Tim Barrett 死屋血浴 木乃伊的裹尸布 致命群蜂 精神病人 Disciple: Live, At Home, and On the Road Where the Bullets Fly It All Goes to Show White Cargo A Hole Lot of Trouble A Couple of Beauties The Boy Cried Murder Mayflower: The Pilgrims' Adventure Miss MacTaggart Won't Lie Down Talk of the Devil The Flying Sorcerer O.K. Yevtushenko 水晶鞋与玫瑰花 井下9人 井下9人 Dad's Army 百货店奇遇记 Come Back Mrs. Noah The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin 复仇者 纨绔双侠 3-2-1 侠探西蒙 Rings on Their Fingers That's My Boy My Wife Next Door Life Begins at Forty 政论双雄 The Kenny Everett Television Show Second Time Around The Hello Goodbye Man 侠探西蒙 The Corridor People Minder The New Adventures of Lucky Jim Terry and June Cribbins Terry and June Kelly Monteith Bless This House Please Sir!