枪之子 2014
思怀兹饰演19岁的 JR,因为小偷小摸而被判六个月徒刑,关进了澳大利亚西部一座凶险的监狱。在狱中他受尽其他囚犯的折磨,直到被大佬林奇收入帐下。JR 帮助林奇成功越狱,两人之间建立了类似父子的关系,与东欧的犯罪头目兰诺克斯合作,抢劫位于澳大利亚卡尔古利耳朵金矿。JR 与兰诺克斯团伙中的女孩塔莎擦出火花,他的处境日益凶险,与林奇的冲突也不断增加……
思怀兹饰演19岁的 JR,因为小偷小摸而被判六个月徒刑,关进了澳大利亚西部一座凶险的监狱。在狱中他受尽其他囚犯的折磨,直到被大佬林奇收入帐下。JR 帮助林奇成功越狱,两人之间建立了类似父子的关系,与东欧的犯罪头目兰诺克斯合作,抢劫位于澳大利亚卡尔古利耳朵金矿。JR 与兰诺克斯团伙中的女孩塔莎擦出火花,他的处境日益凶险,与林奇的冲突也不断增加……
表面上,约书亚(詹姆斯·弗兰切威勒 James Frecheville 饰)只是一个17岁的普通少年,但他的一生注定不会平凡,因为自打出生起,他便背负了著名黑道家族——科迪家族之子的“好”名声。母亲的去世让他得以重新回到了这个充满了罪恶和争斗的家族里,尚未成熟的他会受到怎样的洗礼?而他和叔叔以及三个哥哥之间的关系会有着怎样的变化? 警探莱基(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)的出现给予了约书亚一种新的希望,他不懈的劝说着约书亚,希望他能够回归到正常的人生轨道上来。同时,警方盯上了科迪家族,只等待时机到来将他们一网打尽。在亲情和道义,人生和理想之间,年轻的约书亚不知道该何去何从。 ©豆瓣
1964年的澳洲。北半球已因核子战争残杀了很多人,南半球的居民也害怕核子幅射尘早晚会将他们杀死。此时,由杜威·陶华斯指挥的美国潜艇冒险开往加州,因为仍然有广播讯号从圣地牙哥转送过来,可是基地上驻军已全部死亡。另一方面,澳洲的几位主角则以不同的方式面对即将来临的世界未日:科学家朱利安·奥斯本在赢得一场赛车之后窒息而死;海军军官彼得.何姆斯则与妻儿全家自杀;社交名媛莫琳娜·大卫森企图藉酗酒忘掉恐惧,后来跟陶华斯谈了一场短暂的恋爱。 在一场神秘的核战争以后,除了澳大利亚,世界上大部分国家都毁灭了。当Peck带领的潜艇浮出水面的时候,被这一景象震惊了。一片放射云马上要靠近这块幸存的大陆,人们在等待自己的命运降临的时候开始反思人生。
影片根据澳大利亚及畅销小说家Peter Temple的系列小说改编。Jack的生活不能再糟糕了-他钟爱的足球俱乐部搬到另一个州了,最近一次的的赌马的胜利遥遥无期,而这个单身汉还在设法打理自己的生活。所以一个来自曾经的客户的Danny McKillop (Simon Russell) 的电话留言未能引起Peter的注意。然而之后Danny死了Jack必须重新面对阴暗的过去。黑色暗涌:Jack帮助了一个失去了儿子son Gary (Nicholas Coghlan)的老朋友Des Connors (Ron Jacobson)。当Jack开始深入挖掘这件事的时候,他发现Gary Connors是个隐藏了内情的人,而他的朋友和周围的有着更加阴暗和致命的秘密
Jack Irish 系列是根据澳大利亚及畅销小说家Peter Temple的系列小说改编。一身坏账:Jack的生活不能再糟糕了-他钟爱的足球俱乐部搬到另一个州了,最近一次的的赌马的胜利遥遥无期,而这个单身汉还在设法打理自己的生活。所以一个来自曾经的客户的Danny McKillop (Simon Russell) 的电话留言未能引起Peter的注意。然而之后Danny死了Jack必须重新面对阴暗的过去。黑色暗涌:Jack帮助了一个失去了儿子son Gary (Nicholas Coghlan)的老朋友Des Connors (Ron Jacobson)。当Jack开始深入挖掘这件事的时候,他发现Gary Connors是个隐藏了内情的人,而他的朋友和周围的有着更加阴暗和致命的秘密。
Homicide was an Australian television police drama series The series dealt with the homicide squad of the Victorian Police force and the various crimes and cases the detectives are called upon to investigate. Many episodes were based on real life crime cases.
The Sullivans is an Australian drama television series produced by Crawford Productions which ran on the Nine Network from 1976 until 1983. The series told the story of an average middle-class Melbourne family and the effect World War II had on their lives. It was a consistent ratings success in Australia, and also became popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Gibraltar and New Zealand.
Melbourne 1996. The Golden Age of Australian swimming is beginning and a scholarship to an exclusive boys school brings 16-year-old Danny Kelly one step closer to his ultimate goal - winning Olympic gold. Initially, Danny struggles to find his place in the prestigious social circles of the private boys school. However under the charge of highly regarded coach Frank Torma and a friendship/rivalry with teammate Martin Taylor, Danny is soon on track to become Australia’s youngest swimming champion, the unstoppable 'Barracuda'.
Series revolving around community youth radio station 99.9 Raw FM and the young people who run it.
In swinging 60’s Melbourne, gorgeously reckless Peregrine Fisher inherits a windfall when the famous aunt she never knew goes missing over the highlands of New Guinea. Peregrine must prove herself brilliant enough to become a world class private detective in her own right.
Follow the odyssey of three men: their quest to get inside the head of the modern woman, and find out where they went wrong.
Good Guys, Bad Guys was an Australian crime TV series that screened on the Nine Network between 1997 and 1998, with a telemovie and twenty-six episodes produced. A comedy/drama set in Melbourne. The program was written for, and starred, Marcus Graham as Elvis Maginnis. A disgraced former cop, tainted by his criminal family and framed for corruption, Elvis owns "K for Kleen" drycleaning, managed by the eminently more sensible Stella Kinsella and sweetheart Reuben Zeus who has Tourette syndrome. Elvis's attempts at a straight life are constantly compromised by the demands of his eccentric family, while Stella's attempts at making "K-for-Kleen" turn a profit are frustrated by Elvis's penchant for damsels in distress and a hard-luck story. He may not have a white stallion, but Elvis has a beautiful Charger. The program was filmed in Melbourne, predominantly around the inner-city "bohemian" suburbs of St. Kilda, Fitzroy and Carlton. The film style incorporated local colour - Melbourne trams, landmarks like Smith Street's Cobra cane furniture shop, and the Builder's Arms Hotel as Elvis's local - and a soundtrack of the then-latest Australian music, matched to the action. The Good Guys, Bad Guys soundtrack CD features Regurgitator, The Fauves, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Whitlams, The Avalanches, Spiderbait, The Cruel Sea and The Mavis's among others.
Follow the busy, aspirational lifestyles of a group of driven and ambitious women who enjoy the lavish, pampered and cultured lifestyle of Melbourne. Between them, they own private jets, amazing homes and are married to high profile businessmen, including one to a rock star and another to a plastic surgeon.
The lives of two generations of two wealthy families intertwine as they clash and connect over money, sex, scandals and secrets in Melbourne.
Stingers brings to light the life and work of an undercover police unit located in Melbourne. This dangerous work requires complete dedication, one slip can cost an operative their life.
Follows a family who live at Melbourne Zoo in Victoria, Australia. Doctor David Mitchell is the zoo's veterinarian. His children Nick and Susie love being with all the animals.
This drama mini-series follows a group of friends from the South Sudanese community living in Sunshine, a suburb in the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. The young men get entangled in a crime as they are hoping to make it as professional basketball players.
On 21st April 1976, gunmen held up more than 50 members of Melbourne’s venerable Victorian club, escaping with several million dollars in untraceable cash.The robbery had been so brilliantly planned and executed that police were left without a single clue–and so strict was the robbers’ code of silence that not even the underworld was aware of their identities.
Melbourne Weekender is hosted by Jo Silvagni. It's a weekly half-hour program showing how Melburnians can have a good weekend. The show airs on Channel 7 Melbourne, Saturdays at 5.30pm. Melbourne Weekender has a range of presenters who feature stories on gardening, pets, renovating, fishing, boating, dining, entertainment and where to take the family around Melbourne. Dr Katrina Warren is the vet dealing with pets and animals. Peter Mitchell covers entertainment and celebrities. Mel Kotsos looks at things to do with the family. Andrew Laidlaw covers gardening. Arni Sleemen is the cook that shows Melburnians the best places to dine. Reuben Buchanan covers health and fitness. The show is produced by Dreampool Productions and the website, which has free video segments available to watch, is built by Dreampool Digital.