Greed is an American television game show that aired on Fox from November 4, 1999 until July 14, 2000. The game consisted of a team of contestants who answered a series of multiple-choice questions for a potential prize of up to $2 million. The show was hosted by Chuck Woolery, with Mark Thompson serving as announcer.
Title | Greed - Season 1 |
Year | 2000 |
Genre | Reality |
Country | United States of America |
Studio | FOX |
Cast | Chuck Woolery, Mark Thompson |
Crew | Bob Boden (Executive Producer), Dick Clark (Executive Producer), Bob Levy (Director) |
Alternative Titles | Greed: The Series, Super Greed, Greed: The Multi-Million Dollar Challenge |
Keyword | game show, quiz show, dramatic, tense, million dollar, team game, big money |
First Air Date | Nov 04, 1999 |
Last Air date | Jul 14, 2000 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 44 Episode |
Runtime | 60:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 8.50/ 10 by 2.00 users |
Popularity | 7.458 |
Language | English |