狙击手·白乌鸦 2022
Mykola 是一个古怪的和平主义者,他希望对人类有用。 当战争在顿巴斯打响时,武装分子杀死了他怀孕的妻子并将他的家烧成平地,米科拉的天真世界正在崩溃。 康复后,他做出了重大决定,并被招募到了一家狙击连。 遇到杀害妻子的凶手后,他情绪崩溃,为敌人布置“狙击恐怖”。 他被自己受了致命伤的导师从一场毫无意义的死亡中救了出来。 朋友的去世留下了“伤疤”,Mykola 准备牺牲自己的生命。
Mykola 是一个古怪的和平主义者,他希望对人类有用。 当战争在顿巴斯打响时,武装分子杀死了他怀孕的妻子并将他的家烧成平地,米科拉的天真世界正在崩溃。 康复后,他做出了重大决定,并被招募到了一家狙击连。 遇到杀害妻子的凶手后,他情绪崩溃,为敌人布置“狙击恐怖”。 他被自己受了致命伤的导师从一场毫无意义的死亡中救了出来。 朋友的去世留下了“伤疤”,Mykola 准备牺牲自己的生命。
乌克兰纪录片《马里乌波尔 20 天》(20 days in Mariupol)获得第 96 届奥斯卡“最佳外语片奖”提名,将参加2024年奥斯卡奖的角逐。 《马里乌波尔 20 天》是一部由普利策奖获得者、乌克兰记者兼导演 Mstislav Chernov 拍摄的影片,展现了美联社国际记者团队在马里乌波尔包围圈中的工作。
A unique drama anthology series for our time, inspired by true events which happened in Kyiv in the first few weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. As the brutal war got underway, every second person left Kyiv. Yet every second person remained. These are their stories – variously moving, funny, sad, stark, unsettling, and uplifting.
The events begin during the Euromaidan, where the heroes find themselves on different sides of the barricades: one of them is an officer of the internal troops, others are protesters. When the Russian intervention in Ukraine begins, the former opponents turn up in the National Guard. Different and sometimes conflicting young people have to go through the school of a real fighter. Will the military and recruits, who were "enemies" yesterday, be able to become the only team capable of defending their country?