关键词 Rap Music
冲出康普顿 2015
1980年代中期,加州康普顿的街头因犯罪、毒品、黑帮等问题成为美国最危险的地方之一,五个出身此地的年轻人:爱斯·库柏(小奥谢拉·杰克逊 O'Shea Jackson Jr. 饰)、MC Ren(阿尔迪斯·霍吉 Aldis Hodge 饰)、德瑞博士(科里·霍金斯 Cor ey Hawkins 饰)、DJ耶拉(小尼尔·布朗 Neil Brown Jr. 饰)、Eazy-E(杰森·米切尔 Jason Mitchell 饰)集合起来,组成了说唱组合N.W.A,将他们的成长经历转化成粗鲁直接的音乐,并借此向当局传达他们的反抗心声。
8英里 2002
1995年冬天的底特律,每逢周末乐手们都会聚在一家名为The Shelter的Hip-Hop俱乐部进行一对一的为时一分钟的表演比赛,吉米·史密斯(艾米纳姆 Eminem 饰)是众多黑人乐手中另类的白,虽然他很有实力,却在上台表演时因紧张卡壳,只得到一片喝倒彩的嘲笑声。除了要勇敢面对被起哄的人群轰下台的尴尬,吉米还要应付与母亲(金·贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)及同母异父的妹妹一起生活在狭小局促的拖车里的难堪。而母亲的男友、黑人与白人的平行线关系、他的工作和感情等等,也都是他的压力。他试图冲破家庭与团体的束缚,用音乐表达出对生活的愤怒和不满,然而他首先要解决的,是战胜怯弱的自己。
万无一失 2014
危险游戏 1995
露安(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)曾经是海军陆战队中的一员,在军营里度过了九个年头,练就了一身非凡的本领和一颗钢铁般的心脏。退伍后,对教育充满了热情的露安决定成为一名教师,准备将她从军期间学习到的精神发扬光大。谁知道刚到学校的第一天露安便知道自己遇见了难啃的骨头,原来她所教导的,竟然是一群丝毫不遵守规章制度的问题学生。在经历了起初的挫败后,露安很快就调整了战术,她发现这些孩子表面上桀骜不驯,但其实内心却有着向善的火种。凯丽的意外怀孕(布鲁克琳·哈里斯 Bruklin Harris 饰)、埃米利奥(Wade Dominguez 饰)无法自控的暴力倾向、洛尔(雷诺里·圣地亚哥 Renoly Santiago 饰)的自卑和懦弱,且看露安如何用真情和爱心帮助这些迷途的羔羊找到回家的路。
花园里的萤火虫 2008
"童年时代的悲惨遭遇让迈克尔(瑞安·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)和父亲查尔斯(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)之间有着深深的隔阂,如今已经是一位知名小说家的迈克尔刚刚完成了一本名叫《花园里的萤火虫》的小说,这本小说记载了他童年的全部伤痛。 母亲丽莎(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)终于完成大学的喜讯让迈克尔回到了家乡,这里有他所熟悉的一切,亦有让他痛苦不已的往昔。不幸的是,当迈克尔踏进家门之时,等待着他的却是母亲在车祸中不幸丧生的噩耗,看着悲痛的父亲,迈克尔开始重新思考起亲情的意义。对于迈克尔的新书,父亲暴跳如雷,他将它看作是儿子对于自己的控诉,矛盾重新在父子两人之间爆发开来。"
川流熙攘 2005
迪杰(泰伦斯•霍华德 Terrence Dashon Howard 饰)是一个皮条客, 每天和妓女诺拉(塔恩•曼宁 Taryn Manning 饰)在汽车上接客,日子极为无聊,深感中年危机。在一次黑市交易中,迪杰买到了一个卡通电子钢琴,唤起了自己关于唱诗班的回忆。他得知嘻哈巨星凯尼布莱克(卢达•克里斯 Ludacris 饰)将在7月4日开演唱会。他希望能够录自己的demo小样,寄给这位嘻哈界的大腕。于是,迪杰开始重新组建乐队,找到昔日唱诗班的老友凯(安东尼•安德森 Anthony Anderson 饰),白人钢琴师布莱尔,孕妇莎戈(塔拉吉•P•汉森 Taraji P. Henson 饰)等人帮忙,一步一步实现着自己的理想。他把自己底层生活的经验变成了歌词,用激情荡漾的演绎,征服了媒体和乐迷,然而正当他即将大红时,却因为一次莫名其妙的官司锒铛入狱…
不羁小子 1991
探访惊魂 2015
单亲妈妈罗莱塔(凯瑟琳·哈恩 饰)送女儿贝卡(奥利维亚·德扬 饰)和儿子泰勒(艾德·奥克森博尔德 饰)到乡下探访外祖父母,姐弟二人原本以为这是一次愉快的探亲之旅,没想到的是,外表慈爱的外祖父 (皮特·麦克罗比 饰)与外祖母(狄安娜·杜纳甘 饰),背后却隐藏着凶残的一面,还对两个小孩施以残暴的恐吓,而姐弟俩则用录像机记录下了这一切...
星期五 1995
克雷格(艾斯·库珀 Ice Cube 饰)最近厄运连连,不仅丢掉了工作,生活亦陷入了窘境之中。父亲整日跟在他的屁股后头催他找工作,让克雷格烦不胜烦,他从家中躲了出去,找到朋友史麦格(克里斯·塔克 Chris Tucker 饰)散心。史麦格是个彻头彻尾的大烟鬼,在他的生命之中,毒品是最重要,且唯一的信仰。 然而,正是史麦格对于毒品的沉迷让他遇上了大麻烦,他竟然没能控制住冲动,将毒贩大虫子(费松·拉夫 Faizon Love 饰)托付给他卖的价值两百美元的毒品给抽了个精光!这也就意味着,如果不能在限定时间内将毒款交给大虫子,那么他们就要有大麻烦了,而一直和史麦格混在一起的克雷格自然也不能幸免于难。
再无可失 1997
任职于广告公司的尼克(蒂姆•罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)深爱自己的妻子,时常为工作拖累而不能陪伴妻子感到内疚,这天客户取消了约会使尼克可以提前回家,然而他看到的却是妻子正和自己的上司偷情,万念俱灰的尼克一言不发开车离家,劫匪泰伦斯(马丁•劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)半路冲上了尼克的车打劫,可身材矮小的泰伦斯根本无法唬住狂暴状态的尼克,尼克驾车一路狂奔,将泰伦斯带到了亚利桑那。身无分文的两人很快开始为钱担忧,在泰伦斯的示范下,尼克很快也学起了行劫,并且计划偷窃上司的巨额现金。初出茅庐的尼克二人组被拥有当地“犯罪专属权”的另一对儿匪徒痛打,侥幸逃脱后尼克与泰伦斯开始执行盗窃计划,而他们的犯罪行为很快遭遇了一系列变故……
野兽男孩的故事 2020
该片是斯派克·琼斯与野兽男孩组合(Beastie Boys)的两位成员Mike Diamond、Adam Horovitz共同合作的作品,讲述该组合成员间长达40年私人友谊的故事,野兽男孩是名噪一时的白人说唱组合,融合了后朋克等音乐元素,在说唱历史上享有崇高地位。
女人四十玩说唱 2020
郊区男孩 2019
15 岁的努穆克必须决定跟随哪一位兄弟的脚步:法律专业学生索莱马,还是暴徒德姆巴。凯利·詹姆斯担任编剧和联合导演。
印度有嘻哈 2019
束缚 2012
在一个晴朗的日子里,小男孩提姆(Evan Bird 饰)和妈妈从电影院走出,乘坐出租车回家。谁知他们遭遇了一个连环杀人狂司机,司机鲍勃(文森特·诺费奥 Vincent D'Onofrio 饰)将母子掳至自己的住所,在残忍杀害了妈妈后,却为提姆留下一条性命。鲍勃给他起名小兔,要求小兔按自己的要求收拾房间、阅读报纸的失踪消息、协助处理牺牲者的尸体,稍不顺意或者流露逃跑的企图便会遭到一顿毒打。此去经年,小兔(Eamon Farren 饰)长大成人,他与鲍勃的关系微妙和谐,有如一对相互依存又彼此束缚的父子,在与世隔绝的小屋内孤独生存……
歇菜 2018
Eminem监制的Rap battle题材影片[成形](Bodied,暂译)释出预告。故事聚焦于美国的说唱比赛和种族关系。约瑟夫·卡安执导,Charlamagne tha God、黛布拉·威尔逊、卡勒姆·沃西、安东尼·迈克尔·豪尔、瑞恩·奥查、杰基·朗、沃特尔·派瑞兹等出演。即将在9月的#多伦多电影节#首映。
帕蒂蛋糕$ 2017
图派克:风华再现 2003
来自美国的莫里斯 2016
Freestyle Dungeon 2015
DAVE 2020
A suburban neurotic man in his late 20s has convinced himself that he’s destined to be one of the best rappers of all time. Now he must convince his closest friends, because with their help, he might actually convince the world.
The Defiant Ones 2017
A four-part documentary series that tells the stories of Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre -- one the son of a Brooklyn longshoreman, the other straight out of Compton - -- and their improbable partnership and surprising leading roles in a series of transformative events in contemporary culture.
Dealer 2021
Tensions erupt when two filmmakers infiltrate an area ruled by gangs to shoot a music video for a rapper in this gritty found-footage series.
Show Me the Money 2012
From newcomers to rappers already loved by many fans, all gather to compete against each other in order to pick the best Hip hop entertainer. The one that receives the most votes from the audience takes it all.
Freestyle Teacher 2020
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 1990
Will, a street-smart teenager, moves from the tough streets of West Philly to posh Bel-Air to live with his Uncle Philip, Aunt Vivian, his cousins — spoiled Hilary, preppy Carlton and young Ashley — and their sophisticated British butler, Geoffrey. Though Will’s antics and upbringing contrast greatly with the upper-class lifestyle of his extended relatives, he soon finds himself right at home as a loved part of the family.
Blinded by the Lights 2018
An eight-episode story charting seven days from the life of a cocaine dealer whose perfectly organized life begins to sink into chaos while he is forced to make the most important choices in his life.
All the Way Up 2020
A talented young rapper, supported by his two childhood friends, finds himself overnight "validated" by one of the stars in the business. Only, this alliance quickly turns into a dangerous rivalry ...
Queens 2021
Estranged and out-of-touch, four women in their 40s reunite for a chance to recapture their fame and regain the swagger they had as the Nasty Bitches—their ‘90s group that made them legends in the hip-hop world.
Yo! MTV Raps 1988
Popular rap music videos showcased along with live performances and interviews with notable rap artists.
The Rap Game 2016
Set in Atlanta’s hip hop scene, The Rap Game follow five young hip hop artists, ages 12 to 16 years old, as they work with Dupri and special guests such as Usher, Ludacris, Da Brat, T.I. and Silentó, to become the next big, young rap star.
HYPNOSISMIC -Division Rap Battle- Rhyme Anima 2020
Legendary rap group The Dirty Dawg could have taken Japan by storm, but then they broke up. Now each member fights in one of the four rival groups. Battles for turf are fought with rap and the Hypnosis Mic, a microphone that can affect the human spirit.
Wu-Tang Clan: Of Mics and Men 2019
Transcending the music documentary genre by creating a new lane that merges music, socio-cultural commentary and and intimate family portrait of the Wu-Tang Clan.
Mood 2022
Sasha, a 25-year-old wannabe singer and rapper thrown out of home, but right now she’s a bedroom artist spending her days smoking weed, stalking her ex-boyfriend on social media and avoiding her family.
64 Bars 2018
Graffiti Rock 1984
Graffiti Rock was a hip-hop based television program, originally screened June 29, 1984. Intended as an on-going series, the show only received one pilot episode and aired on WPIX channel 11 in New York City and 88 markets around the country, to good Nielsen ratings. Graffiti Rock resembled a hip hop version of the popular television dance shows at the time such as Soul Train and American Bandstand. The show was created and hosted by Michael Holman, who was the manager of the popular break-dancing crew, the New York City Breakers. The episode features Run D.M.C., Shannon, The New York City Breakers, DJ Jimmie Jazz and Kool Moe Dee and Special K of the Treacherous Three. The New York City Breakers, who were fresh off of their success from the movie, Beat Street, made a showcase appearance. The episode also features television and film actress, Debi Mazar and actor/director Vincent Gallo as dancers on the show. A segment of the show was sampled on The Beastie Boys' LP Ill Communication. "[...] alright, you're scratchin it right now, cut the record back and forth against the needle, back and forth, back and forth, make it scratch, but let me tell you something don't try this at home on your dad's stereo only under hiphop supervision, alright ?" The show has since become an important 'must-see' for hip-hop enthusiasts, alongside such titles as Wild Style and Beat Street.
Partners in Rhyme 2021
A legendary rapper manages the budding career of her niece in order to save her own while also managing massive debt.
Do You Know Hip Hop 2020
Do You Know Hip Hop will feature rappers who actively promoted from the late 1990s to the early 2000s and pioneered the hip hop genre in Korea. The contestants who once captivated fans of the hip hop genre will once again showcase their unique charms and swag that aren't limited by their age.