
复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元 2015





蚁人 2015


前工程师斯科特·朗(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)由于劫富济贫进了监狱,出狱后的他为了争取看望女儿的权利又走上了盗窃之路。没想到一次意外的偷盗事件让他成为了新一代“蚁人”,老蚁人汉克.皮姆博士(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)成为了他的导师,可皮姆博士的女儿霍普(伊万杰琳·莉莉 Evangeline Lilly 饰)却并不看好他。但是危机迫在眉睫,为了对付强大的敌人拯救世界,斯科特不得不叫来自己的一帮狐朋狗友帮助自己完成一个不可能完成的任务。而取得任务的成功也是斯科特挽回女儿的关键,屌丝能否逆袭就看最后一击。



圣斗士星矢:真红少年传说 1988





断箭 1996


狄坚上尉是美国空军一名十分出色的机师,他英勇善战,屡获殊荣,却始终得不到升职。他的好友希尔中尉是他的副手, 但在拳台上, 希尔每次打赌均输给狄坚。在一次执行飞行任务时,狄坚计划劫持隐型战机上的两枚核导弹,他将希尔打出了机舱,投下核弹,飞机在自然公园坠毁。 希尔的降落伞救了他一命,但他却遭到公园巡警泰莉的拘捕,经过打斗与说服,他终于让泰莉相信了他。狄坚早已有内应和接应,他成功地找到了两枚核弹。希尔和泰莉击毁了直升机,并机智地劫持了运载核弹的汽车,将核弹藏到了一个废铜矿之中。但在慌乱之中,核弹被启动了。狄坚一伙赶到,抢走了另一枚核弹,却将希尔他们关在矿井下,试图让他们被核弹炸死。希尔和泰莉从地下河逃出矿井。地下核爆产生了巨大破坏力, 白宫与国防部震惊之余,不得不答应狄坚要求巨款的威胁。 希尔与泰莉分头追踪狄坚,泰莉跟上了狄坚的火车, 却被抓住。千钧一发之际,希尔找到了政府,并驾直升机前来营救。但政府的军队并未能阻止狄坚,反以失败告终,希尔只能孤军奋战。他与泰莉破坏了狄坚出逃的直升机,在无路可走的情况下,狄坚困兽犹斗,孤注一掷。他启动了核爆密码,妄图同归于尽。希尔赶到,两人再次打赌,只要希尔赢了他就可以关掉启动装置。斗智与斗勇之后,希尔最终取胜,在两列火车即将相撞之际,他关闭了启动装置,并逃出了车厢,而狄坚则得到了应有的下场。 在一片狼藉之中,核弹安然无事,劫后余生的希尔和泰莉紧紧地拥抱在一起。



古墓丽影:生命的摇篮 2003


女探险家劳拉·克劳福特的生活,总是充满着各种凡人不可想象的惊奇与神秘。这一次,劳拉追随着“生命摇篮”的传说,又一次将目标瞄准了古老的神秘世界—— 已经沉入大海的月神庙。劳拉收集来的各种线索都显示着,神秘的月神庙正是传说中“潘朵拉魔盒”的埋藏地。据我们所知,“潘朵拉魔盒”是上古世界的神秘宝藏,蕴含着足以毁灭整个人类的巨大能量。但这样充满强大力量的宝藏,自然也招来了邪恶势力的窥伺。由香港黑社会头子陈洛(Chen Lo)所率领的犯罪集团,妄想夺取“潘朵拉魔盒”,获得其中足以摧毁地球的神秘力量!为了阻止犯罪集团背后所掩盖的邪恶野心,劳拉必须抢先找回盒子,破坏陈洛的计划……



圣诞节恐怖故事 2015





忍者龙剑传II:暗黑的邪神剑 1991


1991年日本TECMO公司发行的动作游戏《忍者龙剑传》的OVA动画,为FC平台三部曲中的番外编。讲述隼龙在封印邪鬼王后被某个神秘组织牵连,为此隼龙展开调查,同时动画中还交代了隼龙与艾琳的感情去向..... 现代超忍继承龙之一族血统的隼流忍者龙隼(リュウ ハヤブサ,Ryu Hayabusa)因其父亲被杀,而手持由龙牙削制成的龙剑(龙剣,Dragon Sword),踏上复仇之路,并最终消灭了邪鬼王和邪神。和邪鬼王宿命之战的一年后……龙之忍者——龙·隼面临着新的冒险。


Saint Seiya

Saint Seiya 1986


Ages ago, the goddess Athena was served by fighters called Saints who channeled the power of the Cosmos within them. Now a youth named Seiya has trained to become a Saint himself by earning the mystical Cloth of Pegasus. He is joined by other Saints with Cloths of their own to fight for Athena.


Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Science Ninja Team Gatchaman 1972


Science Ninja Team Gatchaman is a five-member superhero team that is composed of the main characters in several anime created by Tatsuo Yoshida and originally produced in Japan by Tatsunoko Productions and later adapted into several English-language versions. It is also known by the abbreviated name Gatchaman. The original series, produced in 1972, was eponymously named Kagaku Ninja Tai Gatchaman and is most well known to the English-speaking world as the adaptation titled Battle of the Planets. The series received additional English adaptations with G-Force: Guardians of Space and ADV Films' uncut 2005 release. Tatsunoko also uses the official translation Science Commando Gatchaman, as shown in numerous related products and media. Because the English-language versions are notoriously inconsistent not only with one another but also with the original Japanese series, viewers most familiar with the English versions often experience some confusion upon re-examining the series after a long hiatus. The original 1972 Kagaku Ninja Tai Gatchaman series was followed by an animated film, two sequel series, Gatchaman II, and Gatchaman Fighter. In the 90's, episodes from both series were dubbed into English by Saban as Eagle Riders. In 1994, the original series was remade as a condensed OVA series.


Tai Chi Chasers

Tai Chi Chasers 2007


After a strange and devastating attack on his home, a young boy named Rai is shocked to discover he’s a secret descendent of the Tigeroids: an ancient race of peaceful beings locked in a struggle with the ruthless and cunning Dragonoids. In a parallel universe called Suhn, the Tigeroids and Dragonoids are battling furiously to recover 500 lost tai chi characters. Whoever retrieves these precious and potent symbols will possess the ultimate power to rule their realm... and destroy their enemies. As Rai hones his innate tai chi skills to fight the Dragonoids, he must find the lost tai chi and battle to become one of the champion Tai Chi Chasers!



Dinosaucers 1987


Dinosaucers is an animated television series co-produced in the United States and Canada. It was created by DIC Entertainment which has done the overseas animation and in association with Ellipse Programmé and Nelvana. This animated program originally aired in syndication in the USA in 1987 by Coca-Cola Telecommunications. 65 total episodes were made throughout the show's broadcasting, but it only lasted one season during the 1987-1988 television season. The show's first 21 episodes can be purchased individually by episode or as a set from online retailer Amazon.com. There were originally plans by Galoob to release a Dinosaucers toyline, and prototype figures were produced; however, the line was scrapped after the show was canceled. The toys included Stego, Bronto-Thunder, Allo, Bonehead, Plesio, Quackpot, Ankylo, and Genghis Rex.



Ghostbusters 1986


Jake Kong Jr. and Eddie Spencer Jr. are sons of the original Ghost Busters, and they work alongside Tracy the Gorilla (who also worked with their fathers). Together, they are dedicated to ridding the world of the evil ghost wizard Prime Evil and his cast of henchmen.


The Adventures of Batman

The Adventures of Batman 1968


The adventures of Batman, with Robin, the Boy Wonder! Batman and Robin, the Dynamic Duo against crime and corruption, whose real identities as millionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne and his young ward Dick Grayson and known only to Alfred, the faithful butler. Ever alert, they respond swiftly to a signal from the police, and moments later, from the secret Batcave deep beneath Wayne Manor, they roar out to protect life, limb and property as Batman and Robin, caped crimefighters! Batman and Robin, scourge of Gotham City's kooky criminals: The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime - The Penguin, pudgy purveyor of perfidy - and the cool, cruel, Mr. Freeze! Watch out, villains, here come... Batman and Robin!


Samson and Delilah

Samson and Delilah 1996


Mara and Manoa are both upstanding and religious Israelites living under the harsh and unjust rule of the Philistines. One day, a mysterious stranger appears to Mara and promises her that she will bear a son whom she is to call Samson.