У мојој глави

У мојој глави 2015


Смештени у бази, контролном центру унутар ума 11-годишње Рајли, пет емоција вредно раде, а предводе их оптимиста Радост, чија је мисија да се постара да Рајли буде срећна. Страх се брине о безбедности, Бес се стара о томе да све буде поштено, а Гађење спречава Рајли да се отрује – и физички и друштвено. Туга није тачно сигурна шта је њена улога, а искрено, нису ни остали. Кад се Рајлина породица пресели у страшни нови град, емоције се бацају на посао, спремне да јој помогну да превазиђе ову тешку промену. Али кад се Радост и Туга случајно нађу у далеким сферама Рајлиног ума – односећи и неке од важних успомена с њима – Страх, Бес и Гађење, невољно ће постати вође. Радост и Туга морају да прођу кроз непозната места – Дуготрајно памћење, Земљу маште, Апстрактне мисли и Фабрику снова – у очајничком покушају да се врате до базе и до Рајли.


Зубић вила

Зубић вила 2010


Када сурови хокејаш уништи дечје снове, биће необично кажњен – недељу дана радиће као вила Зубић…


Код тебе или код мене

Код тебе или код мене 2023


Када најбољи пријатељи и потпуне супротности Деби и Питер замене домове на недељу дана, они завире у животе једно другог што би могло да отвори врата љубави.



Лед 2018


Од најранијег детињства Нађа је веровала у чудеса. Она је маштала о томе како излази на лед, уз овације публике, и плеше најлепши плес. И захваљујући својој вери и упорности Нађа је постала позната клизачица. Али судбина уплиће своје прсте. Током једног наступа она пада и задобија тешку повреду. Ипак, као у некој бајци, појављује се принц који ће јој помоћи да опет постане шампионка.



Goon 2012




Чудо 2004


Филм прати настанак америчког олимпијског хокејашког тима састављеног од универзитетских играча пред Зимске олимпијске игре у Лаке Пласиду 1980. Иако им у почетку нико није давао никакве шансе наспрам снажнијих момака из Источне Еуропе, посебно оном СССР-а, Американци су уз спартанску дисциплину, заједништво и иновативну тактику, направили чудо и освојили златну медаљу.


Панично бекство

Панично бекство 2006


Када добије задатак да се отараси пиштоља који је коришћен у једном жестоком обрачуну, Џои пиштољ доноси кући ни не слутећи да ће га се дочепати комшијин мали. Шта ће дечак потом урадити са пиштољем, нећемо вам откривати – довољно је напоменути да ће комшијин мали изазвати довољно проблема да укључи две мафијашке породице.


Junior League

Junior League 2013


In the town of Podolsk, The Bears hockey club hires a new coach, Sergei Makeyev, a former National Hockey League player, who sets out to get the club to the Junior Hockey League and make The Bears a successful team.


The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers

The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers 2021


In present day Minnesota, the Mighty Ducks have evolved from scrappy underdogs to an ultra-competitive, powerhouse youth hockey team. After 12-year-old Evan is unceremoniously cut from the Ducks, he and his mom Alex set out to build their own ragtag team of misfits to challenge the cutthroat, win-at-all-costs culture of competitive youth sports.


Kraken Home Ice

Kraken Home Ice 2024


KING 5 sports anchor Paul Silvi takes an inside look at the Seattle Kraken with exclusive team-focused feature stories, player and coach interviews, and more for fans.



Shoresy 2022


Foul-mouthed, chirp-serving, mother-loving, fan favourite character, Shoresy, joins the Sudbury Bulldogs of the Northern Ontario Senior Hockey Organization (The NOSHO) on a quest to never lose again.


30 for 30

30 for 30 2009


30 for 30 is the title for a series of documentary films airing on ESPN, its sister networks, and online highlighting interesting people and events in sports history. This currently includes four "volumes" of 30 episodes each, a 13-episode series under the ESPN Films Presents title in 2011–2012, and a series of 30 for 30 Shorts shown through the ESPN.com website. The series has also expanded to include Soccer Stories, which aired in advance of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, and audio podcasts. This entry refers to the main Volumes of the series presented by ESPN


Lance et Compte

Lance et Compte 1986


Lance et Compte is a series of Quebec téléromans revolving around a Quebec City ice hockey team. The series aired from 1986 to 1989 on the Radio-Canada network, and revival series on TQS in 2001 and on TVA from 2004 to the present. The first season was filmed in both French and English, the English version appearing on CBC Television as He Shoots, He Scores. It was the first television series to air simultaneously in English on CBC and in French on Radio-Canada. The series was scripted by Réjean Tremblay and Louis Caron for the first season, and by Tremblay and Jacques Jacob after that. Following the end of the regular series, a number of television movies continued to air into the 1990s. A new generation of the series started to air in 2001 and a movie was made in 2010.


First Line

First Line 2023


Chloé, a star hockey player, wants to make her place on a men's AAA team. Between budding loves, friendships and betrayals, she tries to find her place on the ice and in life.


24CH The Valet

24CH The Valet 2015


Throughout the season, players and members of the Montreal Canadiens organization are driven from one place to another by the valet. During the ride, the players participate in games, improvisation, challenges, planed or surprise meetings and interviews.



Pride 2004


Haru Satonaka is the captain of an ice-hockey team, a star athlete who stakes everything on hockey but can only consider love as a game. Aki Murase is a woman who has been waiting for her lover who went abroad two years ago. These two persons start a relationship while frankly admitting to each other that it is only a love game. …The result is the unfolding of a drama of people with their respective pasts and with their pride as individuals.


My Unicorn Girl

My Unicorn Girl 2020


Sang Tian is an aspiring figure skater. On the day she turns 18, she vows to her family that she will be accepted to the same university that her mother once attended. To get in, she must pass a test, which she – an exceptionally competent skater and student – expects to ace.


The Hockey Girls

The Hockey Girls 2019


The passionate members of a girls' roller hockey team chase down victories in the rink while striving to make time for school, family and romance.


High School King of Savvy

High School King of Savvy 2014


Lee Min Suk is just a normal high school hockey player - until he's forced to take his brother's place as the director for a major company. Now he's forced to balance school work, hockey practice, and making multi-million dollar decisions. No big deal?


All or Nothing: Toronto Maple Leafs

All or Nothing: Toronto Maple Leafs 2021


The first of the All or Nothing franchise to follow an NHL team, the docu-series brings fans closer to the Toronto Maple Leafs organization than ever before, with cameras capturing every moment during the 104th NHL regular season and playoffs.


Road to the NHL Winter Classic

Road to the NHL Winter Classic 2010


An exclusive look at the players and coaches in their professional and personal settings, following the chosen teams as they prepare for their respective outdoor games capturing all the action, camaraderie, drama, humor, heartaches and triumphs as they unfold.



Eagles 2019


Eagles is a Swedish TV show that revolves around a few teenagers living in the Swedish ice hockey town Oskarshamn while experiencing friendship, love, and rivalry on the ice.



Puck 2016


Due to his ex-wife’s debt, Joon-Man (Lee Kwang-Soo) had no choice but to work for a gang boss. Even though he has a warm personality, he works as a loan shark. To get debt from an ice hockey coach, Joon-Man joins the ice hockey team.