Златокоса 2010
Ако мислите да знате причу о златокосој дами у невољи, боље размислите још једном. Савремени римејк класичне бајке браће Грим „Златокоса" поближе ће описати девојку која се крије иза 20 метара дуге и магичне косе.
Ако мислите да знате причу о златокосој дами у невољи, боље размислите још једном. Савремени римејк класичне бајке браће Грим „Златокоса" поближе ће описати девојку која се крије иза 20 метара дуге и магичне косе.
Осамнаестогодишњи Метју Кидман је амбициозни одликаш који никада није живео живот - све док није срео своју нову комшиницу, прелепу и наизглед наивну, Данијел. Када открије да је његова „савршена“ комшиница заправо некадашња порно-звезда, Метјуов ушушкани живот почиње да измиче контроли. Ипак, она му помаже да изађе из љуштуре и открије да некада треба ризиковати све за особу коју волиш.
После везе на једну ноћ са згодним странцем, довитљива репортерка се буди у центру Лос Анђелеса, без телефона, кола, личне карте и новца – и схвата да је само 8 сати дели од најважнијег интервјуа каријере.
Однос слепе жене са мужем се мења када она поврати вид и открије узнемирујуће детаље о њима самима.
The third time's the charm, they say, and reformed party girl Kate is hoping that's true when she becomes the third wife of a slightly older man, Pete. They fell into each others' arms (literally) at a karaoke bar, and flash forward a year later, Kate finds herself with an instafamily complete with three stepchildren and two ex-wives. But Kate is determined to make this work and become a part of the family no matter what.
The Simple Life is an American reality television series. The series aired from December 2, 2003 to August 5, 2007. The first three seasons aired on Fox, and the final two on E!. The series depicts two wealthy socialites, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, as they struggle to do manual, low-paying jobs such as cleaning rooms, farm work, serving meals in fast-food restaurants and working as camp counselors.
An always inappropriate, fearless and unapologetic former trophy wife masquerades as a teacher in order to find a new man after her wealthy husband leaves her penniless.
Skyler Dayton trades the beach for a family-run independent bookstore where work rivalries and comic foibles revolve around her bombshell arrival.
Newlyweds follows the always interesting, and sometimes funny, newly married Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. Don't miss the parties, the performing, the love, and of course, the 'Jessica Moments' as Nick and Jess put their celebrity marriage on display in Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica.
A parody of one of the most popular franchises in reality television, “The Hotwives of Orlando,” takes you inside the uber-exclusive and glamorous world of six hot housewives livin’ large in Central Florida's sexiest city, Orlando. The show follows a cast of ladies as they fight over pretty much everything except for their love of shoes, plastic surgery, and the pursuit of spending all of their husbands’ money.
I Married Joan is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1952 to 1955. It starred veteran vaudeville, film, and radio comedienne-comedy actress Joan Davis as the manic, scatterbrained wife of a mild-mannered community judge, the Honorable Bradley Stevens.
Barbara Carey flies to Italy to visit her blind sister Mary Ann, who is studying in a music academy. Once in Rome Barbara discovers her sister has disappeared and, according to the Italian police, she may have been murdered by a maniac who is obsessed with young sightless women. With the help of Martin Foster, from the British Embassy, Barbara starts trying to find out what happened to Mary Ann. She even pretends to be blind herself in an attempt to attract the killer, and finally the clues lead her to Seagull Island, privately owned by a mysterious British citizen named David Malcolm. Barbara must then find the answers to several questions: was Mary Ann really kidnapped? What happened to David's wife and son in the island? And why is David's relative Carol so unhappy to see a woman with him?
Beautiful, fashionable and fun, Clarissa Alpert is a shallow socialite whose speed dial is a veritable Rolodex of Hollywood power players. Staring her 32nd birthday directly in the eyes, though she will admit only to being 28, the spoiled daddy's girl is in a panic because she is still single. Clarissa, though, always gets what she wants even if he's Aaron Mason, the hottest new producer in town. With the help of her family and friends, Clarissa sets into motion an elaborate plan to lasso the dashing filmmaker who will, she hopes, be the man to put a ring on her finger.