功夫熊猫 2008
当熊猫阿宝为成为真正的神龙大侠做准备的时候,他的生父——熊猫李山突然到访。与此同时,拥有神秘力量的反派天煞登场,妄图制服 所有高手,统治武林。相传在与世隔绝的熊猫村有着对抗天煞的力量,为了拯救苍生,阿宝与父亲踏上了归途,而阿宝的好伙伴悍娇虎、金猴、灵蛇、螳螂则一同拖延天煞,阿宝不仅肩负着成为真正的熊猫大侠的使命,还要让村民美美等新伙伴练就新功夫,继承乌龟大师的遗志,共同抵挡天煞。
杨过自幼流落江湖,在被大侠郭靖收留后拜入了全真门下,却因身世之谜在全真教内备受欺辱, 不堪折磨的他在机缘巧合下改拜小龙女为师,学习武功。适逢异族国师金轮法王率众南下,与古 墓派弃徒李莫愁联合,欲夺取古墓内的武功秘籍与军火地图。无意卷入江湖纷争的杨过与小龙女几度同生共死,二人间的师徒之谊逐渐发展成苦恋,期间杨过胳膊被砍,摔落悬崖,遇见“良师益友”神雕。
影片改编自金庸小说《笑傲江湖》,讲述了想退出江湖的令狐冲(黄曦彦 饰)被迫卷入武林正邪风波中,意外邂逅了魔教教主东方不败(张雨绮 饰),就此开启共赴修罗场的江湖之旅的故事。
战国末期,燕、赵、楚、韩、魏、齐、秦七雄并起,惟秦国最为强大,急欲吞并六国一统天下,秦王(陈道明)因此成为六国大敌,各地不同的刺秦故事一直在上演,其中赵国刺客残剑(梁朝伟)、飞雪(张曼玉)、如月(章子怡)、长空(甄子丹)因名震天下的高超剑术,令秦王十年里没睡过一个安稳觉 。 某日闻得长空已被名叫无名(李连杰)的秦国剑客杀死,秦王大喜急召其上殿相见,却也谨慎小心以防有诈,秦王和无名斗智斗勇的较量遂即展开。
唐大中十三年,民间涌现不少反昏君反腐官的组织,其中以打着“杀富济贫推翻朝廷”旗号的飞刀门的势力最大。飞刀门总部设在靠近都城长安的奉天县境内,为保长安安全,朝廷下令奉天县府将飞刀门成员悉数剿灭。 奉天县两大捕头刘捕头(刘德华)与金捕头(金城武)收到限期缉拿飞刀门新任帮主归案的命令。因怀疑牡丹坊的舞妓小妹(章子怡)是飞刀门前帮主的女儿,刘捕头设计将她拿下押入天牢,后又与金捕头再度设下圈套令金捕头化身义士将她救出,想骗取她的信任查出飞刀门的巢穴,但他不知的是,除了在公务上与金捕头和小妹打交道外,私情上也会与他们有番纠缠。
明宪宗年间,宦官弄权,滥杀贤臣。侠客周淮安在营救忠良行动中,终将恶贯满盈的东厂提督曹少钦一剑毙命,引来西厂督主雨化田祭出天下格杀令。周淮安等人一路亡命到嘉峪关的龙门, 消失於铺天盖地的黑沙暴中。尘销风散后,西厂密探、鞑靼商队等江湖各路人马,再度投宿於龙门客栈这家大漠黑店。
令狐冲在按计划与日月神教的朋友会面后,将和小师妹岳灵珊等其他华山派师兄弟赴牛背山归隐退出江湖。路途中意外发现练就“葵花宝典”的东方不败,但令狐冲不认识东方不败,误将对方当成一位美貌女子。后来几次相遇,还一道饮酒吟诗。 在同任盈盈、蓝凤凰会合后,几个月来江湖不平,大事连连。任我行为东方不败所囚禁,他们商量着夺回日月神教,便乔装进入浪人营打探,救出任我行。另一边华山派弟子惨遭毒手,黑木崖上,令狐冲和一干人都想着报仇,他惊觉眼前人竟是东方不败……
八百年前,竺人达摩来至中原弘法,其死后尸体被人盗取并分为两部分。传说拿到达摩尸体的人能练成绝世武功,因此江湖上风波骤起。时有转轮王(王学圻 饰)操控的黑石杀手集团,专为朝廷杀害谋逆相左之人。转轮王率徒众夜袭藏匿半具达摩尸首的首辅张海端(李庆祥 饰)宅邸,但是他的手下细雨(林熙蕾 饰)却带着残尸绝走江湖,致令转轮王发出江湖追杀令,引出一阵血雨腥风。 为避追杀,细雨易容,更名曾静(杨紫琼 饰),逃亡期间结识了木讷善良的江阿生(郑宇成 饰)。一段时间相处,二人渐渐萌生感情,更喜结连理。但是江湖恩怨,因蔓不断,怎可轻易了结……
寂寞天宝后,巍巍大唐辉煌告终,朝廷的威严和向心力进一步削弱。此时藩镇林立,派系迭起,在四分五裂的乱象之下李氏帝国勉强维持着不堪一击的和平与威信。河北三镇之一的魏博镇,刚愎暴戾的节度使田季安(张震 饰)野心勃勃,相机而动。会朝廷派神策兵讨伐王承宗,魏博主从各执一词,纷争连 连。与此同时,田季安自幼被公主道姑带到山上修炼剑法的表妹聂隐娘(舒淇 饰)满师归来。她谨遵师父教诲,奉行杀一人以救万人的理念,接连手刃多位大僚,而此次归来则将狙击目标锁定在田季安身上。剑术已成,道心未坚,侠女聂隐娘捷若猿猱,隐迹红尘…… 本片根据唐人裴刑的传奇小说《聂隐娘》改编,并荣获第68届戛纳电影节竞赛单元最佳导演奖。
宦官专权的明朝中叶,东厂曹少钦(甄子丹)假造圣旨杀害了忠良杨宇轩,并想斩草除根杀死其后代。侠女邱莫言(林青霞)、江湖义士贺虎等人冒死救出忠良后代后,逃至边关沙漠里的龙门客栈,与杨宇轩部下周淮安(梁家辉)会合。龙门客栈实则黑店,老板娘金镶玉(张曼玉)利用乱世,以美貌和风骚 作诱饵杀人越货聚敛钱财,但她却为英俊潇洒的周淮安动了真心。为了摸清潜藏于龙门客栈中的出关暗道,周淮安将计就计,答应与金镶玉成亲。 洞房花烛夜,楼上的周淮安与金镶玉各怀心事暗中较劲,楼下的邱莫言、贺虎等人也与东厂一众“走狗”展开了明争暗斗,战事一触即发。
本片導演徐增宏為六、七十年代「武俠新世紀」潮流的中流砥柱。故事描述女俠明珠(井莉 飾)的師父遭黑虎幫歹徒偷襲重傷,臨終囑往找故友之女青青(舒佩佩 飾),探問失蹤財寶。歹徒偷聽得遺言,先去劫走青青,途遇「大羅劍俠」周應龍(張翼 飾),怒打不平……
明朝中叶,宦官当权,兵部尚书于谦遭陷害入狱,满门抄斩,只剩下一儿一女被押送塞外龙门充军。东厂太监曹少钦(白鹰 饰)意欲斩草除根,派人截杀两个孩子,被于谦旧部朱骥阻拦。曹少钦又派心腹皮绍棠(苗天 饰)和毛宗宪(韩英杰 饰)赶到出关必经之地龙门客栈拦截。其时义士萧少镃(石隽 饰)也赶赴客栈与栈主会合商议搭救忠良之后,朱骥与其女扮男装的妹妹朱辉(上官灵凤 饰)也赶到客栈,三路人马碰头,怀着各自目的,试探彼此身份,很快变成一场混战,此时曹少钦也正飞速赶来龙门客栈,武功极高的他是义士们的最后宿敌……
Tang San spent his life in the Tang Outer Sect, dedicated to the creation and mastery of hidden weapons. Once he stole the secret lore of the Inner Sect to reach the pinnacle of his art, his only way out was death. But after throwing himself off the deadly Hell's Peak he was reborn in a different world, the world of Douluo Dalu, a world where every person has a spirit of their own, and those with powerful spirits can practice their spirit power to rise and become Spirit Masters. The spirit that awakens within Tang San is Blue Silver Grass, a useless spirit. Can he overcome the difficulties to reach the high ranks of Spirit Masters and bring the glory of the Tang Sect into this new world?
In a land where no magic is present. A land where the strong make the rules and weak have to obey. A land filled with alluring treasures and beauty, yet also filled with unforeseen danger. Three years ago, Xiao Yan, who had shown talents none had seen in decades, suddenly lost everything. His powers, his reputation, and his promise to his mother. What sorcery has caused him to lose all of his powers? And why has his fiancee suddenly shown up?
In an Eastern-styled fantasy setting, a brother and sister team of sacred guardians is beset by the Xuan Gui Zong, minions of Miè Tian Hai, who seeks the Tian Xing Jiàn sword that they possess. Hai showing up himself leads to the defeat of the brother, but his sister, Dan Fei, jumps off a cliff to temporary safety. Later, a wandering swordsman comes across a ruined temple where a statue of Buddha is protected by an umbrella against the rain. When he takes the umbrella for himself, a man resting under a tree nearby informs him the he must be compassionate to the next traveler he meets as trade-off for taking the umbrella. But the next traveler is Dan Fei, who is still being pursued by the Xuan Gui Zong minions, and between that and the sorcery of the other man he finds himself unable to avoid getting involved.
Brother Ah Yat and Ah Yuet are destined to face each other in the next battle of the century between the immortals and devils, and only only one is expected to survive.
The Condor Heroes 95 is a Hong Kong television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Return of the Condor Heroes. It was first broadcast on TVB Jade in Hong Kong in 1995. Many of the cast from The Legend of the Condor Heroes reprised their roles in this series, such as Lau Dan and Wayne Lai. In addition, Jason Pai reprised his breakthrough role as Kwok Ching, whom he previously portrayed in The Legend of the Condor Heroes and The Return of the Condor Heroes.
The protagonist Qin Chen, who was originally the top genius in the military domain, was conspired by the people to fall into the death canyon in the forbidden land of the mainland. Qin Chen, who was inevitably dead, unexpectedly triggered the power of the mysterious ancient sword. Three hundred years later, in a remote part of the Tianwu mainland, a boy of the same name accidentally inherited Qin Chen’s will. As the beloved grandson of King Dingwu of the Daqi National Army, due to the birth father’s birth, the mother and son were treated coldly in Dingwu’s palace and lived together. In order to rewrite the myth of the strong man in hope of the sun, and to protect everything he loves, Qin Chen resolutely took up the responsibility of maintaining the five kingdoms of the world and set foot on the road of martial arts again.
During the Warring Period, slave girl Chu Qiao survives a deadly hunting game and is drawn into the ruthless power struggles of the Yuwen family. Trained by Yuwen Yue and bonded with Prince Yan Xun, she faces betrayal and war. As Yan Xun becomes consumed by revenge, Chu Qiao forges her own path, rising as a military strategist and fighting to end slavery.
During the later years of the Kangxi Emperor's rule, his many sons were vying for the throne. The fourth prince, aided by Lusi, Nian Gengyao, and Han Chong, while the fourteenth prince had the support of martial arts master Zeng Jing. The competition between the two became intense. Lusi developed a romantic relationship with the fourth prince while Zeng Jing also had feelings for her, making their situation more complicated. Later, the fourth prince killed Kangxi and altered the imperial edict, successfully usurping the throne and naming himself Emperor Yongzheng. From then on, Yongzheng ruthlessly eliminated dissidents and even betrayed those who helped him, causing Lusi to regret her involvement. Ultimately, the fourteenth prince plotted to assassinate Yongzheng with the help of Zeng Jing and Lusi, igniting a fierce battle.
Set during the Tang Dynasty, a young and quiet swordsman name Baili Tusu is infected by the aura of an ancient demonic sword known as the Sword of Burning Solitude. Living with the dark energy, he grew up without family. Until one day, he meets a friendly girl Feng Qingxue along with a group of heroes, and together they wander the land to seek out destiny and bring balance to the world.
The Legend of Qin follows the Qin dynasty from when the Emperor of the Qin, King Zheng conquered the other 6 nations and unified China, to the rise of the king of Western Chu, Xiang Yu, who capture the capital city, Xianyang.
While attempting to take her predecessor’s Wanjun Sword, Lu Zhao Yao is ambushed by the ten immortal sects and mistakenly believes Li Chen Lan is related to the incident after he is revealed to be the previous cult leader’s son. Five years later, Li Chen Lan has taken over the position of cult leader, and Zhao Yao decides to exact revenge with the help of cultivator Qin Zhi Yan, though slowly falls in love with him instead.
A poor and ordinary boy from a village joins a minor sect in Jiang Hu and becomes an Unofficial Disciple by chance. How will Han Li, a commoner by birth, establish a foothold for himself in his sect? With his mediocre aptitude, he must successfully traverse the treacherous path of cultivation and avoid the notice of those who may do him harm. This is a story of an ordinary mortal who, against all odds, clashes with devilish demons and ancient celestials in order to find his own path towards immortality.
Seeking to recover his memory, a scissor-wielding, hairdressing, bungling quasi-assassin stumbles into a struggle for power among feuding factions.
Zhou Zi Shu gets embroiled in a conspiracy in the martial arts world after quitting his job as the leader of an organization tasked with protecting royalty. He meets Wen Ke Xing, a mysterious martial artist who escapes from the Ghost Valley to avenge his parents’ deaths. They become fast friends and embark on an adventure to find a legendary treasure that will give its owner ultimate power over jianghu.
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is a 1982 Hong Kong television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. The 50 episodes long series is divided into two parts, with their Chinese titles as 天龍八部之六脈神劍 and 天龍八部之虛竹傳奇 respectively.
The drama follows the Long Wind Escort Agency as they are led by young master Guo Xu to thwart the conspiracy plots. Along the way, the romantic and chivalrous Guo Xu encounters various people during their escort missions.
In the final years of the reign of Jiajing Emperor during the Ming Dynasty, Lu Yi of the Jing Yi Wei is commissioned to investigate the disappearance of funds that have been set aside for river repairs in Yangzhou. He is assisted by Yuan Jin Xia of the Liushanmen. The two accidentally become involved in a conspiracy. The talented female constable Yuan Jin Xia gets into a disagreement with the hot-tempered Jin Yi Wei Lu Yi over a case that they are both involved in. Jin Xia thought that she'd never encounter Lu Yi again in this lifetime, yet fate has its way of bringing two people back together. Government funds have been stolen and Jin Xia receives orders to assist Lu Yi in his investigation. They are unable to get along at first but learn to work together through the hardships. Eventually, they develop feelings for each other to become lovers. However, things go awry when the truth about the past comes to light. Jin Xia is the orphan of the Xia Yan case from many years ago and she bears the burdens of the bloodshed that destroyed her family. (Source: ChineseDrama.info) ~~ Adapted from a novel of the same name by Lan Se Shi
In ancient times, the Yun clan appeared in the world and was able to control the power between heaven and earth. While other races had previously bowed to this power, the human King Xin chose a different path and challenged the overwhelming power as a mortal. However, when he lost to Ditian, the king of the Yun clan, he perished in battle. At the cost of her life, the princess protected Prince Wu Geng from being chased by the Yun clan. Prince Wu Geng, filled with grief and resentment, was reduced to a low-level slave in a mine in Pingyang. However, he was determined to restore his country, oppose the Yun clan, and avenge his family. With the help of Fu Xi, the high priest of the Shenyin Ministry, Prince Wu Geng sought out allies for his quest to take down the Yun Clan and win back his freedom.
Based off the very popular CGI animation series Qin's Moon, comes an adaptation from Tangren.
A woman from the future arrives at a fantasy-like universe to experience love for the first time. She goes by the name Chun Hua and falls into a complicated romance with two young men who are opposites like black and white.