Aur Kya Chahiye is a slice of life drama web series that focuses on the lives of a working couple. Jui and Saket are about to get married and reside in Pune while working for a regional company. Watch Aur Kya Chahiye online now to join them in their journey which is full of love, drama, romance, and much more. In this show we see them living their lives, enjoying their relationship, going through some emotional rollercoaster moments, and much more. How does the couple deal with all of that while keeping the love between them intact? Watch Aur Kya Chahiye all episodes on MX Player now to find out all the answers.
- 1. Kutra ki Maanjar2020-07-24
- 2. Dha Dhin Dha2020-07-24
- 3. Chhota Aajarpan2020-07-24
- 4. Bhutachya Goshti2020-07-24
- 5. Thoda Durava2020-07-24
- 6. Baby Planning2020-07-24