护肤品 2024
著名美学家霍普·戈德曼(Hope Goldman)将通过推出自己的护肤品牌,将事业推向新的高度。然而,当竞争对手在她的店铺对面开设了一家精品店时,她很快面临了新的挑战。她怀疑有人想破坏她的计划,于是开始寻找幕后黑手,试图揭开是谁想摧毁她的生活的谜团。
著名美学家霍普·戈德曼(Hope Goldman)将通过推出自己的护肤品牌,将事业推向新的高度。然而,当竞争对手在她的店铺对面开设了一家精品店时,她很快面临了新的挑战。她怀疑有人想破坏她的计划,于是开始寻找幕后黑手,试图揭开是谁想摧毁她的生活的谜团。
在Initech公司上班的电脑工程师彼得?吉邦斯,正值他28岁的中年危机时期,他觉得无法再忍受日复一日那些琐碎、令人麻木的办公室生活。更令他沮丧的是,他的私生活也不是很乐观,因为他非常相信他的女友――安有别的男人。 唯一让彼德感到稍感欣慰的是,他的伙伴麦克尔?波尔顿和塞米尔最近分别感觉到他们在Initech的工作,并不如他们的副总比尔?兰伯格说得那样有保障。比尔是一位综合所有坏老板应有的特质的上司,一位颇有年纪,也喜欢掌控的雅痞,但他又是那种文质彬彬十分客气的人,让公司大小都找不出适当理由对他生气。 米尔顿是公司另一位五斗米折腰的员工。表现一直不如他人的米尔顿,一直处于被调座位的生活中。终于有一天,当他发现自己的座位越来越靠近储藏室时,他的忍耐度达到了极限。 一天公司新来了两位效率专家约翰和保罗,他们决定要简化公司的整个员工组织,彼得、麦克尔、塞米尔和米尔顿也面临被裁员的困境。事情虽然看来很糟,但彼得只要想到他未来30年还要过这样的生活,被裁员似乎就不是那么严重。在一家叫Chotchkies的主题餐厅服务的女服务生乔安娜,也面临类似彼得的相同问题。虽然事事看来都挺不乐观,彼得和他的朋友们却没有放弃希望,相反的,他们计划了一件大事,如果成功了他们将可以带着大笔钱早早退休。他们能如愿以偿吗?
外表落魄邋遢的浪人武士三十郎(三船敏郎 饰)来到一个小镇,清兵卫(河津清三郎 饰)和新田丑寅(山茶花究 饰)两家恶霸在那里为争夺地盘,招兵买马经常争斗,弄得民不聊生。三十郎决定从中设计,引诱双方雇佣自己,再加入不同方造成两边拼斗,由此坐收渔利,消灭对方。 但随着丑寅弟弟卯之助(仲代达矢 饰)的加入,情况又发生了不同,他手里握有短枪,占得优势,清兵卫的势力被打败,三十郎甚至也受伤不轻。但是决战在所难免,椿三十郎独对丑寅、亥之吉等众人,身处劣势的他如何能剿灭对方呢?
"路克独自一人经营二手车场,鲁迪是其中的一名销售员。鲁迪为人疯狂豪放,为了增加销售量提高业绩,他想尽奇招吸引顾客,甚至干违法的事。老板的弟弟罗伊狠毒奸诈,为了继承路克的家产和车场,他用奸计害死了路克。 正当鲁迪为对付罗伊而绞尽脑汁时,路克的女儿回来了。这下可有好戏看了,他们联手对抗罗伊,一段精彩绝伦的尔虞我诈大战就此展开……"
家住密西西比州虎尾县的中年阿奇·李·梅甘和19岁的“宝贝儿”尼·梅甘·麦卡洛伊已经结婚近两年了。他们的婚姻不是建立在爱情的基础上,而是每个人都从对方那里得到了他们想要的。他们的婚姻协议让他们在她二十岁生日那天完成了他们的婚姻,也就是在三天之后,“宝贝儿”并不期待这件事。但她确实用她公开的“宝贝儿”特点来嘲弄他和其他男人,她睡在他们家的婴儿床里,以此来培养自己孩子的一面。如今“宝贝儿”的父亲已经去世,他同意了这桩婚姻,条件是阿奇·李(Archie Lee)为宝贝儿提供经济保障,这一点在南方最豪华的房子里得到了体现。他们现在住在一栋破旧的豪宅里,和她的阿姨Rose Comfort住在一起,虽然阿奇·李正在对它进行一些翻修,但是他已经没有经济能力把它做成宝贝儿想要的样子,就像他的轧棉机一样……
根据美国GV界轰动一时的谋杀案改编,讲述两个钙星为争夺“美国甜心” Brent Corrigan的合约,杀死业界呼风唤雨的大老板,并且差点让甜心背上黑锅的故事。
由《权力的游戏》 中 “红毒蛇”奥柏伦马泰尔的演员Pedro Pascal主演的喜剧恐怖电影
Speedee Taxis非常成功,但这也意味着它的工作狂车主Charlie开始忽视他的妻子Peggy。突然,不知从哪里冒出来一队竞争对手的出租车,开始削减所有的车费。他们有一个秘密武器:所有的司机都是很有魅力的女人!谁是Glacabs的幕后推手?这是一场公开的战争,只有一方能够幸存!
Drama series depicts an epic scandal of the upper class that place in Cheongdam District, Seoul. An area which epitomizes the wealthy lifestyle.
Zhou Ying is sold to the powerful Shen family by her foster father, yet successfully escapes by sneaking into merchant Wu Ping’s palanquin. The Wu family agreed to take her in after witnessing her remarkable business acumen, and she ends up marrying Wu Ping. The drama will chronicle the life of the Qing Dynasty's richest female merchant, and her struggles to keep the Wu family business afloat during the last years of the Qing Dynasty. Shen Xingyi is a happy-go-lucky young sir who has never known hardship in his life. After meeting Zhou Ying, he eventually decides to change his ways and becomes a mature noble who is willing to protect his country and family from disaster. He has a seemingly unrequited love for Zhou Ying.
Li Zhi Cheng is a former soldier who has been ordered to take over his family's business when business was going downhill. He has a fateful meeting with Lin Qian, an independent and capable white-collar who was freshly graduated and meeting difficulties in starting up her own business. Due to Li Zhi Cheng's complete lack of experience in business, nobody in the industry had hopes in this newly appointed CEO of AiDa. But with the help of Lin Qian's working experience and drive, coupled with Li Zhi Cheng's wits and methods, they bring Ai Da's business to new heights together.
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.
In a close-knit Georgia community, a family-owned wrestling promotion finds two brothers and rivals war over their late father’s legacy. In the ring, somebody must play the good guy and somebody must play their nemesis, the heel. But in the real world, those characters can be hard to live up to (and just as hard to leave behind).
Brothers Bo and Wei are forced to join the triad in Hong Kong after arriving from China. They become successful drug dealers but sacrifice their family happiness for money and power. Once the ICAC is established, they become its targets and struggle to escape its grip.
This live-action Japanese TV series is based on Tetsu Adachi's manga. The series is split into two parts, each one consisting of six episodes. The first part is based on the manga's original storyline and, of course, focuses on Keiko Nakadai and her infamous rise to fame. The second part, on the other hand, has a completely original storyline made exclusively for this TV series that focuses on the adventures of another woman, Ryoko Makino, after she is chosen as a new weather anchor on TV.
Koi is a young woman who has grown up in a rubber tree plantation her entire life, and now has dreams of improving it. Unfortunately, the powerful millionaire who is the plantation's creditor has plans to seize it for himself, but Koi refuses to allow that to happen. Trin is a young businessman who owns a rubber mattress factory and makes an offer to buy her family's plantation. Because Koi has no intention of letting anyone take her plantation, the two enter into a rivalry.
A two-part anime series about a weather anchor who becomes famous after flashing her underwear live on TV.
Set in the fictional town of Merinac, a generations-old rift between dueling fried chicken restaurants — Mimi’s and Frannie’s — has left the founders’ families fractured and the locals taking sides. When popular cooking competition show Kitchen Clash comes to town, this could be the recipe for ending this feud once and for all. But things are fixing to heat up both inside and outside of the kitchen as the reality show spotlight causes sparks to fly as secrets are spilled and feathers get ruffled.