Reksio is a Polish cartoon character from the TV animated series by the same title. Reksio was created by a Polish director Lechosław Marszałek. Its 65 episodes were made from 1967 to 1990 in a Cartoon Movies Studio in Bielsko-Biała. All episodes describe adventures of a friendly, piebald terrier dog named Reksio, with his animal friends - hens, cats, other dogs and their owners.
- 1. Reksio and the Stork1987-06-01
- 2. Reksio and the Parrot1987-06-02
- 3. Reksio and the Pigeon1987-06-03
- 4. Reksio and the Starlings1987-06-04
- 5. Reksio and the Gander1987-06-05