
世界上最爱我的人 2022


一次拼尽全力的抢救牵起两段命运的延续。两位花季少女的人生才刚刚开始,却要被死神按下终止键。两个家庭在这命运关头相遇,现实的残酷和时间的紧迫,成为他们身上背负的沉重枷锁,一个是为了女儿丁雁竭尽全力的父亲,一个是为了女儿江晓鱼变卖家产的母亲, 他们不惜付出一切代价也要让自己的女儿活下去。在生死攸关面前,他们能否经得住人性的考验?在与时间抢夺生的希望之时,命运又会将他们带往怎样的深渊……


Death Note

Death Note 2015


Light Yagami is an ordinary university student. One day, he receives a "Death Note", which changes his life. The Death Note awakens his warped sense of justice and genius. He becomes murderer Kira and punishes criminals. L is a well known private detective. L appears in front of Light Yagami. L defines Kira as evil and decides to catch Kira. Then N, who has a beautiful appearance but dangerous existence, appears.


The Secret Angel

The Secret Angel 2012


An angel called L accidentally saves Han Si Yeong, who was meant to die, when she gives him her necklace. Now it's her mission to live on earth and protect Si Yeong for 100 days, while an angel of death tries to manipulate him into taking his own life. If she fails, she'll be banished from heaven forever and stranded without her powers. However, the more time the angels spend on earth, the more human they become, and with that come human feelings.