Calabash Brothers is a Chinese animation TV series produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. It is also referred to as Bottle Gourd Brothers, Hulu Brothers, Seven Brothers and Pumpkin Brothers. In China, the series is popularly known as Huluwa.
Title | Calabash Brothers |
Year | 1991 |
Genre | Animation, Kids |
Country | China |
Studio | |
Cast | Ni Yilin, Yu Ding, Pengfei Tan, Zhu Sha |
Crew | Hu Jinqing (Director), 葛桂云 (Director) |
Alternative Titles | Calabash Brothers, The Gourd Brothers, hu lu xiong di, 葫芦兄弟, Calabash Brothers, Hulu Brothers, The Gourd Brothens |
Keyword | 葫芦兄弟, 葫芦娃 |
First Air Date | Dec 01, 1986 |
Last Air date | Jan 01, 1991 |
Season | 2 Season |
Episode | 19 Episode |
Runtime | 10:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 8.30/ 10 by 15.00 users |
Popularity | 7.567 |
Language | Mandarin |