Месечев пад 2022
Тајанствена сила избацује Месец из орбите око Земље и шаље га у судар са животом какав познајемо.
Тајанствена сила избацује Месец из орбите око Земље и шаље га у судар са животом какав познајемо.
Када катастрофалне климатске промене почну угрожавати опстанак Земље, светске вође се уједињују и одлучују да створе велику мрежу сателита око планете, који ће контролисати климу и чувати становништво целог света. Након успешног чувања Земље две године, нешто крене по злу. Два брата ће морати да реше квар пре него што сателити за контролу временских услова створе олују епских размера која ће у пар сати избрисати све и сваког на Земљи...
Летећи тањир слеће у двориште старијег становника предграђа са проблемима са памћењем, који ствара везу са уплашеним ванземаљцем унутра.
When his video game prowess is discovered by the International Network of Excel-Science and Technology — or I.N.E.T. — high school student Kenta Date is brought in to lend his expertise to their mysterious research. Meanwhile, four classmates show up, wanting to know more about the I.N.E.T. facility. Their experience will change their lives forever, as I.N.E.T. survives an attack by the nefarious Dr. Hinelar and an army from another dimension determined to conquer our reality! Now, it's up to Kenta and his four classmates to "install Megaranger" and become the team of heroes their video games prepared them to be!
The Cape is an American dramatic TV series, with elements of science fiction, action/adventure, and drama, that was produced for syndication during the 1996–1997 television season. The Cape told the story of select members of the NASA Astronaut Corps at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida with a focus on their personal lives as they train for, and execute, Space Shuttle missions. The series stars Corbin Bernsen as USAF Colonel Henry J. "Bull" Eckert, an experienced astronaut who, early in the series, was the Director of Astronaut Training but later in the series was also tasked with the responsibility of Chief of the Astronaut Office. The series focused on authenticity and was filmed in and around Cape Canaveral, Florida. Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin also served as technical consultant.
In 2003, Space Shuttle Columbia breaks apart in the skies above America. The astronauts’ families and Nasa staff share personal stories of the launch, unfolding disaster and fallout.
Engineers, officials and the crew members' families provide their perspective on the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster and its aftermath.
Documentary series offering audiences a unique chance to glimpse an astronaut's view of spaceflight