关键词 Car Race
赛车总动员2 2011
和上集一样,由欧文·威尔逊配音的主角“闪电麦昆”(Lightning McQueen)依然要参加各种赛车比赛,不过这次他将跨出美国国门、周游世界。拉塞特透露,麦昆和他的团队将辗转5个国家,参加F1赛车和拉力赛的重大赛事:第一站是日本东京,他们要从富士山出发,往市区开;第二站是德国,他们要穿过黑森林;第三站是意大利的“Porto Corsa”大赛,它类似于蒙特卡洛汽车大赛;第四站是巴黎的24小时拉力赛;最后一站是伦敦,这也是全片的高潮部分,终点是白金汉宫,有趣的是王宫守卫也是汽车(路虎)。 除了精彩的赛车部分,在《赛车总动员2》中还有另一条故事线,主要是围绕拖车板牙(Mater)展开的,这个角色由“有线电视的拉瑞”(Larry the Cable Guy,艺名)配音。拖车板牙在救了一个英国秘密特工“Finn McMissile”(车型为阿斯顿·马丁)后,被人错当成间谍,卷入了麻烦之中。
速度与激情7 2015
经历了紧张刺激的伦敦大战,多米尼克·托雷托(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)和他的伙伴们重新回归平静的生活,但是江湖的恩恩怨怨却决不允许他们轻易抽身而去。棘手的死对头欧文·肖瘫在医院,不得动弹,他的哥哥戴克·肖(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Stantham 饰)则发誓要为弟弟复仇。戴克曾是英国特种部队的王牌杀手,不仅身怀绝技,而且心狠手辣。他干掉了远在东京的韩,还几乎把探长卢克·霍布斯(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)送到另一个世界,甚至多米尼克那世外桃源般的家也被对方炸毁。复仇的利刃已经架在脖子上,多米尼克再也没有选择,他找到长久以来最为信赖的团队,与来势汹汹的戴克展开生死对决……
回到未来 1985
赛车总动员 2006
快到不行 2015
极速车王 2019
基于真实故事,聚焦由汽车设计师卡罗尔·谢尔比带领的一队美国工程师、设计师,以及他旗下的英国车手肯·迈尔斯,亨利·福特二世要求谢尔比打造一辆全新的赛车,希望能在 1966 年的勒芒世界锦标赛上打败长期占主导地位的法拉利。最终福特 GT40 在勒芒 24 小时耐力赛中成功击败法拉利,并蝉联了 1967 和 1968 年的冠军。
死亡飞车 2008
本片翻拍自1975年的那部由史泰龙主演的《死亡飞车》。 故事发生在不远的未来,一片后工业时代的荒凉废墟之上,有一座装满了各种凶神恶煞的监狱,里面的每一个犯人都曾犯下了穷凶极恶的罪行……这座监狱里的犯人们有着一个非常可怕的“娱乐项目”,其实也是监狱长强加在他们身上的,那就是每年都要举行一次残忍恐怖的体育赛事——死亡飞车,监狱长则通过网络视频让全世界都看到整个比赛过程中的血腥和暴力,以此牟取高额的利润。由于犯人可以用各种高端武器武装自己的赛车,所以在这样的竞技舞台上,纵然是壮观且引人入胜,可性命也会在瞬间陨落。 到目前为止,已经当过三次赛车冠军的詹森·艾姆斯,算得上是这片荒蛮之地的生存专家了,也许这正好也应验了詹森常挂在嘴边的那句话:我不相信还能出现比现在更加糟糕的状况。确实,詹森正在为不是他所犯下的罪行坐牢,那是一起手段极其残忍的凶杀案,而被害人则是詹森的妻子……其实,詹森还有几个星期的时间就可以刑满释放了,然而他却被迫再一次戴上了面具,伪装成神秘的赛车手'科学怪人'——观众最喜爱的赛车手之一,就好像是拥有不死身的怪物一样。詹森根本就没有回旋的余地,因为“终端岛屿”的监狱长给了他一个不是选择的选择:要么穿上伪装去赛车,要么在自己的牢房中直到腐烂。 被这样一个金属面具遮去了真实面容,詹森以一个囚犯的身份加入到这场惊心动魄、为期三天的竞赛当中,而他需要做的,就是在一大群最**的罪犯的交叉火力攻击之下寻找突破口以求生存,因为这次比赛的胜者将获得'自由之身'的奖励。与“科学怪人”的外形相匹配的是詹森所驾驶的那辆怪物车,车身上则配备着机关枪、喷火器和枪榴弹发射器,这个绝望的男人,发誓要摧毁一切阻挡他赢得这场地球上最可怕的赛事的障碍。
极速蜗牛 2013
在某个普通的郊外住宅区青草丛内,生活着一群普普通通的菜园蜗牛。这群慢吞吞的小家伙安于现状,朝九晚五,躲避着人类和乌鸦等强大天敌的袭击,享受着来自大自然的馈赠。但是,在它们中间却有一个异想天开的家伙,它叫特伯(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 配音),极度崇拜方程 式赛车手盖·盖尼耶,梦想能够体验风驰电掣所带来的无上快感。在一次意外事件过后,特伯的身体悄悄发生了变化,它拥有梦寐以求的极速,俨然成为一辆蜗牛赛车,并且盲打误撞被带入人类社会。从此以后,印第安纳波利斯的500赛车赛不再是梦想,特伯注定在人类世界书写属于刺激的速度传奇…
我在雨中等你 2019
影片改编自Garth Stein所著同名畅销小说,聚焦一只名叫恩佐的狗狗,和他的主人——职业赛车手Denny Swift,恩佐跟着Denny学会了很多生活哲学。
回到未来2 1989
马丁(Michael J. Fox 饰)才回到现实世界与女友团聚,布朗博士(Christopher Lloyd 饰)就心急火燎地把他们带到了30年后的未来世界,原来这一次是马丁未来的两个孩子因参与抢劫锒铛入狱,博士要携马丁一起阻止悲剧发生。周旋一番后,两个孩子被成功挽救,但三人回到现实世界后,却发现周遭发生了天翻地覆的变化,世界被贝夫(Thomas F. Wilson饰)所控制,马丁的父亲乔治惨死,母亲洛莲(Lea Thompson 饰)竟然成了贝夫的妻子!这一切都是因为时光机器的秘密不慎被未来的老贝夫识破,他偷偷回去捣鬼,竟因此使得整个世界都在他的掌握下!马丁与博士再次踏上时光穿梭的征途,希望将世界扳回正轨。
极速60秒 2000
孟菲斯(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是这个世界上最高明的窃车贼,人们形容他为“gone in 60 seconds”,即只要他盯上的车停在这里,他60秒内便能连人带车一起消失得无影无踪。孟菲斯终究厌倦了窃车贼的虽然惊险刺激但重压在身的生活,宣布金盘洗手了。但他的弟弟却想步其后尘,不料很快就卷入了一次黑帮危险的交易中。孟菲斯为了救出兄弟,只好重操旧业,答应黑帮一晚内偷来60辆车。不料,警察正在密切监视着孟菲斯。当他偷得最后一辆“悍马”卡车时,警车、警察直升机尾随而至,展开了一场马路追逐……
死神来了4 2009
极速风流 2013
一直以来,尼基 和詹姆斯 都是针锋相对的死对头。尼基认真严肃,对赛车的职业十分尊重,詹姆斯喜欢铤而走险,将赛车作为自己寻花问柳的筹码,虽然两人有着截然不同的个性,但他们之间的较量却从未停止过。 为了改变自己不够成熟的性格,詹姆斯和偶然遇见的名模苏西 结婚了,尼基亦找到了自己的一生挚爱并且加入了法拉利车队,而此时生活已经走上了下坡路的詹姆斯则加入了麦克拉伦车队,一对冤家再次站在了人生的战场之上。一次比赛中,天降大雨,尼基出了车祸身受重伤,詹姆斯因此夺得了冠军。可是,尼基并没有因此而放弃,在极短的时间内,尽管受到了众人的制止,但他依然毅然地回到了赛场上。
急速首尔 2022
1988 年首尔奥运会前夕,一支由车手和机械师组成的临时团队担任卧底,去瓦解一个巨大洗钱网络。
死亡飞车4:混乱之上 2018
猫和老鼠:飙风天王 2005
疯狂金车 2005
少女玛姬(琳赛·露安 Lindsay Lohan 饰)来自一个赛车手世家,爷爷和爸爸都曾是NASCAR的冠军,玛姬的血液里自然也流淌着对赛车的热情,然而因为几年前的一次意外,玛姬的父亲开始阻拦她成为一名职业赛车手。一个偶然的机会,玛姬在汽车废弃场廉价购入了一辆破旧的甲壳虫贺比,竟不知不觉地开启了她的奇幻赛车之旅:贺比显然不是普通的汽车,它先是让玛姬误打误撞参加了NASCAR挑战赛,更是在险要关头帮玛姬跑赢了卫冕冠军墨菲(马特·狄龙 Matt Dillon 饰),种种迹象让玛姬意识到,贺比其实是一辆有灵性的疯狂汽车,它不仅和玛姬一样有着夺冠的职业理想,还爱管闲事,乐于撮合有情人。然而激速的赛车场并非儿戏,年轻的玛姬和上了年纪的贺比究竟能走多远? 本片翻拍自迪士尼1968年的经典冒险喜剧电影《万能金龟车》,金龟车“贺比”诞生后很快便跻身迪士尼经典形象的行列。
美国风情画 1973
1962年,Curt Henderson(理查德·德莱弗斯 Richard Dreyfuss 饰)、Steve Bolander(朗·霍华德 Ron Howard 饰)、John Milner(保罗·勒马特 Paul Le Mat 饰)还有Terry "The Toad" Fields(查尔斯·马丁·史密斯 Charles Martin Smith 饰)四个普通的青年在晚上相聚,为即将去外地读大学的Curt和Steve送别。Steve把他的汽车借给了Toad,Toad需要这辆车去寻找他的爱情。Curt开车在马路上,听到一个金发女郎对他说“I love you!”,他急切想找到这个女人,却在路上让另一个女孩上了他的汽车。而Steve也在忙着处理和女友Laurie(辛迪·威廉姆斯 Cindy Williams饰)的关系。John 则准备和另一个人赛车。Toad则认识了另一个美女Debbie(坎迪·克拉克 Candy Clark 饰),两人把车开到了郊外,却意外把车给丢了......在这个夜里,这四个青年的活动为我们展现了六十年代初美国人的精神和生活状态。 本片被提名当年奥斯卡最佳影片,最佳导演和最佳女配角等几个奖项。
死亡飞车2 2010
Initial D 1998
Takumi’s job as a tofu delivery boy has turned him into one of the most formidable drivers around. Behind the wheel of his Eight-Six, he’s one with the road—and his life shifts into high gear when the underground street racing world takes notice. Drivers from across the region are lining up for a shot at the new guy. Takumi’s not just focused on winning—he’s out to prove he’s the best.
Wangan Midnight 2007
After losing a street race to Tatsuya Shima's legendary "Blackbird" Porsche 911 Turbo, high school student Akio Asakura purchases a heavily-modified first-generation Datsun S30 Fairlady Z from a junkyard. The car has a dark history of accidents, leading some to believe it's cursed; hence its nickname "Devil Z." Akio also discovers that the Z's first owner shared his first and last name, and was killed in the car during a race with the Blackbird. Meanwhile, fashion model Reina Akikawa joins the rivalry between Akio and Tatsuya with her modified Nissan Skyline GT-R R32.
Street Outlaws 2013
From a 1969 Chevy Nova to a race-ready farm truck, the vehicles - and their drivers - come in all shapes and sizes and have one thing in common: the need for speed. But according to the STREET OUTLAWS of Oklahoma City - home to one of the largest undercover street racing rings in America – if you’re not on “the list,” you don’t matter. The “list” contains the 10 fastest street-racing cars in Oklahoma City and they are the best of the best. Not only will these guys will do anything -ANYTHING- to get ranked on this list, they’ll do whatever it takes to STAY ranked. Street racing comes first - before family, before friends and before work. The stakes are high and these drivers will put everything on the line to get to top, where there can only be one #1.
Japan adopts self-driving electric automobiles and renders most gas engines obsolete by 202X. The fastest cars find new life in the MFG, a racing circuit held on Japanese motorways. Drivers from around the world race for a shot at the title. Kanata Rivington returns from Britain to Japan for the MFG—and to find his father. Can he win the title and find answers? Buckle up and push it to the limit!
Formula 1: Drive to Survive 2019
Drivers, managers and team owners live life in the fast lane - both on and off the track - during one cutthroat season of Formula 1 racing.
Appare-Ranman! 2020
During the back-end of the 19th century, the genius but socially awkward engineer Sorano Appare and the wise yet cowardly samurai Isshiki Kosame find themselves drifting in the sea between Japan and America. With no money, the duo decide to enter the Trans-America Wild Race to win the prize money so they can get home. The two encounter rivals, bandits, and challenges in the wilderness as they race through America, from the starting line in Los Angeles to the finish line in New York, in the steam-powered car they built.
Capeta 2005
Capeta is a Japanese sports manga and anime about kart racing by Masahito Soda. The manga won the Kodansha Manga Award for shōnen in 2005. The series consists of three separate arcs. The first is about Capeta's first experiences with kart racing at the age of 10. The next arc, which starts four years later, deals with Capeta trying to handle his growing financial issues due to the high cost involved in kart racing. The third is about Capeta trying to realize his dream of beating his rival and becoming a professional racer, venturing through into a more senior category: Formula Three. Both the anime and manga features numerous references and homages to Initial D and Best Motoring International references, as well as Formula One. In addition to this, there are many karting and racing references that not only add flesh to the story, but are also factual.
Haruka Asahina is a high school teen racing in Formula 4. He crosses paths with a washed-up photographer, Kōya Madoka, who decides to help Haruka realize his dream and reach the podium. The heat is on, and competition is fierce. Racing for the family-run Komaki Motors team means Haruka must push the car, and himself, to the limits to catch the attention of top teams. Buckle up, it’s time to race!
Blood Drive 2017
Set in a near-dystopian future, a former cop is forced to take part in a death race where the cars run on human blood. You lose a leg and you lose your head.
The Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1969
The Perils of Penelope Pitstop is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions that premiered on CBS on September 13, 1969. The show lasted two full seasons, with a total of 17 half-hour episodes produced and released, the last first-run episode airing on January 17, 1970. Repeats aired until September 4, 1971. It is a spin-off of the Wacky Races cartoon, reprising the characters of Penelope Pitstop and the Anthill Mob. This show airs reruns on Cartoon Network classic channel Boomerang.
Bad Obsession Motorsport - Project Binky 2013
In the first episode of Project Binky, we take a rotten old Austin Mini and strip it down to a bare shell. We then take an angle grinder to it and cut it to pieces. It's only then that the customised rebuilding process starts. We're trying to create one of the fastest Minis on the planet. We're going to rebuild it with the engine and running gear from a Toyota Celica ST185 GT4. Or at least that's the plan. Whether it comes off or not is another matter. We're filming this as it happens so what you see is only a few weeks behind where we're actually at so we're not sure yet whether we can do it. That's kind of the fun though. Stick with us through the highs and the lows of the project. Hopefully it'll be worth the agony and cash. Feel free to share it far and wide!
Drive 2007
Drive is an American action drama television series set against the backdrop of an illegal cross-country automobile road race, focusing on the willing and unwilling competitors and, as the plot develops, the unseen puppet masters who sponsor the race. Minear has described the show's thematic tone by saying "a secret, illegal, underground road race can be anything from Cannonball Run to The Game to North by Northwest to Magnolia-on-wheels. Ours is all those things."
Team Sonic Racing Overdrive 2019
Team Sonic, Team Rose, and Team Dark compete on the Wisp Circuit course, while Dr. Eggman is up to his usual trickery.
Idris Elba: No Limits 2015
Follow Idris as he pushes himself to the max to master some of the toughest speed disciplines in the world, before taking to both land and air to participate in some of the most fiercely fought competitions in sport.
Street Outlaws: America's List 2021
With names like Ryan Martin, Big Chief, Murder Nova, JJ Da Boss, Kye Kelley, Brian “Chucky” Davis, Birdman, Boddie, Johnny Quick, Mike Murillo and more, this is the moment viewers have been waiting for – the best drivers in America competing on a single night to determine once and for all who's the king of the streets.
GRAND PRIX Driver 2018
For the first time go inside McLaren, the most prestigious team in Formula 1 racing. Gain unprecedented access to the drivers, engineers, and leaders of McLaren to see what it takes to compete at the highest level.
Idris Elba: King of Speed 2013
Idris Elba travels from his childhood home in east London to 'Motor City' - Detroit - and then on to New Jersey where he delves into the history of the first boy racers and explores how the quest for high speed has shaped professional motorsport and popular culture.
Peking to Paris 2006
A 14,000 kilometer journey to re-enact one of the world’s greatest overland adventures – the most daring car race of them all.
Drift Lamborghini 2020
Mad' Mike Whiddett is addicted to building cars and his latest passion is converting a Lamborghini Huracan into a drift supercar. Will he have it ready for the 2019 Goodwood Festival of Speed?
MiniDrivers 2008
A Spanish animated YouTube series, that reviews Formula One races.