Кључна реч Hitchhiking
Pink Flamingos 1972
Не остављај ни трага 2018
Отац и његова 13-годишња кћерка живе идиличним животом у пространом урбаном парку у Портланду у Орегону, али мала грешка заувек мења њихове животе…
菊次郎の夏 1999
Up in Smoke 1978
Hitchhiker Massacre 2017
Kalifornia 1993
Female Trouble 1974
Transamerica 2005
Ο Μελισσοκόμος 1986
Joyride 2022
Truck Stop Women 1974
Pane e tulipani 2000
Sur un arbre perché 1971
Out of the Blue 1981
Thumbs Up! 2012
David Choe hitchhikes his way across these United States by (other people's) trains, cars, and boats.
The Race 2024
In THE RACE, five creators compete against each other in a race. They have no money, no smartphone and are limited to the bare necessities for sleeping. The participants only find out exactly where they are going at the start. What doesn't change: Whoever makes it to the finish line first has won THE RACE!