奥特曼:崛起 2024
巨大不明生物“祸威兽”不断地出现,已经成为日本习以为常的现象。 这种生物通常兵器无力对抗,即将迎来极限的日本政府聚集了“祸威兽”专家,成立了“祸威兽特设对策室”通称“祸特对”。 班长-田村君男(西岛秀俊 饰)、作战立案担当官-神永新二(斋藤工 饰)、非粒子物理学者-滝明久(有冈大贵 饰)、泛用生物学者-船缘由美(早见明理 饰)被选拔进入“祸特对”,执行任务。 突然从大气外飞来的银色的巨人使危机加剧。 为了处理银色巨人的问题,祸特对又新配置了分析官-浅见弘子(长泽雅美 饰)和神永携手处理。 在浅见的报告书上这样写着——奥特曼(暂称),茫无头绪。
由少女.新条茜所创造的世界一度是「怪兽」肆虐之地,经过「Gridman同盟」的一番努力,成功开解少女封闭的内心,世界才恢复和平,不致毁灭。 危机结束一年后,响裕太决定向六花告白,谁知怪兽突然来袭,再次打破他们的日常。而Gridman亦再度回归,告知裕太「世界的平衡正在崩坍」。随着真红之强龙Dyna Rex、Gridman的支援者「新世纪中学生」,甚至异世界的居民陆续出现。谜样的敌人藏于暗处,「世界崩塌」的真相未明,Gridman同盟应如何应战?裕太珍藏已久的感情又能否成功传达?
一天,宇宙开发中心的上空发现了来历不明的宇宙飞船,一名神秘女子出现,中心继而受到两只怪兽的袭击。 超人高斯及时出现,但怪兽极之顽强,高斯几乎不敌,幸得春野武藏之助,二人融为一体后始威力大增,而正当怪兽快被击退之际,另一个超人迪斯忽然出现,她竟然出手阻止高斯保护地球,最后竟令高斯及武藏死于怪兽之手。 太空船的目的到底是什么? 原来,神秘女子来地球竟是为了维持宇宙的秩序,而要把地球上所有生物全部消灭! 为了自救,地球各国各尽办法,但似乎,高斯的死已是提前判了死刑。 地球即将毁于一旦,大家了无办法,除非奇迹出现... 然而,武藏的亲人和队友都坚信高斯和武藏未死,他们四出奔走,希望奇迹真的出现!
凑家生活的绫香市已经有一年不出现怪兽了。 凑家一直过着安稳平静的日子,相比一步步靠近自己梦想的弟弟勇海和妹妹朝阳,哥哥活海陷入了对未来的困惑。于是,活海想见一见自己高中时代的挚友,曾经立志成为游戏制作者的户井。但这位朋友却也是辞了工作宅在家里的状态,这使活海深受打击。 谜之存在的托雷基亚借着二人的迷茫用邪恶的力量入侵了两个人封闭的内心。受到影响的活海离开了地球向着怪兽们居住的遥远星球飞去了。 为了阻止随后出现在地球的怪兽黑蜧,勇海和从另一个世界到来的小陆分别变身成了布鲁奥特曼和捷德奥特曼迎击。 最终家族能否和睦如初,而这个托雷基亚又是何方神圣,目的为何呢!? 现在让我们用羁绊之力呼唤奇迹……!
正在调查坠落在太平洋上的不明飞行物体的海上自卫队二尉有动贵文(大澄贤也),遇到了突然出现的蓝光,受发光体的影响,导致遗传因子标准的变质,变成了凶恶的怪兽THE ONE。之后,他(THE ONE)从防卫厅内的特殊机关BCST(对生物工程学的研究机关)的监视下逃走,从此就没了音讯。
宇宙有翼骨兽格兰达出现在了宇宙空间里。Super GUTS和戴拿奥特曼都在战斗中落了下风。千钧一发之际,TPC极密制造的战舰普罗米修斯号出现,救下了戴拿。 几天后,在克利欧莫斯岛召开了普罗米修斯的说明会。Super GUTS前去参加,见到了开发负责人如月泪博士(杉本彩饰)。普罗米修斯号是靠人类的思考数据来模拟人的行为进行战斗的,为了获取数据,她希望能把Super GUTS队员的战斗经验移植给普罗米修斯号。 飞鸟信(鹤野刚士饰)作为第一个数据移植者,在移植过程中失去了意识。此时,谜一样的UFO入侵了克利欧莫斯岛。敌人击退了Super GUTS的攻击,并将普罗米修斯号改造成了电脑魔神戴斯非萨…
在都立杜鹃台高中放学后的教室里,响裕太反复在笔记本上画着又擦去那个应该存在于他记忆中的GRIDMAN。这个世界曾经被一名少女创造并破坏,最后是来自异次元的电光超人GRIDMAN,和那名少女制造出来拥有心的怪兽,以及裕太一行人,拯救了那名少女的心。 升上高中二年级后,裕太决定向分发到不同班级的六花(宫本侑芽 配音)告白。然而,和平的世界与日常生活却随着轰隆巨响开始崩坏。就在裕太等人面临危机之时,GRIDMAN突然现身,并说道“这个世界的平衡即将瓦解。”。 不久,深红的强龙DYNAREX、GRIDMAN的助手‧新世纪中学生,以及来自另一个世界的麻中蓬等人出现在裕太面前。
奇怪的声音在天空中回荡,凡是听到的人都会陷入昏迷,然后消失不见。这一现象引起专家小组精英胜利队的注意,于是,昴星队长派人前去调查。只不过没想到的是,在前方等待他们的是一支庞大的外星人大军以及“吉伯斯教授”。吉伯斯教授乘坐漆黑的堡垒飞船“佐尔加乌斯”来到了地球,他是一个企图扭曲宇宙的统治者。奏大为了保护队友变身成了的奥特曼,数量庞大的敌人让奏大陷入了苦战。就在此时,奏大遇到了一个名叫帝纳斯的神秘女人。帝纳斯与吉伯斯相识,肩负着守护一切的使命,帝纳斯凭借神秘力量和精英胜利队联手,去对抗邪恶的阴谋。但可怕的是,曾经扭曲了整个银河的“皇兽”,它的凶猛身影最终也出现在这片天空之上。为了地球和宇宙的生死存亡, 奏大、帝纳斯以及精英胜利队全员中展开了殊死搏斗!
终于达成少年时代的梦想而成为宇宙飞行员的武藏,在参加好朋友务的婚礼时,于塞班岛遇上异星人夏乌和吉恩。夏乌和吉恩的故乡,因为遭受宇宙怪兽山多洛斯的攻击而被毁灭,他们来到地球的海底世界Blue Area,希望能够研究出让故乡自然再生的方法。然而,山多洛斯却与此同时派出侵略武器史寇比斯前来地球袭击,即使连K2护盾都抵挡不住了!威胁一步一步地逼近,大家都期盼消失已久的超人高斯再次出现……
在与阿布索留特一族的激战之后,银河救援队在行星Maijii上察觉到了异常现象。但是由于利布特奥特曼不在身边,不得不单身调查的索拉,陷入了危机... 听闻紧急消息的雷格罗斯奥特曼,肩负身上宇宙幻兽拳的使命,前往救出索拉的任务!
奥特兄弟:奥特曼、赛文、杰克、艾斯,为了阻止亚波人怨气的集合体最终超兽萨乌鲁斯攻击地球、也为了避免在宇宙空间展开激烈的战争,奥特兄弟与强大的合体兽进行了一番苦战。但隐约感觉到神户将会沉没的奥特兄弟,使用了"最终十字屏障",封印了这股邪恶力量。可是,使用"最终十字屏障"需要使用大量的光能,这就意味着奥特曼失去了变身的能力。 于是,时光流逝到了现在。在地球上,诞生了一位继承了奥特兄弟意志的新英雄,他的名字就是梦比优斯奥特曼。
百赞星人的妻子女百赞星人为了给丈夫报仇,派黑色奥特曼夏德奥特曼来到了地球。哉阿斯奥特曼在南极被夏德打败了。受着战败的影响,朝日胜人(关口正晴 饰)失去信心,从MYDO辞职了。 然而,女百赞星人固执地要让哉阿斯在地球人面前被杀死,女百赞星人用夏德星人的主控制光线绑架人类,其中就有胜人所爱的MYDO女队员星见透(高冈由香 饰)……
Aliens have been emigrating to Earth secretly, but only a handful knows about this truth. Living in such a society, the main character Hiroyuki Kudo begins working at a private security organization E.G.I.S. (Enterprise of Guard and Investigation Services). The organization takes care of cases related with aliens, and Hiroyuki works day and night to protect peace. However, there lies a huge secret in him, which he himself is not aware of. He carries Ultraman Taiga’s “particle of light”. The new story begins as Taiga’s powers revive from Hiroyuki’s body!
As humanity begins migrating beyond Earth, a new Ultraman named Dyna arrives and bonds with defense organization GUTS' newest recruit, Shin Asuka, to protect a colony on Mars.
Ike! Godman is a tokusatsu tv series by Toho. It ran from October 5, 1972 to April 10, 1973. This was Toho's first Kyodai Hero. It was pulled from reruns on September 28, 1973 and it was replaced by Ike! Greenman. While on air Monday through Saturday, with only one or two episodes per week, each episode consisted of six parts and each part was five minutes long. The entire series ran for twenty-six episodes.
Ultraman Mebius is a Japanese television series produced by Tsuburaya Productions and Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting. It is the 17th TV series and 40th anniversary production in the Ultra Series, which first began in 1966. It premiered on the Tokyo Broadcasting System on April 8, 2006. Unlike the two prior entries, Ultraman Nexus and Ultraman Max, Mebius was moved from Saturday mornings to Saturday evenings at 05:30. "Mebius" is the Japanese approximation of Möbius; the Möbius strip is a recurring motif in the series and the show going to air in Korea in April 2012. The series opens with the introduction of the rookie Ultraman Mebius, who is sent to Earth by the Father of Ultra. The series is set 40 years after the shows of Ultraman, and makes many references from Ultra Q through to Ultraman 80.
Ultraman Max was an Ultraman TV series which started airing on 7 July 2005, and produced by Tsuburaya Productions and Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting Co., Ltd.. The show tried to return to the true formula of new monsters every week and being a fast paced show like previous series with the exception of Ultraman Nexus. The show is full of homages to past series by having three of the original cast members from the first Ultraman series being featured in an episode, updated versions of classic monsters like Red King, Eleking and Pigmon among others. One unusual episode revolves around the filming of the 1964 program Ultra Q which was the predecessor to the first Ultraman show in 1966. Two actors from that show appear as themselves.
A high-tech squadron protects Earth from evil monsters and aliens with the help of a giant super-being named Ultraman Tiga.
Joneus (Joe), a new Ultraman from U-40, merges with young Science Garrison member Chôichirô Hikari to defend the Earth in this, the first-ever animated Ultra Series. The show was the first animated incarnation of Tsuburaya's iconic superhero Ultraman.
In the not-too-distant future, the Earth finds itself constantly under attack from extraterrestrial threats. The Terrestrial Defense Force establishes the Ultra Garrison, a team of six elite members who utilize high-tech vehicles and weaponry. Joining their fight is the mysterious Dan Moroboshi, secretly an alien from the Land of Light in Nebula M-78, who transforms into his true form in times of crisis, Ultraseven.
After escaping from the raid of giant monster Skull Gomora, Riku Asakura and his partner Pega stumbled upon a secret base lied 500 m underground. Given the Geed Riser and Ultra Capsules by operating system Rem, he transforms into Ultraman Geed and becomes a hero that his childhood inspired.
All of the Ultraman and monsters have been turned into figures known as Spark Dolls and become scattered throughout the universe. A young man named Hikaru Raido finds an item called the Ginga Spark which not only allows him to become Ultraman Ginga but also allows him to go UltLive with the figures to revert them to their rightful size and become one with them. Hikaru fights with his friends to uncover the darkness behind the Spark Dolls. Alien Nackie drops a clue that the wielder of darkness resides in their very elementary school.
Seven years have passed since Ultraman Trigger protected the world from various threats. In the present, Kanata Asumi, who is a positive young man, peacefully lives together with his grandpa. One day, while delivering ordered food, he witnessed a catastrophe: Spheres from the outer space attack Earth and Mars. Motivated by saving the precious lives of the people, he merges with Ultraman Decker and joins GUTS-Select, in order to protect what's important.
Sequel to the 2018 animated series SSSS.Gridman and the third installment of the Gridman multimedia franchise. When Yomogi Asanaka, a first-year student at Fujiyokidai High School, meets Gauma, he claims to be a "kaiju user." But the appearance of a kaiju followed by the entry of the gigantic robot, Dynazenon, backs up his mysterious words. After ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time; they get dragged into the desperate fight against the kaiju!
Ultraman Blazar is a hero with a great sense of justice hailing from “M421,” an extragalactic astronomical object far from Earth. The main protagonist, Gento Hiruma, is the captain of the Special Kaiju Reaction Detachment (SKaRD), established by the Global Guardian Force (GGF) in a world where kaiju disasters are a common practice. When their strong desire for the power to save human lives resonates, the two unite.
Ultraman Gaia is a Japanese tokusatsu TV show and is the 13th show in the Ultra Series. Created by Chiaki J. Konaka and produced by Tsuburaya Productions and Mainichi Broadcasting System, Ultraman Gaia was aired on JNN TV stations from September 5, 1998 until August 28, 1999, with a total of 51 episodes.
Iron King is a tokusatsu superhero TV series about a giant cyborg. The series was produced by Nippon Gendai and Senkosha, and aired on Tokyo Broadcasting System from October 8, 1972 to April 8, 1973, with a total of 26 episodes.
The TLT is a covert international anti-monster unit established secretly to combat Space Beasts, mysterious monsters that are out to attack humans in the year 2009. One of the TLT's new recruits, Kazuki Komon, is attacked by one of them prior to reporting for duty. However, he is saved by a silver giant that he names "Ultraman". What no one knows is that the silver giant is an Ultraman — to be precise, Ultraman Nexus, ready to fight the Space Beasts to save the planet Earth.
Hayata is a member of the Science Patrol, an organization tasked with investigating bizarre anomalies. He is mortally wounded when accidently encountering an alien being from Land of Light, who grants Hayata new life as the two are merged into one. Now, whenever a threat arises that is too great for the Science Patrol to handle, Hayata activates the beta capsule and becomes the hero known as Ultraman.
A being of light hailing from a faraway galaxy unites with Yuma, the protagonist who owns tremendous “power of imagination,” and they form the gigantic new Ultra Hero: Ultraman Arc.
When memories of Ultra Heroes are erased by a mysterious entity, a device called Dimensionizer is sent from the future dimension Ultraman Decker is from. Trying to get memories of the Land of Light residents back, New Generation Heroes remember all their battles and hardships they've gone through.
Tsuburaya Pro, Takara, and Trigger joint venture and direct sequel to the 1993 tokusatsu series "Denkou Choujin Gridman". Yuta Hibiki can’t remember who he is, and now he’s seeing and hearing things that others don’t! A voice from an old computer tells him to remember his calling, and he sees a massive, unmoving creature in the distance. Nothing’s making sense—until the behemoth springs to life! Suddenly, Yuta is pulled into a computer, reappearing in reality as the colossal hero—Gridman!