. The street shown at the start of each programme is Elswick Street. A family called Boswell had also featured in Lane's earlier sitcom The Liver Birds and Lane admitted in interviews that the two families were probably related. Nellie's feckless and estranged husband, Freddie, left her for another woman known as 'Lilo Lill'. Her children Joey, Jack, Adrian, Aveline and Billy continued to live in the family home in Kelsall Street and contributed money to the central family fund, largely through benefit fraud and the sale of stolen goods.



SCAMS 2019


Hit hard by the Lehman shock, a well-meaning young man joins a phone scam operation and gets increasingly embroiled in the underworld.


Citizen James

Citizen James 1960


Citizen James is a BBC sitcom that ran for three series between 24 November 1960 and 23 November 1962. The show featured comedian and actor Sid James and Sydney Tafler with Bill Kerr and Liz Fraser appearing in early episodes. It was initially written by the comedy writing team of Galton and Simpson, who based the characters very much on the "Sidney Balmoral James" and "Bill Kerr, the dim-witted Australian" roles that they had played in Hancock's Half Hour. The first series was set around 'Charlie's Nosh Bar', a cafe in Soho, and centred around Sid's get-rich-quick schemes. He is helped by "Billy the Kerr" and quite often frustrated by the local bookmaker Albert Welshman. Liz Fraser played Sid's long-suffering girlfriend who has been waiting for seven years for Sid to set the date. Changes were made to the format after the first series. Sid James' character was changed to be something of a people's champion, campaigning for social justice. Bill Kerr and Liz Fraser departed and Sidney Tafler played a different character: Charlie Davenport. The location switched from Soho to Sid and Charlie sharing a house. Later episodes were written by then Morecambe & Wise writers Sid Green and Dick Hills.


Cold Call

Cold Call 2019


June Clarke loses the money from the sale of her house to fraudsters and attends a support group for victims of such scams where she meets old school mate Des Grigsby. He persuades her to take a job caring for the mother of respected businessman Kirk Wiley, who he suspects is involved in the criminal enterprise that targeted both of them.


You've Been Scammed By Nigel Latta

You've Been Scammed By Nigel Latta 2023


While scams have always been around, the internet means the number of people falling for them is rising exponentially. Nigel Latta shows us different types of scams and the specific traits that make us vulnerable to being ripped off!


Bug Out

Bug Out 2022


This four-part investigative documentary series holds the magnifying glass to one of the most bizarre crimes in recent history: the theft of 7,000 living bugs from the Philadelphia Insectarium. Delve into this whodunnit through exclusive interviews with insect collectors, bug smugglers, and the law enforcement agencies charged with looking into this case.