
怒海余生 1937


哈维(费雷迪·巴塞洛缪 Freddie Bartholomew 饰)幸运的出生在一个富有的家庭之中,从小过着养尊处优的优渥生活,对于民间疾苦知之甚少,性格自然蛮横骄纵些,可是本性也并不是太坏,总的来说就是一个被惯坏了的公子哥。一场横跨大西洋的旅行中,调皮的哈维不小心从船上跌落掉到了海里,幸运的他被一个葡萄牙渔民救起,捡回了一条命。 哈维告诉渔民,只要能够将他送回家,那么他将支付一笔价值不菲的赏金,没想到,渔民毅然决然的拒绝了这充满了诱惑力的奖励,他告诉哈维,他必须依靠自己的双手赚取回家的路费,而自己能够提供的最大帮助,就是给他一份工作。



飓风 1937




Full Sail

Full Sail 1977


Full Sail is a TV series aired on Romanian National Television (TVR), based on the eponymous novel by Radu Tudoran. The series follow the adventures of two friends, the Romanian Anton Lupan and the French Pierre Vaillant. Anton Lupan tries to find the L'Esperance schooner, which belonged to them, wiyhout knowing that it was a victim of a pirate attack. But he hopes in particular to find Pierre, so they can start on a trip to an uncharted land, which they attempted several times to explore unsuccessfully. He found the ship, but his friend was nowhere to be found. Anton was forced to leave on a trip across Atlantic, to Tierra del Fuego.


Adventures in Paradise

Adventures in Paradise 1959


Adventures in Paradise is an American television series created by James Michener which ran on ABC from 1959 until 1962, starring Gardner McKay as Adam Troy, the captain of the schooner Tiki III, which sailed the South Pacific looking for passengers and adventure. USA Network aired reruns of this series between 1984 and 1988. The plots deal with the romantic and detective stories of Korean War veteran Troy. The supporting cast, varying from season to season, features George Tobias, Guy Stockwell, and Linda Lawson.