
犯罪都市2 2022


首尔重案组马锡道(马东锡 饰)远赴越南引渡自首韩国疑犯,几经拷问下查出背后庞大的绑架阴谋,幕后黑手正是专门绑架韩国旅客的癫丧残暴杀手姜海尚(孙锡久 饰)。霸气野兽刑警马队长不惜狂追猛打,由韩国打到越南,连环使出招牌「一拳KO」,对抗刀刀要命的姜海尚,誓以极拳执法将罪犯清零!



布偶大电影2 2014





惊天大逆转 2016


海归华人郭志华(钟汉良 饰)在韩国结识了正在首尔进行学术交流的心理医生杨曦(郎月婷 饰),便委托她为烧伤毁容的哥哥郭志达进行创后心理诊疗辅导。于此同时,首尔正在进行着一场激烈的中韩足球对抗赛,决战之际,中方的队长忽然得知,自己的未婚妻被神秘人绑架,想要救出未婚妻就必须赢得比赛。韩国警方接到报警后,特工组长姜承俊(李政宰 饰)迅速将嫌疑人目标锁定在一个面具人身上,一番斗智斗勇后,警方顺利救出了人质。本以为一切已经结束时,姜承俊却发现面具人的计划才刚刚开始,人质事件只是一切危机的开始,三枚威力惊人的炸弹就被安置在决赛的体育场内,如果不能破解面具人的谜题,现场五万名观众将同体育场一起消失在爆炸中,危险还在继续……



现实生活中的海盗湾 2013


  21世纪初,一个标榜着“实现真正的言论和文化传播自由”的网站横空出世。它就是日后大名鼎鼎并惹来无数争议的最大的档案分享网站海盗湾(Pirate Bay)。该网站由高特弗里德·萨特霍姆·瓦格、弗雷德里克·内伊以及彼得·桑德三个瑞典人创立,他们的精神和魄力得到来自全世界复制派(海盗党)的热烈支持,与此同时也遭到号称损失高达61亿美金的版权方的嫉恨。2008年,以好莱坞为首的巨头向海盗湾提起诉讼,三位创始人不得不“离开键盘”,与检方展开一连串的周旋。   一方以法律为手段,一方以技术为武器。这不仅是一场来自不同价值观阵营的战争…… ©豆瓣


FBI: International

FBI: International 2021


Follows the elite agents of the FBI's International Fly Team headquartered in Budapest as they travel the world with the mission of protecting Americans wherever they may be.


International Detective

International Detective 1959


The global adventures of Ken Franklin, ace operative of the William J. Burns Detective Agency, qualify as a pop-culture curio if only for star Arthur---later Art---Fleming, who hosted the original `Jeopardy!'


Crossing Lines

Crossing Lines 2013


Through globalization, many countries have been opened and barriers removed to ensure easy trade, travel and cultural diversity. However, this openness has given opportunities to criminals looking to exploit the system and ultimately threaten our global safety. As Europe has become a "safe house" for criminals eluding law enforcers, a special kind of law enforcement team is needed to handle specific ongoing crimes on a global level. "Crossing Lines" is the story of one such team, made up of five international cops, headed by Captain Daniel. The team - comprised of individuals who have little in common - must learn to live and work under the most dangerous and potentially deadly conditions. Housed in an unused storage section underneath the ICC, this mismatched team faces bureaucratic, jurisdictional and cultural obstacles while traversing continents in pursuit of justice.


Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders

Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders 2016


Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders is a drama about the specialized International Division of the FBI tasked with solving crimes and coming to the rescue of Americans who find themselves in danger while abroad.



Santo 2022


Two cops must learn to work together to catch the world's most-wanted drug dealer, whose face has never been revealed.



Poseidon 2011


This action packed thriller follows a covert Marines unit that once trailed Choi Hee Gon, maritime kingpin of a notorious crime syndicate. Team leader Kwon Jung Ryool was forced to abort his mission after Hee Gon slayed his wife and all the loved ones of the team’s original members. Stranded, Kim Sun Woo, Jung Ryool’s trusted young agent, has remained undercover. Years later, with Poseidon’s reputation and credibility wrecked, Jung Ryool summons Sun Woo from the underworld and together, they set out to take down Hee Gon once and for all. More than a pretty face, Lee Soo Yoon joins the new team as a corporal who is not to be tampered with.


CI5: The New Professionals

CI5: The New Professionals 1999


In this 1998 re-imagining of the original The Professionals TV show, CI5 now has an international remit, being jointly funded by the governments of the UK, U.S.A., Japan, Germany and France, and called upon to deal with terrorism and espionage on an international scale. An all-new cast features the original dynamic of two gung ho field agents (these a former U.S. Navy Seal and a British secret service man) and a cantankerous boss, but adds the dynamic of a female agent, a computer and martial arts expert who came to CI5 by way of the Canadian Secret Service. Expectations were high, but the new show failed to capture the imagination of viewers and only one season was made.


100 Code

100 Code 2015


New York, USA. Stockholm, Sweden. Over the past twelve months young, blonde, blue-eyed women have been found dead in a meadow where Asphodel flowers grow. New York Detective Tommy Conley gets a special dispensation from the NYPD to go observe and act as an adviser to the Stockholm Police Department in order to help solve these crimes.


In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis

In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis 2022


In the Eye of the Storm is a six-part documentary series about one of the foremost intellectuals and political figures of our age, Yanis Varoufakis. In the Eye of the Storm begins with a first-hand account of Varoufakis’ dramatic battle with the European establishment, but goes much further to weave a gripping political narrative about the fate of our civilization: where we are, how we got here, and where he believes we must go. We see up close, through Varoufakis’ unique story, how power works at the highest levels, entering a world so often shrouded in secrecy.