Don't Starve is an animated series based on the video game with the same name, developed and released by Klei Entertainment with each episode serving as both a story and promotional material for the game characters or the game as a whole.
- 1. Forbidden Knowledge2013-02-26
- 2. A New Reign2016-05-03
- 4. Next of Kin2019-03-07
- 5. Possessions2019-03-28
- 6. From the Ashes2019-05-07
- 7. Lunar Roots2019-06-06
- 8. Taste of Home2019-07-25
- 9. Turn of Tides2019-08-15
- 10. Tree's a Crowd2019-09-19
- 11. Salty Dog2019-10-03
- 12. The Monster Marsh2019-10-24
- 13. Hook, Line & Inker2019-12-12
- 14. Wish you were here2020-03-19
- 15. A 1st for Everything2020-04-01
- 16. She Sells Sea Shells2020-04-23
- 17. Constant Companion2020-06-15
- 18. Troubled Waters2020-07-16
- 19. The Curtain Calls2020-09-24
- 20. Forgotten Knowledge2020-10-22
- 21. C'est La Vie2021-04-01
- 22. Axiom Visus2021-04-30
- 23. Eye of the Storm2021-05-05
- 24. Along Came A Spider2021-06-24
- 25. Waterlogged2021-08-12
- 26. Long Shadows2021-09-09