紧急盯梢令 1987
故事发生在1929年,乔治(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)和新婚妻子萨琳娜(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)一起千里迢迢赶往位于北卡罗纳那的深山之中,野心勃勃的两人决心在那里建立属于他们的木材帝国。 面对恶劣的生存环境,初来乍到的萨琳娜展现出了无比强悍的一面,尽管身为女子,但她捕蛇、狩猎样样精通,丝毫不输给丈夫,甚至在一次意外之中挽救了丈夫的性命。在萨琳娜的扶持之下,乔治步步为赢,给予了商业对手沉重的打击。然而,一次偶然中,萨琳娜发现了乔治的秘密,他竟然有一个私生子,这对于无法生育的萨琳娜来说无异于一个噩耗。愤怒的萨琳娜决心将这个无辜的孩子置于死地。
Danger is a full-time job for these brave men who put everything on the line each and every day to retrieve the Pacific Northwest timber with which we build our country. Snapped cables, runaway logs and razor-sharp chainsaws are just some of the dangers that threaten their lives daily. Even with new technology that should make the job easier, anything and everything can and does go wrong.
An immersion into the daily lives of forest workers and rangers through an 8-month forestry season. The series follows a team of emergency mechanics struggling to repair broken equipment, cooks responsible for feeding 400 workers a week, and truck drivers hauling 100 tons of lumber across a 200-kilometer trek to the nearest sawmill.
Follows the dangerous work of logger and sawmill owner Kevin Wenstob as he and his crew go to extremes to keep the family sawmill, and their way of life, alive.
In the Pacific Northwest, Jared Douglas and his logging crew risk life and limb to harvest the planet’s remote and valuable trees, but getting these giants from the forest to market is deadly.
Following four logging companies in British Columbia as they fight through extreme weather and merciless terrain to harvest one of Canada’s most vital natural resources.