M.K. 22 is an Israeli animated sitcom, revolving around the adventures of soldiers in a fictional IDF military base hosting the so-called "Israeli doomsday weapon". The show was created for the cable channel Bip and debuted in March 2004, becoming the first prime time animated series in Israeli television, and was later rebroadcast partly censored on Channel 2. The show won the Israeli Television Academy Award for Best Comedy Series and is considered by many a milestone in the history of Israeli animation. Despite gaining popularity and critical acclaim, the negotiations for a second season seem to have failed, making the first 10-episode season the only one thus far.
- 1. Heavy Water2004-03-21
- 2. Saturday at the Base2004-03-28
- 3. The Good Fence2004-04-04
- 4. Wolf, Wolf2004-04-11
- 5. Time Travel2004-05-02
- 6. The Trail2004-05-09
- 7. Of Gay and Gevaldt2004-05-16
- 8. Remember2004-05-23
- 9. Season 1, Episode 92004-06-06
- 10. One of Us2004-06-13