谁是德伯力克? 2023
两个四年级学生乔治 和哈罗德,通过催眠术将霸道校长 变成了内裤队长。
威尼斯电影节新晋影帝卢卡·马里内利,米丽娅姆·莱昂内(意大利版[看不见的客人])将主演,[爱情与子弹]导演安东尼奥·马内蒂、马科·马内蒂执导的意大利漫改影片[德伯力克]。本片讲述20世纪60年代,德伯力克和伊娃于在虚构的克莱维尔州初次见面的黑暗浪漫故事。该片由Michelangelo La Neve与马内蒂兄弟联合撰写剧本,会在库马约尔、博洛尼亚、米兰和里雅斯特拍摄,现已开拍。
约拿·哈克斯(乔什·布洛林饰)他是一个赏金猎人,是一个残酷无情的枪手,还是一个无所畏惧亦无所需求的男人,他过着清心寡欲的生活,他存在的一切目的就是要找到、抓到、杀死。 约拿·哈克斯的暴力史以及他死里逃生的过往已经成为了传奇和谜团,没有人能确切地说清楚约拿·哈克斯是如何走到今天这个地步的,也没有人知道约拿·哈克斯到底过着什么样的生活。正是这样的经历,让约拿·哈克斯成为了横跨现实世界和超现实世界的神秘人物,不过,约拿·哈克斯也不是独来独往的侠客,他和人类还有联系,他和一名叫做赖莉(梅根·福克斯饰)的妓女还有密切的关系。 美国军人找到了约拿·哈克斯,他们给哈克斯开出了一个他无法拒绝的条件,只要能搞定巫毒术士昆汀·特恩布尔(约翰·马尔科维奇饰),哈克斯就能换回自己的自由,在很多年之前,昆汀·特恩布尔就曾经杀死了哈克斯的妻子和孩子,并在他的脸上留下了伤疤。这次,哈克斯迎来了自己的一个复仇的机会。不过,昆汀·特恩布尔却不是那么好对付的一个对手,他的手下正在召集一支死亡大军,并要跃跃欲试地在美国大开杀戒,同时昆汀·特恩布尔更视哈克斯为不共戴天的敌人,他也要杀死哈克斯为快。
他是蝙蝠侠最不共戴天的宿敌,是丧心病狂的犯罪大师,他怪异的狂暴行径就连世界最佳侦探也琢磨不透。然而小丑并非天生如此。在他成为犯罪界的小丑王子之前,在那命定的一天将他面容尽毁、心灵永久扭曲之前,他也曾是黑暗骑士愿意献出生命去保护的对象——一个平凡人。 是什么导致了这个平凡公民堕落成了哥谭有史以来最强反派?蝙蝠侠能阻止小丑把戈登局长和他的女儿芭芭拉拖入疯狂深渊的计划吗?这对死敌能及时为他们之间无尽的对决画下一个句号吗?
杰克(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)是一名漫画家,却因为行差踏错而被关进了监狱。在铁窗后,杰克依靠着画漫画来派遣内心的痛苦,他创作了名为《冷酷世界》的连环画,并且在连环画里设置了一个名为霍利(金·贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)的反派女性角色。哪知道故事里的霍利竟然利用杰克来到了现实世界,而漫画里的另一个人物侦探弗兰克(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)则警告杰克一定不能受到霍利的诱惑爱上她,否则,现实和漫画这两个世界都将毁灭。可是,霍利实在是魅力无穷,杰克不由自主的深深被她吸引,坠入爱河。就这样,两人在拉斯维加斯展开了一场精彩绝伦的拉锯战。
从婴儿时被母亲并排的放在便利店门口起,杰(杰森•缪斯 Jason Mewes 饰)与鲍伯(凯文•史密斯 Kevin Smith 饰)这对贱友与便利店的缘分便开始绵延,然而店主不堪忍受两人整日在门外闲晃,报警将他们驱逐。杰与鲍伯坏运气还没完,一部以他们为主人公的漫画改编电影即将开拍,除了片方一分钱也没给他们,网上还充满了对他俩的谩骂与嘲讽,愤怒的二人组决定从新泽西赶赴好莱坞,阻止电影的拍摄。两人于路搭上了动物保护主义者杰斯特等四名美女的顺风车,杰迷恋杰斯特,答应帮助偷窃被用于实验的猩猩,谁知这四名女子实际是珠宝大盗,杰与鲍伯带出猩猩后被警方认定为恐怖主义者。两个人和一只红毛猩猩,在警方围堵中继续向好莱坞前进……
片中雷恩·威尔森饰演一个普普通通的家伙弗兰克,然而他的妻子莎拉(丽芙·泰勒 饰)却和一个名叫雅克的毒贩(凯文·贝肯 饰)搞在了一起,这让弗莱克很崩溃。于是他拉上在当地漫画店里打工的患有精神病的可爱女孩莉比(艾伦·佩姬 饰)协助他一起,化身一对超级英雄组合,誓要打垮毒贩雅克…… 衰男也有反击的一天!人生输家法兰克的美丽妻子离开了他,但一切都是毒枭在背后控制,法兰克决定化身蒙面英雄,与他的超级扳手一同行侠仗义、犀利复仇,只是还有个瞎搅和的女伙伴助阵,一切渐渐失控……
哈尔?乔丹(Hal Jordan)原本是一名试飞员,后被飞船在地球坠毁的绿灯侠Abin Sur的戒指召唤成为“绿灯侠”、负责保卫地球和银河地区的治安。在多年的战斗中他立下了赫赫功劳,被称为“史上最伟大的绿灯侠”,同时也是“正义联盟”(JLA)的创立者之一。
从看到艾丽莎(乔伊·劳伦·亚当斯 Joey Lauren Adams 饰)的第一眼起,霍登(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰)就知道自己在劫难逃,可接下来的消息对霍登来说无疑是一记噩耗,漂亮开朗的艾丽莎居然是一个完完全全的女同性恋者。得知了死党的遭遇,班克(杰森·李 Jason Lee 饰)为此十分打抱不平,他告诉霍登他的恋情并没有走入绝望的境地,并且表示愿意在此方面助他一臂之力。随着时间的流逝,艾丽莎和霍登之间产生了真挚的感情,一段良缘眼看着就要结成,这时的班克才发现自己内心中充斥着的竟然全是负面的感情,他并不希望霍登能够得到艾丽莎的垂怜,而他和霍登之间的友谊也开始出现了裂痕。
A show for Fanboys by Fanboys. Set in uber-geek Kevin Smith's iconic comic shop Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash, the show explores every nook and cranny of Fanboy culture from A to Z. Endless circular debates about the technical accuracy of the USS Enterprise's warp-core schematics? Snarky comic aficionados with an encyclopedic knowledge of every Marvel back issue? You bet.
A chronicle of the growth of comic books as a new American art form exploring the decades-long relationship and rivalry between Marvel and DC Comics.
Kazuki, a Japanese high school student, is dragged into the world of fan comics along with his friend Mizuki by the scheming Taishi. Taishi soon convinces Kazuki to draw his own fan comic, but Mizuki, who hates the large crowds and long lines of comic book conventions, fiercely opposes the idea. As Kazuki's obsession with finishing his comic in time for the next convention threatens his schoolwork and his relationships, he becomes estranged from Mizuki.
Dilbert is an animated television series adaptation of the comic strip of the same name, produced by Adelaide Productions, Idbox, and United Media and distributed by Columbia TriStar Television. The first episode was broadcast on January 25, 1999, and was UPN's highest-rated comedy series premiere at that point in the network's history; it lasted two seasons on UPN and won a Primetime Emmy before its cancellation.
In the early Republic of China, police officer A Lai is saved by a mysterious woman, Lu Na, who falls into a coma. Using her comic books, he solves cases and uncovers clues about her past, all while facing rising dangers linked to his newfound success.
From Carol Danvers and Wanda Maximoff to the women of Wakanda and The Guardians of the Galaxy, this series unpacks the journeys of these characters from their birth in Marvel Comics to the MCU and beyond. Archival footage, imaginative animation and candid interviews work in tandem to profile how these characters and the women behind their success have impacted fans around the world!
Bob is an American television situation comedy which ran on CBS from September 18, 1992 until December 27, 1993. It was the third sitcom starring vehicle for Bob Newhart, and proved to be far less successful than The Bob Newhart Show and Newhart, his previous outings with the network. Bill Steinkellner, Cheri Steinkellner and Phoef Sutton comprised the creative writing team behind the show. The series was produced by Paramount Television. All 33 episodes became available on DVD April 3, 2012.
Dark Oracle is a Canadian-produced TV series that premiered in 2004 on the popular Canadian channel YTV. It was created by Jana Sinyor, and co-developed by Heather Conkie. In 2005, Dark Oracle won the International Emmy for Best Children's and youth program.
Milo and Ruby are an improbable pair who are setting out to do the impossible: create the greatest comic book the world’s ever seen!
Teenage friends plan an epic trip to Comic-Con to meet their idol, only to get caught in one hilariously awkward predicament after another.
Examines the dawn of the comic book genre and its powerful legacy, as well as the evolution of the characters who leapt from the pages over the last 75 years and their ongoing worldwide cultural impact. It chronicles how these disposable diversions were subject to intense government scrutiny for their influence on American children and how they were created in large part by the children of immigrants whose fierce loyalty to a new homeland laid the foundation for a multi-billion-dollar industry that is an influential part of our national identity.
Comics Britannia is a three-part documentary series from BBC Four which started on 10 September 2007. It was then repeated on BBC Two starting on 19 July 2008. The series looks at the history of the British comic and is also the centre of a Comics Britannia season.
Explore Marvel’s rich legacy of pioneering characters, creators and storytelling to reflect the world outside your window. Each documentary, helmed by a unique filmmaker, showcases the intersections of storytelling, pop culture, and fandom within the Marvel Universe.
Suddenly, Fei Xingkong and Si Rui discovered that they were confined to a comic book cage. Their desire was to return to the real world. But in the world of stories that never stops changing, they were forced to escape the total control of the "author"...
In a post hacker-war world, a genetically enhanced she-weapon searches for her lost identity while uncovering the conspiracy for global control.
Almost Heroes follows Terry who returns home after hearing of his father’s death to help his younger brother Peter tie up loose ends and hopefully, sell the family business: a comic book store called the Silver Salmon. He arrives to find the store in financial ruin and his brother incapable of making any decision other than which super power he wished he had. The brothers put their differences aside to revive the business along with the help of the mall security guard Boyd, childhood friend Bernie and property manager Rayna.
Inspired by Tiziano Sclavi's Dylan Dog, Dylan Dawn is a "Nightmare Investigator" who lives with his eccentric assistant Bang and solves cases dealing with the paranormal.
Self-Obsessed is a comedic look at the life of a gay LA-based cartoonist who struggles to find his creative mojo amidst a break-up, a book cancellation, and an overall crisis of faith in his own work. Based off the Image Comics graphic novel of the same name.