
Спајдермен 2002


Акциона фантазија базирана на Марвел Комиксовом лику - суперхероју, је прича о Питеру Паркеру, једном наизглед врло обичном школарцу. Изненада, на школском излету, Питера уједе генетски модификовани паук и он се буди следећег јутра са невероватном снагом. У међувремену, Питер је био сведок смрти свога ујака, што га тера на размишљање да употреби снагу и вештину коју је добио, како би очистио град од надолазећег зла. Ипак, неко други има другачије планове. Зелени Гоблин доживљава Спајдермена као претњу и жели да га се отараси, чак иако то значи да треба да елиминише његову тетку, као и девојку, коју потајно жели за себе.


Чудесна судбина Амелије Пулен

Чудесна судбина Амелије Пулен 2001


Амелија, наивна девојка необичне маште, после несрећног детињства ради као конобарица у кафеу на Монмартру у Паризу. Одлучиће да промени живот људима око себе чинећи добра дела. Будући да је у раном детињству остала без мајке, одрасла је уз небрижног оца психолога, проводећи време сама са собом у свом усамљеном, имагинарном свету. Када Амелија иза плочице у купатилу пронађе стару металну кутију коју је некада сакрио дечак који је ту живео, она одлучује да пронађе тог, сада већ одраслог човека, и врати му кутију…



Lee 2024



Рамбо 2

Рамбо 2 1985


У наставку серијала Рамбо ослази у мисију која је унапред одређена на пропаст. Ратни ветеран, бивши припадник Зелених беретки Џон Рамбо (Силвестер Сталоне) издржава казну у једном федералном затвору. Америчке власти су добиле информацију да су неки војници који се воде као нестали у акцији у вијетнамском рату највероватније још увек живи, али далеко у заробљеништву. Пуковник Траутман (Ричард Крена) је овлашћен да ангажује Рамба за ову опасну спасилачку мисију у чији успех мало ко верује. Међутим, Рамбо ће кроз низ невероватних авантура доказати да ништа није немогуће...


127 сати

127 сати 2010


Истинита прича о пењачу Арону Ралстону који се бори за голи опстанак након несреће која му се догодила усред опустошене литице по којој се пењао у Јути. У следећих пет дана, заробљен испод великог камена без могућности мицања, Ралстон ће преиспитати свој живот и шватити да има снаге и воље да се одупре смрти, попне уз литицу и пронађе спас. Током свог путовања, Ралстон ће се присетити својих пријатеља, љубави, породице и две алпинискиње које је упознао пре несреће. Хоће ли управо оне бити последње особе које је Ралстон упознао у свом животу?



Керол 2015


Радња се одиграва у Њујорку 1952 и описује предивну љубавну причу између две жене, о младој фотографкињи и њеној љубавној вези са старијом женом која пролази кроз тежак развод.


Мостови округа Медисон

Мостови округа Медисон 1995


Двоје обичних људи случајно су се сусрели и доживели несвакидашњу романсу. Усамљена фармерова супруга и лутајући фотограф ући ће у романтичну везу која ће их, иако кратка, обоје дубоко променити.


Big Issue

Big Issue 2019


Due to a photograph, Han Seok-Joo loses everything, including his job as a photographer for a top newspaper and his family. Ji Soo-Hyun is the notorious chief editor of a paparazzi group. She hires the man to become a paparazzi photographer.


Speed Grapher

Speed Grapher 2005


In the new Tokyo, where every fetish has a face, burned-out war photographer Tatsumi Saiga is slumming in the tabloid wasteland. Sent to dig up dirt on the underground elite, he stumbles upon a depraved ritual below the city—and before the night ends, a single kiss from a young beauty named Kagura Tennouzu ignites a chain of events that could force the entire ruling class to their knees.


Banana Fish

Banana Fish 2018


Nature made Ash Lynx beautiful; nurture made him a cold ruthless killer. A runaway brought up as the adopted heir and sex toy of "Papa" Dino Golzine, Ash, now at the rebellious age of seventeen, forsakes the kingdom held out by the devil who raised him. But the hideous secret that drove Ash's older brother mad in Iraq has suddenly fallen into Papa's insatiably ambitious hands—and it's exactly the wrong time for Eiji Okamura, a pure-hearted young photographer from Japan, to make Ash Lynx's acquaintance.


Love Rain

Love Rain 2012


A story of two couples' journey of new love, loss and unexpected reunion spans decades, from the 1970s through present day.


Windy Tales

Windy Tales 2004


While hanging out on the roof of her school, Nao Ueshima discovers a flock of flying cats. In her haste to snap a picture, Nao tumbles over the side of the building. But instead of plummeting to her doom, Nao is guided by an unseen force that allows her to land safely on her feet. Determined to unlock the secrets of the flying cats and the identity of her rescuer, Nao soon learns that not only is one of her teachers able to control the wind, but he can also teach others to control it, too!



Manhole 2017


This time-slip drama centers around Bong Pil and his five friends who travel between the past and present through a manhole in order to stop a wedding scheduled a week later.


Twelve Nights

Twelve Nights 2018


Yoo Kyung and and Hyun Oh surprisingly keep bumping into each other over the course of three different trips and end up spending 12 nights together. Could this be just coincidence or something much more?



Tamayura 2010


As a little girl, Fuu Sawatari’s father taught her to love photography. They took pictures everywhere they went. But after he passed away, seeing those photographs only served as a reminder of her loss, so she locked them away to be forgotten. Years later, the pictures remind Fuu of all the happy memories of her father that she will carry with her forever.



Mouna 2019


Mouna is a Palestinian photographer living in Tel Aviv, moments before her big professional break. When a military operation in Gaza goes out of hand, she is faced with the realities of both worlds she lives in, and with the close relationships with the two men in her life.


IRODUKU: The World in Colors

IRODUKU: The World in Colors 2018


Set in the city of Nagasaki, the story takes place in a world where a miniscule amount of magic remains in everyday life. Hitomi Tsukishiro is a 17-year-old descendant of a witch family who grew up with stale emotions, as she lost her sense of color at a very young age. Feeling sorry for her granddaughter's future, Kohaku, a great witch, sends Hitomi to past, the year 2018. Through exchanges with her 17-year-old grandmother and her club members, the story follows Hitomi's growth as a person.


My Beautiful Man

My Beautiful Man 2021


Kazunari Hira is in the 3rd grade of high school. He suffers from a stuttering problem and he doesn't have any friends. Without any dreams, his only hobby is to take pictures of daily life around him. On the first day the new semester, he finds himself in an uncomfortable situation. His classmate Sō Kiyoi happens to save him from the situation. This causes Kazunari Hira to fall in love with Sō Kiyoi. His classmate is popular and he purses a dream that nobody knows about. By chance, Kazunari Hira learns about Sō Kiyoi's dream. This becomes a secret between the two of them.



Motion 2009


Motion features host Greg Aiello as he explores a variety of outdoor activities. From the Channel Islands in California to Bryce Canyon National Park, Maui, and Big Sur, Aiello takes a Nature-lovers perspective on exploration. Often times filmed solely by Aiello himself, the show acts as a guide on how to adventure to less-traveled places. Camping on a budget, kayaking with friends, and hiking mountains with safety cables are examples of Aiello's hobbies that are documented for viewers to see. Each half hour episode takes viewers to a location off the beaten path, with directions on exactly how to get there. With summer and winter vacations highlighted, Motion is produced with the average outdoorsmen in mind. Aiello narrates throughout, providing an inside look into his climbing, hiking, photography, and general fitness abilities.


9 Seconds: Eternal Time

9 Seconds: Eternal Time 2015


Upon a chance meeting at a neighborhood photo studio, Yoo So Ra and Kang Yoo Chan develop a picture-perfect romance with the help of a magical camera that can freeze time. At first the camera seems like a game, but it begins to take on a whole new meaning as they face hardships that might cut their growing love and youth short.


The Secret Angel

The Secret Angel 2012


An angel called L accidentally saves Han Si Yeong, who was meant to die, when she gives him her necklace. Now it's her mission to live on earth and protect Si Yeong for 100 days, while an angel of death tries to manipulate him into taking his own life. If she fails, she'll be banished from heaven forever and stranded without her powers. However, the more time the angels spend on earth, the more human they become, and with that come human feelings.


Tales by Light

Tales by Light 2015


Behind every powerful image is a powerful story. Uniting exploration, photography and the natural world, Tales By Light follows photographers from Australia and around the world as they push the limits of their craft.



Heimat 1984


Spanning 1919 to 1982, in the fictional village of Schabbach, lives Maria Simon and her family, whose lives and community are changed by historical events around them.


The World from Above

The World from Above 2010


The World from Above is a unique continuing series of aerial programmes offering an entirely different view of the world. From 10,000ft, down to just a few feet the stabilised high definition aerial camera seeks out the beautiful, as well as the dramatic, on journeys across very different parts of the world including Europe, Africa and the United States.


Wind Blowing in Jeju

Wind Blowing in Jeju 2018


The two men and women are connected to each other through the medium of photography, but it is a three-night, four-day travel story of Jeju Island that is created by solving the conflicts and conflicts caused by the so different attitudes toward photography.


Earth from Space

Earth from Space 2019


Cameras in space tell stories of life on our planet from a brand new perspective, revealing new discoveries, incredible colours and patterns, and just how fast it is changing.